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Document Release Date: 
May 2, 2003
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Publication Date: 
August 7, 1960
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Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020025-7 Zonorabi. Maurice R. Stan* Directory Surean of the gadget Washington 26, D. C. Meer Nr. Stan.: 25X1 This letter and the attached table are in response to your request to as on 26 August for information relating to the reductions in Soviet Military maapower. f n, AUG 1 The Soviet plan to reduce military manpover by 1,200,000 men (announced by Whrushohev on 14 January 1940) appears not to have been obanged by the heightening of tensions since May 1940. We believe that, barring a domestic or international crisis of serious proportions, the announced program will substantially be carried out. While es are fairly confident that an overall re- duction on the order of 1,200,000 men will be carried out, wig Are far less certain of how this reduction eill be llocated among various elements of the armed forces. The attached table contains our present estimate of this ocation, but it must be considered as more than usually tative. We do not believe that the manpower outs indicate a corresponding diminution in Soviet military strength or capabilities, or in the total effort and remources which the Soviets will devote to military purposes. Mather, they reflect the accelerated adaptation of the Soviet armed forces to new military technologies, principally these relating to nuclear 'weapons and missiles, and to the strategic and taotioal situation which new weapons have produced. Distributioat Orig 1 - Addressee 27e /1-( Comptroller 1,,,t_dec45t.,-4) CAL22tiga.= ) 1 . Ex Meg n ) vsd-,-/trr 2 - DOil 1 -Mil Div zze_i Sincerely, Sae ALL MM W. DOLLMS Director 25X10Cl/Mi1 :d1s/4367 (24 Aug. 40) marl:17=1'7v! 7" Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDWOMO1W6W0080002002 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020025-7 iiinistry of Defense atesiesertersLI Resesrett eta Istvalopent -E? stAl) 3 5 0co 7o,ouo Theater Itialsi Toress 2,445 Growl ?co MIA 2/250,03D Teetioal Aviation lttia000 Air Defonteet itorises itertsae-to-Alr litesiiets Antiairmatt Artillery ( liOtisr itviation or Air Wawa Warning sod Contra 6oloao 100,01X3 125.00o E0,000 $65,000 Una Row *Molt 7oroes L om Imp Aviation 70?000 Svaikas,442-Surrsoe Hisvarse (sS.ks 5s mind 6) 15 MO Neva? raves (col* perionlva solute& eliseltikre)495 ?60? /mese Ansa .1.,10(x) Shoe iistattlisisserst 23040d0 Itieval Aviation ;800000 Military Treasport Aviation ,5#000 reatZ.on&. /Mat ion Waning 110,C0.) TOM tidscoo 1,540,000 46,,000 75,000 335,000 351030 20,000 .1.15,000 6510(10 As000 50r0c0 1501020 IA01000 a: $ ,coo sif 100,030 W 3,625100(1 14450,000 Seettrliw tomes Coot loci. in total) 40.),(s)L, AliatliX140 Border Trove OtODI 144000 Tetanal Trove 40,00-) 60,(103 arvotsotoa ack Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020025-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020025-7 * table of atiated Personnel Strengths of Soviet Armed Forces. of personnel strengths of the various elements of the Soviet mid-1962 is an oproximation beset on projected order of of the tentative nature of these force projections, the hs are more an indicator of trends and orders of maeni- practise detailed distribution of military menpover. sent a substantial but unknovn nueber of civilians work - military establisbment. There is evidence that some funetions previous1 parte:medley military personnel have in the course of reductions In recent years come increasiegly to be filled by civilian employees, particularly in construction and other logistical activity. We believe that this trend vill be intensified during current reductions in active military personnel. k/ Military scientific research and development in the USSR is largely con- ducted by civilian agencies, in particuler the Academy of Sciences, the State Committees for Defense Technology, Aviation Technelogy, Scientific Technical netters, Radio4lectraalos, and Shipbuilding, and by the Minis- try of Medium Macbine Building (unclear weapons). The webers of active duty military personnel estimated here are those primarily subordinate to the Ministry of Defame and at missile test ranges, in electronics, nu- clear development, and aviation teebnology. Other military personnel in R&D and allied functions are counted in other categories. sed on his estimates of projected order of bottle, the Assistant Chief Staff, Intelligence, USAF, believes that personnel strength Range Aviation in mid-1962 Should be 65,000, and for these misei forces should be 70,000. The Assistant Chief of Naval Operatione (Intelligence), Department of the Navy believes the estimate that such radical reductions are to take place in the naval air forces is doubtful, Ho believes that the figure for Novel Aviation personnel projected for 1962 Should be on the order of 65,000. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020025-7