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February 18, 1967
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E'3iS1967 CPYRGHT J . I l 1 N.La1 CPYRGHT CPYRGHT foundation, told-the 1 i:rpatc1) that foundation income sources could not be revealed but\that they were from "pri- vate sources',''?as opl:'ose(l to public one. ~M;IcCoy said he is one of t h r e e foundation trustees, the others ,-being attorneys David A. Johnson Jr. a n d Darold 1. Greek, both of the law firm of George, Greek, King and McMahon, 100 B. Broad St. Johnson and Greek were l'idc 11-year-old "B r o a d - lligh Foundation" of Colum- bus, unknown to most city financial leaders, was named Saturday as one of two Ohio groups supporting overseas educational programs of the American Newspaper Guild. National guild officers ac. knowledged the receipt of $1 million since 1960 from the local foundation and f o u r others in Cleveland, Balti- more, Boston and Philadel- phia, but they denied any knowledge of possible tra,, Intelligence Agency money behind the founda- n tions. THE GUILD SAID it will both griginal incorporators, with ohnston signing as agent. ON OCT, 13, .1955, the foundation was registered in Ohio Secretary of. State Ted Brown's office w i t'I1 the stated purpose of: G "Contributing to the ad- vancement of the constitu- tional principles upon which the political and 'economic system of the United States is founded . . both in the United S t a t e s and;clse- where. o 'Furnishing, assist- ance . . to refugees from countries of Asia, Europe or other areas of the world who are forced by the spread of totalitarianism to leave their' homelands." CHARLES A. I'EiILIKJR., , the Guild's nalignal secre- tary-treasurer, admitted, ac- cording to a New York Times liad come from the Broad- lligh Foundation, but denied any knowledge of a possible CIA origin. }~ved}e in a n y political cam-' ai non behalf of an candi= ROOQ4QO2OQ03d .1 he $1 million to the Guild since 1960 are the warden IT rust of Cleveland the Ches- apeake FoundatioA of Balti- more, Md., the Broad-high Foundation, the G r a n a r y Fund of Boston, Mass., and the Andrew Hamilton Fund of Philadelphia, Pa. Much of the speculation re-, stilted from ' the identifica- tion last week of the Andrew; Hamilton organization as a' CIA front by government of-1 ficials, following exposure of; CIA round-about support of the National Student Associa- . tion. Perlik told reporters that, support from the Columbus,l Cleveland and B a l t i m o r e foundations have been re- ther foundations in Colum bus, contacted Saturday b the Dispatch, knew nothing of the Broad-high Founda- tion. Neither city t e l e p h o n e books, directories (including special directories on Colum- bus and national foundation ,groups) nor posted signs in the 100 E. Broad Building acknowledge the organiza- ion's existence. A NUMBER of attorneys duddled in the law offices aturday morning following rticle, but Johnston de ay morning meeting." Johnston said he could not liscuss the foundation's op ponsibility as an attorney, or a client," not mentioning he group. 'I Greek, another trustee andIl ut of the country. f~ clued since 1965. It amounts o approximately $650,000. CLARENCE L. Middendorf, resident of the Columbus 'cwspaper` Guild, told the 9spatch Saturday that he as "quite surprised" by the oundation-Guild link, having ever heard of the .,local oundation. Middendorf said the local uild receives no money rom the national office, "but 'd be quite surprised if a lo- al foundation was contrib- ting to the national and I idn't, know it," he said. The local Guild leader said e would be opposed to gov rnment support of the un- on, if the reports were true. "I THINK the Guild should e interested in furthering he news industry and not in- olved in government activi- ies," Middendorf said. A r t h u r Rosenstock, na- ional president of the AFL- I0 union f or newspaper, agazine, wire service and o m e' broadcast employes, asked up Perlik, telling re- IN LIGHT OF the CIA )eculation, however, certaidd lements of the foundation's ngthy "purpose" statement, -led with the state 11' years t, including: A provision that a "cor- ct accounting, to include) etailed description of ' in me and disbursements dur- ompletely unfounded' ac- g each year ... be (made) lording to the best our ty of each donor may at his quest be not made avail le to other donors." ? A stated limitation Interviewed Saturday,, .Johnston admitted only that he was the counsel for the I foundation. Ile refused to dis- uss the operations and his- tory of the organization) ainst the use of foundation' nds for "carrying on prop-' mpting to influence Iegisla-l , and f1 b. fo n.d ti^" u a orters: "The ' charges are On top of the student-CIA ink exposed last week by a ational magazine, and coin- iding with a host of press tories alleging CIA financial id to 'a number of other pri- ate groups, . the guild rc- orts aroused a mood for :in- esti'gation . in Congress.' e : CIA-RDP75-001 4 _96:0 Ln immediately terminate its as- sociation with any founda- tion found to be linked to the CIA, and, if necessary, will s e c k alternative financing sources to carry on its work of helping newspaper work- ers in other countries. Sp C CU latio non the Cu sponsorship was touched of in light of the disclosure last week that foundation none to several national student organizations came originally from the intelligence agency One of these foundations also was acknowledged to be Guild supporter. Whether the Broad - High Foundation, registered with the Ohio secretary of state in 1955 by two attorneys and banker, received the $343,001 donated to the Guild in par or in whole from the CIA re- mains undetermined, JOHN G. ;1IcCOY, presi dent of the City Nationa Bank and a designated in corporator and trustee of'th DLtiiUS, 0:iI0 pISPATCH Sanitized pp E -- 216,039 S - 303,744 hhy DAVID LORE Of The Dispatch Staff