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-Mii woRxct Approved For Release 20.03112103 JUN 5 . `Aad'Hsho(a~id~od"'~:`gort'firebrand wash e e i "tie . Lodge T~lks me th{at all ~tlfythh'iE iig~tallc < ;t: came wlientl~E 'wO dlr.' Post pablisbed ezcee~ f . thie tree, ~ tattCea a wiry wt tenet diary of the U1 cueas . Th e Generals Pick ought t4 say ;e' ~tta le Moaoow, ] -that.." .(Quoted in T. F. Stones Ko4-ert ~ilttlker Grout( eekly-) ? ' WAR I~l This . senteneg is tangled. But " The Bomb Targets the thinking of ?t he Dlltierrat The diary. had .laUer ' leader, itandt- out sharply :new hands bf Peace I COULD ALMOST see the (.enerala' grins when I , heard rienty, Cabot Lodge at the UN's Security Council. Tha U-2 was just 8 "non wrili- ta,y, one-man plane".on a "harm- lesss observation flight," said f're:tident_ Eisenhower's. repro- .in jn the presence of a oven ? pptnectnua vitb 'nuclear n his rick-' wrntr General Grow to a d h w ~4?, e ews ma hen Matt { ! r . men and hundied newapap less "AQgresaors for Peace" ? scientists. And- ES n warns us quotc(f ill Oft! Post of :Ita t_. five m;uion Amer-2-- .. -t 4 seven ld pe?--?? -- -- i ne U. S. nelegnie was triad- ? To have Peace' said icons wou "not guilty" to the Soviet N alt t he w It. "i-e ahuald lie nuclear war. Fifty million more "itson s fi. me," added Gs l'niuh's charge.of 'axgcession." ' would die dater from radiatior.'that the time is wipe for a'bi " ' to declare our introiom thi { a n w t g e s But the General, .vim were. poisoning. ! po . to pay any peke on the', ut.-nipg in at,their` T{ sere in .. What a ' ike to bay for tI$ must start (thf .{war); target-pkkttag flights that He q34titting heh.46e belt;; r the Pentagon knew dif}erently.. price of-initiatin w t , g a ar o co_ ts For the Generals were picking. fret cooperation for Peace" Cabot Lodge' calls so haraelfatthis I're, WVurld defender. "'rt H-bomb targets that ver) day And they made no secret about it The facts about the target- picking had' been leaked out t-) ?tne press. And I quote from a .New York '.Tildes Washington story of Msay 22: LISTING TJiE TARGETS The review of strategic war plans, now in its final stages at (he Pentagon," said the 'Times, "is? being conducted by the Joint . t(.hief of Staff. It will offer for approval by Secretary Gates and ultimately the National Sea'rit% (tacneii, a new- list of strategic targets in the Soviet Union." (Targets picked. by Ledge's armless" spy planes.) ;'ire "target` story cdntin}i, 1: 'Th,- probrem has several fac= ? torts. (Ine concerns the number of targets, and the priorities that mu+t be determined ''Secretary Gates must now a11o+ate Soviet target pry rities to the Polaris submarines . 'Phis is tte'same Defenttie Sec. r.'tary, who staged the wul?ld- ?vi.le "combat alert" titre day he- fsu the Ssrmma date. The com- )Pat. :Jeri' was doubtless intend- 4"1 to wreck the Summit. Ard Walter Lilll;mann sharply cu?n- u.s?nted that -- 'The timing of this `errr?rriser' was juiR r shade worse 'hai sending the ti-2 on its 'neritou' mission two weeks before the summit."For a'wtrld- tvisL? combat ?ilert is "Otte of the preliminary ' stages" 4pirAYt@d ani i Lippmaun, ~? Iwft It in. a Mote! R A v DS ' I;tn"ab ,}etarbt edntnaander. appears FIRE i e % , Gates - r?? ,+,. .. ' a bardcer -+ reptee- to be cugg by a fetter, . ritis?h Acura the firebrand 'sections M PRICE w E WOULD PAY' r. " And t-te 'U. j ' o a Well Street, He is plWng with .,.*k `r ~ pp 3 General spoktt man sdn'Stf{}t talk. adl d i T , y e s hja t the idea of a "preventive waf Against the Socialist hinds, like Powertt and Mahon know that'~jorris, a Washiid . that the quotes would bring a'tarriter , ,riacultWS aunriece(J gnat s.tcn intolthe - fps to Marquis of Queensht, a war"wouid "cast us in a charac- "1a?une a raxpected?ther; glimpee typical a-relPs- ter new to ?a true democracy,' as m'rrd?. oT he wanted the United State, to start the .shooting none the less. Matthews had to resign soon after. The people's wrath was too great, And Gates - *he Rail. Street firebrand - should follow SUlt. Unfortunately Gates isre't the only aggressive warmonger in high ? Government circles. The Generals. are rattling the saber 'every day. Arad some Army."arid Congressional leaders are pub- licly hinting tiet they believe in "ptevernee war," that is in ae- gtessi, e war, even-.when they speak against. it, And I quote ?1. the recent hearings of the 9iefeePe c '?c-) nittee of the H:.use? of Rep:esentativea Ap- pr-'pciation Committee.' MORE SABr:R RATTLING General Thomas S.? Powers, ( otnmander of the Strategic Air ,mmand, whieb 'drops the big l eanbi, wns testifying: "1 am not advocating pre'?en- live war," said Powers. "The mission If the SA(' is deterrence . .., However .. , 'I also submit t.at, you will not deter it war nn:ess, you have the capability to .ti''t a war." '%2:ght"; to-plied ,Pep. George 14 tl'ahnr the TPxaa Domncraf. f r meiea5re LVC/3i`I`L/Cl3-:'GTH-KUi/o-uu 14ymuuujuuLtluttY%rfq(lusers are inf)uentiit: At . ~lsron: nitG'e. ' ' the fight for Pence is the \s ,, 141 One fight trwlay, "We must employ every aft the "subvtrs'on," that AINn I) lee's Central Intelligence Age' loyalty of ,Soviet subjects f their regime;" We diary dents hood, to poison the thouIthtp the population." search for "targets" it h gloats a.t?the discovering of an a bridge as a * good "target,"` a passage flaotel ill-the 1t,rt major's book. ? ,r ? General (:row was court m ? his handling of "cluseif his "war . , . now," thinking., his "hitting below the he idea. was vAlced by his Pent:, superiors. And the rea-on this see:irs rather plain. For-n'a of Grow's superiors tthougl.t th PEACE CAN WIN ? xarmongers are hfraid of t