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Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 SUBJECT: DUM FOR: Mr. Elmer 8. Staata Deputy iliractor Bureau of the Budget Presidential Xiernorandum Concerning the Administration of U. S. Activities in Foreign Countries STAT In accordance With our telephone conversation of ZS October. 1 arn enclosing a proposed supple Mary note (Confidential) for Presidential issuance. Something along this general line should make clear that the subject Presidential memorandum does not apply to foreign intelligence activities. Enclosure 10/27/60) Rewritten: 0/DDCl/KM:kp(10/27/60) Distribution: 0" ,?47"' C. P. CABELL GOAXe rail, USAF Acting Director Orig & 1 - Addressee Kt., AWS, ? k711 - A/Dci I&Adiesc:Lt, Asst. for Coordination (w/cy endl. and basic documents) Apprturiffo (w icy end) Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 TE HO SE ASHINGTON TO THEHEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPART NTS A140 AGENCIES For ycsir information and guidance luxecutive Ur er No. dated dialing with. the Mutual Security Act of 1954. as amended and with the administration of United States activities in foreign coLmtriee, is not intended to cover foreign intelligence activities. These are governed by other pertinent directives. regulations and procedures. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 Approved For Release 2003/05123: CIA-RDP801301676R000800020022-0 Mr. timer B. &taste, Deputy Di or Bureau of the Budget Presidential Memoran -Dealing with the GoorAinated kdmitistration of CeOtain) Overseas Activities. with our teiephone conversation of Oetober 25th enclosing suggestWsupplementary note (Confide tial) for Presidential issuance,/ Something along this general line should make clear that ths(subject Presidential memorandum does not ply to, or cover, fIrsin intelligance activities. C. P. CABELL General, MAP Icting Director Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 TO THE (no. THE WRITE NOUS WASHIN3TON EXICIRIVE DEPARTMCNTS AND AGENCIES For your in?i&t1on and guidance the -Executive Order ) dati?k dealing with the MMtual Security Act of 1954, smanded, and with the administration United States activiti4 in foreign countries, is not intended to cover foreign intElligen6t activities. These are governed by other pertinsnt directives, Vegulations and procedures. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT BUREAU OF THE BUDGET WASHINGTON 25, D. C. SEP 1 1960 f4id- g Vs/ MEMORANDUM FOR: General C. P. Cabell, Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Subject: Coordination of U.S. activities abroad I forward herewith copies, in the for as transmitted to the Attorney General, August 31st, of (1) the proposed Executive order relating to the mutual security program, and (2) the related draft Presidential memorandum to the heads of executive departments and agencies. As you know, the proposed Presidential memorandum and Part II of the proposed Executive order deal with the subject of the administration of Uhited States activities in foreign countries. 7b1lowing is an excerpt from the August 31 letter of this Bureau transmitting the two documents to the Attorney General: "The draft Presidential memorandum does not refer to intelligence activities, express reference thereto having been deleted at the request of a representative of the Central Intelligence Agency and with the concur- rence of the Secretary of Defense and the Acting Secretary of State. The Director of the Bureau of the Budget has been advised informally that a suitable instrument deal- ing with the intelligence activities will in due course be presented to the President, on the initiative of the Central Intelligence Agency and through appropriate channels. (Signed) Elmer . Deputy' Director Attachments Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 Ia the to Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022Edereltte1 to the Attorney Gmeml ege Wien; ROUSE August 31? 1960 tTASHINGTON TO TM UAW OF EXFUUTIVAI MOMENTS AND AaEucuL - I have today elened an Ekeoutive order Which is designed to carry out the provigione of the Nntual Security Act of 1954, ae amended, and to provide for the adednistration of United Stetes activities in fereign countriem. X eleb to direct paxticuler atteation to Part II of the order. The cooedleation and eupervielon a these activities is a moet vital aspect of the coudact of our foreign &Mira. It is my denire that all apprepriate steps be When to assure that the Ohba og the Malte tetee Piplmeatie Miesion is effective In discharging his role aft the representative of the Preeident. Therefore,. I inetruuting that, to the extent permitted by law and ulthin the frenework of egtablished polleeen end programs of the United State, the =car of Miosion shell have fall :wirer of co- ordinetion aud eupsrvision of all United States activities in the country to eillch he is accredited. It is evened that paeticular emphasis eill be given to the following in the exercise of this authority: (1) the Chief of Mission sill take affireative remponeie tdlity far the development, coordination., end adainisideation of diplomatic, informational, elecationnl, and trade activitiee and programe; econeeic, tedenical and financial assisteece; military aesiotance; a the dispowal of surplus agricultuesi commodities abroad, (2) the Chief of Mission will assure comedlancevith stand- ards established by higher authority, and will reoonmend appropriate changes in much standards end suggest desirable new standards: governing the personal conduct and the level of services and privi- leges. accorded all United States civilian amdmilitary persoenel atationed in the foreign country and report to the President upon adherence to such standard*, and (3) the Chief of Mission will establish proceduree so that he is kept informed of United States activities in the country. He will report promptly to the President ea to anyemetterehich he conoiders to need correction and with respect to which he is not empowered to effect correction. In order that thee be =1 understand/es of the above, it is my desire that the Chief of Mission be made fully aware of his responsibiliti and authority with respect to United States activ- ities, in the country to ehich he is ssigned, under today's order and this memorandum. Not only Should instrectione be issued to the Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800020022-0 United States Missions; provision should aloe be made for complete instruction in these matters before a nee Chief of Mission assumes his detlee at his poet. It is the responsibility of each agency concerned to participate in the indoctrination of each Chief of Miseion and take atayA within the agency to instruct its personnel as to the authority of the Chief of Mission and as to the necessity of keeping him fully infOrmed concerning current and ;respective program and adminiutrative activities. Stepe should sews be taken to provide the Chief of Mission with the necessary staff assistance so he can felly carry cut the assigned tasks. The Director of the Bureau of the Budget is requested (1) to take the lead, in consultation with the Department of State and other interested agencies, in developing the nest appropriate method of providing the rewired staff facilities at the country level, and of establishing such arrangemsmts In Washington, as mete necessary to enable each Chief of Mission to carry out effectively his responsi- bilities as the representative of the President, and (2) to present to the President appropriate recommendations with rerpect to such facilities and arrangements. The fait:ming prior Presidential documents (related to the subject of this memorandum or of today's Bxecutive order), to the extent not previously rendered obsolete or otherwise inapplicable; are hereby superseded: 1. The Jane 1, 1953, memorandwa regarding the reorganisation of the Beecutive Branch for the conduct of foreign affairs. 2* The memorandtus of three heads of departsants and the Director for Mutual Security concerning the reorganisation of the Special Bepreseetative in Europe, which vas approved Jdne 16, 1953. 3. The November 6, 1954, letter concerning Beecuttre Order No. 105750 etc. 4. the April 15, 1955, letter to the Secretary of State concerning the establishment of the International Cooperation Administration, etc. 5. The July 24, 1956, memorandum concerning administration of overseas functions. Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800020022-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0 6. The Novelber 19, 1959, memorandum concerning reports require& by sections 111(a) and lil(b) of the Mntual Security Appropriation Act, 1960. s memorandum Shall be pub:tithed in the Federal Register. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020022-0