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Document Release Date: 
February 19, 1999
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1966
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WASI11'N(;IO\' .STAR Approved For Release 200(f@p/277:16;64-RDP75-00149R000 FOIAb3b CPYRGHT Conspiracy IsChargedto U.S. ~LY I Dame type oo. attack-bombers ' r were provided c1andPCtine1 for y where they had been bough gove rnt officials to show from the government and recon that .alleged conspiracy was drtioned, ' to 'ancos Air Fgrc earri .an contrary to U.S. Base near Lisbon fort rase by th policy and without the knowl- Porrtuguese in the t;.Africa edge the government. osioii "of Angoilt .,i 141 or, not the govern- e: _ .~~. m tsqlf will . call an official ` e-w l if%Aaid of tim CIA to make-a formal '!'that -al a11,4=s the.,govern denial ?of the offense contention aat was going on has n t yet been decided. govern v rte -.The possibility of CIA involve- heplanes: oved tp 1ta1. naent the case was not raiccri to siuggle B26 bombers out the United States, the attorne for one of the defendants pr dieted in his opening statement If there was conspiracy, th chief conspirator was the Ti. government, Edwin Marger, high-flying lawyer-pilot fro Miami Beach, Fla., told the jur of 10 men and two women the casi opened yesterda afternoon. Manger represents Joh Richard Hawke, 29, a forme Royal Air Force fighter pilo from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., wh has deseitlbed on a number o occasions how he flew seven B 26 bombers from Tucson Ariz. gence Agency will appe spots throughout the trial..alere wke thought and had e we n ail the deal. Instead,. he LL shipment of planes argue that De Montmarin, a May and mid-August of, Fren an who is accompanied ast - year' followed a pattern to cou t each day by an inter milar r to that in which the preter thought that export 16 ,H! }+ , ZI.V-VJV 1VI L,UULJ rienrl Dirt e.-.trial, he told the do M tmarin, an alleged?gq. i will attempt to show b t ever reason to believe he was work g for the government of the 1 .S.,' Marger said. Ea lief in the. day, Manger sake I .S_ Distrkt.Judge. ioJn 0. dcrson to subpoena, a, num r of witnesses at.govern- ment expense because Hawke could not afford to pay for their appe ranee at the trial here. The list of witnesses he will Subm t tp the judge later in the. week he; indicated, will include a 'nu ber of high-ranking gov- ernor nt, officials, including preset and former employes of the C A. In is opening statement, U.S. Atty. John T. Curtin said he licenses had been obtained I the planes and that he w engaged in a perfectly legi ` inate business deal. No opening statement w: made by Paul Birzon of Buffalo -. attorney for Woodrow Wilsc Roderick a Canadian who accused only. under the co spiraey indietment and is n accused! as are Hawke and 1- Xotitmarln, of actually taki, planes from the country. 'first witness;, In a Si prise move Curt called as his first to rtnes:; 1 r . ,. Griggers, a 42-year-old nil( mechanic who now runs a tit and.. restaurant in Jamestc :_ Calif. An indictment again Grigggers was dismissed Tu:., day and he was immediate] subpoened as a prosecutio witness. Griggers told how he ha supervised the reconstruction ce the planes by the Hamilton Aircraft Co. in Tucson for Grego ry Board, a 45-year-old resider- Of Jamaica, the alleged brain behind the entire operation Board left th'- country two day- before Hawke and De Montrnari were arrested on Sept. 16, 1965 apd, the government say< cannot be extradicted on iii, ,ggiing charge. Board instructed him, Grip gerp, said to pig k surplus plane those that could be fitted witI- nose sections. capable of mount- lug ld firing eight .50-caliber MACH., e`gt ris. Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300510076-3