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Oswald Case figure' Promoted s., Kingston, Jamaica, where he- report, dated July 11, 1961, in- light of his bad judgment of :. he, , dicating the defector had under- Oswald.. served as deputy chief of the''' WASHINGTON -- Boris H. :-secret ;police, Intelligence dnd grams already has questioned Klosson, the State Department ^' assassination organization).." Abba Schwartz, head of the Bu official who played a'key` role, BACK IN MOSCOW reau of Security & Consular In .clearing the way for Lee According to' the records of fairs, about, Klosson's dispatch. I.. Harvey Oswald's retum', from ' the' Warren Commission, which Rep.. John Slack ' .Jr. (D-, I Russia, is slated for a major investigated the assassination of W.".), member of the sub promotion. '.' President Kennedy, Klosson was committee, Is seeking additional 1 A career foreign service offs- U. S. counselor for political af- Information about Klosson from cer, Klosson Is scheduled to re- fairs in Moscow in 1961' when . both the State and Justice De" place Frank C. Siscoe as the de- Oswald sought visas for himself, partments.'' partment's : director ' of lobviet and his new wife to return to'. The House judiciary subcom gone to mittee on Immigration, headed.1 and Eastern European exchange be U.S. Oswald had bb staffs. -Russia in 1959. by Rep. Michael Feighan, D-O., .While no, official announce. FBI officials credit Klosson'also is seeking further details ment of his new assignment has with clearing the way for Os about: Klosson's dispatch, and,, been made, Klosson has checked wald's return by sending the why he Is being given the lm-, ifin at the department from State Department a three-page portant' new assignment in the Department authorities arrang Much of the arrogance Johnson s immigration proposal. Klosson, 46, was born In Buf Ing the exchange and screening and bravado which character- falo,'N.Y.,-and has been In the ~'of several thousand U. S., Rus= ized him on.his first visit to the State Department since 1945. He h l a c ore gn ere ce DI' V. this month, after reporting out In this strategic position, Klos was signed by Klosson and ..a revised version of President I son will be in charge `of State . stated, In part, as follows: ;`room number and, telephone as Titled "Citizenship and Pass- e his forwarding address. ports -- Lee Harvey Oswald," F S ! Di h N 29 t ave et joined the department after 'sign and Soviet bloc scientists, embassy appears w him." World War II. educators, artists, actors and Little-noticed testimony before ' ~ t5tudents. --the Warren Commission pin- WORKS UP The security implications of.:'. pointed a number of errors in After assignment to the Dlvi- ' S S R with tutor- sion' of Research on U dis atch dealin ' th o . . . . e p g grams Kbosson the exchange pr n h duu - are clew.. a m" be dicated in 'testimony given a'.-'scan girl Oswald married on worked his way up to chief of House appropriations subcom- !April 30,1961. the Research (Intelligence) Sec- l ' y 26, Lion for U.S.S.R. On Ju mittee by FBI Director J. Edgar Klosson's vital communication Hoover. reported Oswald's bride as be. ' 1959, he became first secretary 11 ing Marina Nikelaevna Pusa- of the U.S. embassy in Moscow MANY. SPiES ' kova Instead of Marina Nike- and later counselor for political A, He warned that spies are 1n- laevna Prusakova,, and listed affairs-a diplomatic post some. eluded in virtually every Soviet ..her occupation as "dental 'tech- times filled by the CIA. group that visits the U.S.-diplo. nician" instead of "assistant Klosson, fluent In Russian, re- mats, scientists, businessmen,,, pharmacist." ceived a B.S. degree from Ham- F' students and cultural exchange Elton College In 1940 and M. A. missions-stating: LOOKING HIM OVER degree from the Fletcher School '1 "The numerous Soviet scien ' Two congressional committees of Law and Diplomacy in 1941. tific and cultural delegations ' are quietly looking. into Klos- He studied a year (1938-9) at which arrive in the U.S. to visit son's new assignment and his the Institut' Universitaire de our universities and scientific role in paving`tj '' way for Os- Hautes Etudes Internationale 4!!E t11WPt g ~v~ OiNt1~-R(~5=00 4y n~$ Before go- a 12g the r members scientists- . . IFous approp~laHOns su [ng" Tn d t " ~ service, Klosson s proposed appoint ment will be reviewed by Fel-^ 'ghan's subcommittee when It?, takes another look at the East- 'West exchange program later NOTE: The boxed' :portion did not appear in the, 7 June issue of t' NORTHERN VIRGINIA SUN, who have.been given special as-' committee "in :barge Of funds I s