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Contact 11 Approved For Release 2001/08/3 MET741300415RO0650040035-1 7 Out 6 In 5 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 12 May 1971 1. (Confidential - GLC) J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called today and asked if I had seen an advance copy of Paul Scott's column which is due for release on Friday, 14 May. I told him I had not. According to Sourwine, Scott's column says that North Korea is the number one hatchery for guerrilla terrorist training for the Soviet Union and Communist China. It says that the scope of North Korean training of guerrillas is growing and is a threat to the security of all developing countries "according to a CIA estimate now being circulated within the Nixon Administra- tion." The article goes on to say that Mexican officials have alerted U.S. authorities to the fact that two dozen North Korean-trained guerrillas have entered the United States in recent weeks. It adds that in Romania North Korean terrorists operating out of the country's embassy tried to seize a diplomatic pouch. The article winds up by stating that at least one of the persons believed to have been involved in the recent bombing of the Capitol and who fled to Cuba by way of Canada is believed to have been trained in North Korea. Sourwine asked if he could have access to the document mentioned in Scott's column or at least the sense of the information contained in it. I told him I would look into it and be back in touch with him. 2. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mr. Bun Bray, Staff Director, Manpower and Civil Service Subcommittee, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who told me that H. R. 3807, a bill to establish and govern the Federal Executive Service, is not scheduled for action in the Committee. He noted in part that Representative Derwinski (R. , Ill.) earlier this year in a Committee meeting told the Civil Service Chairman, Robert Hampton, in effect that this is not a good bill and the next time the Adminis- tration should check such items with the Republican members who are expected to defend such matters after they are referred to the Hill. Mr. Bray would like to avoid staff briefing of the detail of Agency problems with this legislation unless it appears that the bill is going to receive some consideration in the Subcommittee. He will keep me advised. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500040035-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/3S:&ff4B00415R000500040035-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 12 May 1971 3. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Don Henderson, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who will be leaving this week for a trip to Poland and debriefed him on certain sensitive intelligence and completed the necessary security debriefing documentation prior to his departure. 4. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Met with Mrs. Lois G. Meyers, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, Employee Benefits Subcommittee staff, who told me that the Committee meetings for today and tomorrow have been cancelled. Mr. Hal Witt, of the American Civil Liberties Union, has been rescheduled for Monday, 17 May. Department of Defense has requested that their appearance be deferred until after the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, Mr. Robert Hampton, who is presently scheduled for appearance on Wednesday, 19 May. 5. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Provided William K. Vaughan, Legislative Assistant to Representative Charles A. Vanik (D., Ohio), several Agency brochures for a constituent who is writing a term paper on the Central Intelligence Agency. 6. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Left an information copy of a response to an inquiry from Mrs. Carolle J. Carter by John M. Wigglesworth, Executive Secretary, Strategic Services Unit, with the receptionist in the office of Representative Donald Edwards (D. , Calif). Mrs. Carter had written to the Congressman and to the Agency concerning the activities of the Office of Strategic Services. 7. (Internal Use Only - RJK) Delivered to the offices of Senators John V. Tunney (D., Calif.), Edward Kennedy (D., Mass.), Jacob Javits (R. , N. Y.) and J. W. Fulbright (D. , Ark. which their names were mentioned. 8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Jack Norpel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee Staff, called on behalf of an IRS Agent, Robert Handley, who was investigating a number of individuals and wanted to know, before in- stituting action, whether the interests of any Federal agencies may be involved. (See Memorandum for Record for details. ) SECREI Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500040035-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : tr P74BOO415ROO0500040035-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Wednesday - 12 May 1971 9. