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Document Release Date: 
April 29, 2003
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1959
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Ap 4, A -+s S&R P80B01676R000800020 rove PeRWIlj9?pe ? 3/05W: Pursuant to your request at the Deputies' Meeting this morning, I have prepared the attached proposed reply to Mr. Stans` letter of 9 September 1959. On file OMB release instructions apply. Ap, 18 Sep 59 roW Fffi&lease 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BQ 676R00080002 FORM IQI REPLACES C MAY FORM 10-101 1 AUG 54 WH USED. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R00080M)ZO g9%3943A Executive Regis" 04 1 am voty &=I"" i m rabod an ter .- t tI *n Pe SIGNED Alka V. LEW" Director DD/S: LKW:laq Distribution- 0 & 1 Add via DD/S & Compt ; -ER 1 N DCI 1 - DDCI 1 N COMPT ~ w/basic 1 w DD/S chrono I - DD/S subject I - DD/S reading CONCUR: L. K. White :Deputy Director (Support) 18 Sep 59 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800020041-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RBM ~' 67*R000800020041-9 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Dear M - Bitllee: I have just finished reading a trip report recently completed by my staff and am passing it along for your perusal and possible use. The report, which concentrates on your cold war activities, was most interesting to me, as I am sure it will be to you. The report alludes to several areas which could have considerable budget impact in the future. In addition, I would like to raise the question of the feasibility of merging Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty facilities. I hope you will give this idea, as well as those mentioned in the body of the report, your personal attention as we approach the time for a settlement of your Agency's 1961 budget levels. sincerely yours, Honorable Allen Dulles Director of Central Intelligence Washington 25, D- C. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800020041-9 Approved For Release 2000165 RDP80BO1676R000800020041-9 G Report on 1959 European Field Trip Study of CIA Cold War Activities and Related USIA Programs This report is the result of a field trip made by staff members of the Bureau of the Budget to USIA and CIA installations in In all cases field represent- atives were fully cooperative in extending assistance and support to the Bureau of the Budget survey. The primary purpose of the trig was to gain a detailed knowledge of .political and psychological programs conducted by the two agencies in their foreign operational environment. Of particular concern to the Bureau were the method and extent to which the overt information e political action programs of CIA, moreover, were studied on a y~roject-by-project basis, and considerable attention was devoted to management relationships between field and headquarters within the Agency. Because of the limited time available, no effort was made to review the conventional intelligence collection activities of CIA. Roughly f CIA's dollar resources are expended directly for cold war (PP) activities. As will become evident, the term is extremely broad in its a_,plication and permits a great diversity of covert U. S. governmental activity throughout the world. These activi- ties are normally planned and conducted on an annual project basis, subject to periodic renewal after appropriate foreign .policy coordination with the Department of State. This phase of Agency effort has become increasingly significant in recent years. Because the Agency budget document contains very little substantive information on PP programs, the only practical. way of comprehending them and relating them to other U. S. Government programs is through a project-by-project review. Such was the .procedure followed in conducting this study. Conclusicns 2. The planning and programming cycle within CIA is so lengthy and complex that it tends on the one hand to delay the timely initiation of hard-hitting projects and on the other to inhibit the modification or cancellation of marginal projects. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800020041-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP8 ZBV1676R000800020041-9 3. CID station chiefs lack the discretionary authority and flexibility needed to keep PP operations closely attuned to the constantly changing international and national situations. -I. Project reporting requirements within CIA are excessively burdensome and result in a huge flow of paper which, in fact, may actually reduce effectiveness. 5. Over the years CIA has developed a vast network of 0 of whose activities appear to be of marginal value to U. S. foreign policy interests. Discussion 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP Q 676R000800020041-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP 7M00800020041-9 CIA programming procedure 25X1 25X1 This type of long-rare programming, with senior officials involving themselves in operational details of individual projects, is obviously cumbersome and not geared to react quickly to current political and economic conditions. In one instance we were told of a project which after six months, still had not received Washington approval or disapproval and which meanwhile had lost much of it. timeliness. To a large extent PP activities are conducted through assets of long-time duration. As a consequence field estimates often are nothing but requests for the continuation of existing operating levels, without particular regard for operational conditions which may prevail a year and a half hence. To a degree the budget cycle itself requires this type of prograriuning; ho4rever the procedure becomes objectionable when the dollar levels at which projects are approved are adhered to with considerable rigidity. Because of the difficulty in obtaining headquarters approval to changes in project levels, field estimates tend to be inflated; further, the long lead time discourages the hard-headed evaluation which might lead to a more timely cancellation of marginal projects. D