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November 17, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 17, 1967
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OCT 1 7 1962 Approved For Release 2003/12/02 CIA-RDPt7~ A Mere S Trillion, 600 Billion Would Ransom All Red-Held Folk To the Editor of Tho Star: I have read in your paper where Mr. James Donovan is about to conclude the release of snipe 1.100 Cuban prisoners from the Bay of Pigs.invasion for $62,000,000. What interested me most was that It was suggested that it might be paid in the main frotq CIA money, that hap- pened to be av,lilable, and lus ur i p in s actually delivered a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o tt u c t s and drugs. If my figares are rea- sonably correct, it ;i ollgws. that the price Is about $5$,000 per man. This. raises resting pos lands already mentioned. It is, lion, 600 billion dollars WW -_1 If would aga'zi be.'s gracious as to accept pgy ment in kind-say+ CadIllics' and Lincoln Continentals-this would amount to four or fives automobiles for every man,', woman and child iin.Russia.. } Then as Neville Chamber-' lain used to say so succinctly,' we could be sure to have 'peace in our time." JAMES R. GREGORY Presider.' United States puhlish'ng ( ompanv. slbilities. Not : ago, I was In Jamaica, and where I have spent on of my time each since 1959. There I was bly informed in the bar. AI'?. tro Kingston' holds as /tcai prisoners- Vey, sA`,,pt- ilia 1`500-mile ,ed r1jil prisoners They are :active opposition to saaunism In Cuba. ma to me we have here bn to the whole prob- ably solved In minia- % A quick computa- tii',ates that for less 1 at the rs ll a , '100 won do 1,0rk,'., we could get all t! uce our surplus grain P. lon flak ~%Y toward solving the - - ?-- ariiie. Ff all the people who ,,%,#I nn` vut were bought out, thr)' rr . c take down the wall. T n It a n i,,t sous friends In in- hr have been tryt`I fill yr'a"s to get rela- tivt ut Latvia and Lti tot ai In all, I Ave hbeen told are only about 100 1 ."4 rd rr. ; ropo~pt-dbecf~l?lti},eRelease 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP75-0G149R000300260001-3 1pgetier bib tbs bow ~~ al asrumpro be[sn to.-be t warn ingvf s on ?wa wig obtained by the FunpW inWii- This eontgUted. ta' natlanat faevoe. bid pdds. 4 Ww% ud of having as coins on WOW,iti Polish dtrtdn territorkis- ken ~rau Qacmany-mad M M rs@Wth ? Approved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP75-001, 4 to of ~Mtvfitr. samb. of uaralt. ' unlit &U*! )nIP on Writers, iii and wIiRRW3Pa rTia # lithe attention when free speech and free !rst iOWL' aoe~i?titod? wishful thinking, mouths of the people. liar tt. warnlnr ri9f~i 6k i Virgil fne env .rx,tA by the Poznan trade Wtar alt?I M%LW U at 04 March :'N'la`d- !n ploded by ? demonstratio that NOW Approved For Release 2003/12/02 ' CIA-RDP75-00149 00030b260001-3 ? r1 v ..' ~ 1, ... - MAY A 10 C. o o L' ? 1 i Approved For Release 2003/12/02: CIA-RDP7?~0149RU003PR~k6Q40~~3 A P44%4 3 w, q, d N i,J3 Lett~s to the Editor As an , e*prea&.on... of . the gency Committee for Tlbcten " Refugees, 17 Park. Ave., New _ York, N. Y., "so that- We may begin relief praspr _ ,.. .' ;lteJ. We count nrt'?VMii.~?r..r~.`" WILLIAM O, DOUGLAS. JOSEPH C. GREW, WAL.TIIR H, JUDD. New York. Ap~roved For Release 2003/12/02 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300260001-3 W4V 1iiN 3I VLV $ ' oc l7 ' v n - ~~~`. A.14D TIMES HERA Approved For Release 2003/12/02 CIA-RDP7'Y( C4~R 0A930026001 3 X tns i ~' f Ho''J c s 00" aj ~( Z 01Y, C . D0 U GLAD 4-4 44 'tans in An of prominent eitizeris? farmer. Ambassador, drew. J iee=Dau son rat . It.vic tms:of Voznmunl ..oppression its " Tibet. The-plight of the, 18,000 refu4eea: tfow 1n bas njatnfully farriili r ring.. TbW -arc the, ' 1"I ft much the same way as the Bungarltn mum' i .,/."fighters stood up to -Soviet- brutality. Aithough\ -the two situations art=not altogether comparable, ~j` coaneern for an Asian people that it voiced far theZ Hun f d D g* ,ans oo ugs and moat at -* l Ira `_"'_' t need suppor is ed for thes of g .have fled. their homeland instead of ;bo to Approved` ~ Release 2003/12/02: CIA-RDP75-00149R000300260001-3 .