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Met with David Minton, Staff Director and Counsel, Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee and discussed the prospects in the Senate for the Federal Executive Service legislation (H. R. 3807). Minton believes the legislation is a "warmed over" idea but said that Chairman Hampton's testimony was favorably received and that the legislation could move, but that amend- ments would be needed. Minton was sympathetic to our needs and said he was sure that Chairman McGee would agree with whatever we felt was necessary and this would apply to NSA as well. He said the FBI might have a hard time, however. He said the only one we would have to convince, if we were interested in pursuing clarifying amendments, would be Senator Hiram Fong (R., Hawaii), Ranking Minority Member and he felt we would be able to do this through a letter from the Director to Senator Fong. 10. (Unclassified - LLM) Called Mary Jane Del Balzo, in the office of Senator: Mike Mansfield (D. , Mont. ), in connection with the Senator's letter on behalf of and she suggested that we send application forms directly to the Senator's office, as had made the inquiry to the Senator. 11. (Confidential - GLC) OP/MMPD, called to let us know that when the Air Force people went back to see Mr. Robert Foster, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, concerning the item on Air Force personnel in the budget they said this had already been taken care of by our contact with the Committee and no :further problems were encountered. See Journal of 7 May 1971. 12. (Confidential - GLC) Talked at some length with Ed Braswell, Chief Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, about the situation regarding GAO's request to us for assistance in the study they are preparing at Senator McIntyre's request on U. S. and Soviet military R&D expenditures. It is Braswell's recommendation that we contact Senator McIntyre personally on this (without Committee staff present) and explain to him our problem with a GAO study and brief him on the subject matter involved. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500040035-1 Approved For Release 200eV / -RDP74BOO415R000500040035-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 12 May 1971 I told Marsh that our people were Lyenerally familiar w +1, by way of followup to his conversation with me concernin Page 4 STATOTHR STATOTHR 13. (Confidential - GLC) Called former Representative John Marsh w.....--u CL11U atou were aware OI .niS association with the Andrew Mellon sponsored or anization SCAF.. I told him it had also been brow ht to my STATOTHR attention that was a professor nd Marsh acknowledged this. I told him that in view of professorial sta4j#T TIR and the fact that our people felt any contact wi im y us at this time might be counterproductive for both of us, we preferred not to see him. seems to be doing very well on his own and it would seem best to le . im continue that way. Marsh said he certainly respected our judgment on this and. appreciated our looking into it. 14. (Confidential - GLC) Checked with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations Committee, about the timing of our briefing of the Senate Appropriations Committee on both the budgets of the intelligence community and the Agency. Woodruff agreed with my assumption that this would not take place next week, but would probably be scheduled some time during the last week of this month (the week of 24 May). I talked with him about the arrangements I would like to make with the Alderson Reporting Company if a transcript is to be taken and Woodruff had no problem with this at all. (This is essentially the same arrangement we have with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on their transcripts.) I will contact Mr. Frank Strout at Alderson to work out the details. I briefed Woodruff on a number of current intelligence items including: Soviet silo construction, Soviet Mongolian border forces, and Soviet port facility in Egypt. 15. (Internal Use Only - GLC) Picked up from J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, an advance copy of the Paul Scott column for 14 May and sent copies to Messrs. Goodwin, SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000500040035-1 Approved For Release 2001/05L9--DP74B00415R000500040035-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Wednesday - 12 May 1971 16. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Chairman James M. Hanley, Employee Benefits Subcommittee of House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, who welcomed the suggestion that the Subcommittee visit Headquarters for a breakfast briefing in the next several days and he said that Dick Barton, of his staff, would coordinate with other Subcommittee merribers and call me to work out arrangements. 17. (Confidential - JMM) Called William Thomson, in the office of Senator Clifford P. Hansen, who said that in view of the time deadline they had telegraphed to the Wyoming University newspaper, The Branding Iron, the Senator's open letter in response to Allen Ginsberg's open letter query to the Senator regarding Agency involvement in Southeast Asian drug traffic. Mr. Thomson said that nevertheless they planned to go ahead with a query to the Bureau of Narcotics which they hoped would produce an answer that could usefully be made public. 18. (Unclassified - JMM) Received a call from Ben Welles,of the New York Times, who said he understood that Representative Herman Badillo was introducing a bill forbidding the Agency to engage in paramilitary operations, and Wells wondered if this would get much support on the Hill and if we were seriously concerned. I said I didn't expect this bill to go very .far. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: ER 25X1A O/DDCI Mr. - Mr. Mr. Goodwin Mr. Houston DDI DDS DDS&T OPP:B 25X1A EA/DDP Item. 9-Pers Item. 10-Pers Item 13 -~ Approved For Release 2001/6 AIRDP74B00415R000500040035-1