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Publication Date:
April 20, 1964
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.Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP
-'Cuha and Castro Tcd.af.
By John Horn
If ther Is to be a "candid
re-evaluation" of our Cuban
policy, as Sen. William Ful-
bright advocates, it Is necees-
sary for the doors of informa-
tion to be opened so that en-
lightened public opinion may
be formed.
T television beginning was
made yesterday by ABC-TV's:
"Cuba and Castro Today," a'.with thought and caution.
candid film document of what, Cuba's danger, now that
meets the eye on the tight. the Russian nuclear death
little Red isle and some of stings have been removed, ?
what doesn't. The footage, Is its training of Communists
.was shot over a period of four in political guerrilla warfare
weeks earlier this year. to be exported to the rest
Surface details were vivid } of the world, particularly the
and memorable: Fidel Castro Il Western Hemisphere. The
bouncing babies, boastful of subject was briefly mentioned
his cattle, being bussed by In the script, but Castro
adoring women, the traveling evaded Miss Howdrd's ques- !
arsenal of his bodyguards' tions in that vein.
small arms, the fervent stu- (,. The importance of this is-
dent Idolization of the Max- sue, naturally. unfilmed, may
imum Leader, . and the con- have beeri ? unintentionally:
trast of Havana's night-club minimized for the general
belly dancers and girl sol TV audience to almost van
diers. ishing point In the dazzle of
Portions seem to have been stunning visual evidence that:
included for sensation and was abundantly photograph-
cloaks and dagger, suc
as a ; able..
rehabilitation project for e .' .- W
prostitutes, and silhouetted
anti-Castro women speaking
of terror. The latters' accu-,j
sations were so diffusely gen- ;
eralized as to sound like crank]
In interviews with Lisa Howard, who narrated com-
mendably, . Maj. Ernesto;
(Che) Guevara spoke of trade'
with the West and failure of
the American blockade, and
Castro scofed'at police-state'
charges and reiterated hope.
for normalization of relations .g
.wjth ,the United States,;,,;,
complaints. Real opposition I
would hardly seek publicity;
In Castro-approved (but un
censored) picture-taking. `i
Castro: Let's Cuba,' and that some sort of'
Give and Take change in U. S. Policy had
been in the making. He indi-
Premier Castro said in an ' cated Cuba Is watching and
interview broadcast last night waiting with regard to Presi-
he believes both the 'U. S. dent Johnson's adminstra-
and Cuba should make con- Lion:
cessions toward resttirint. Premier Castro's Interview
normal relations.. with Lisa Howard of the
~'. He said he once had felt American Broadcasting Co."
that President Kennedy "was ?., was recorded in Havana Feb.-
in the way of persuading 12 and appeared as part of a
tihinaself,of''his,mistakes about.'., ..documentary.
Sanitized - Approved".For'Release :'.CIA-RDP75-0.0149R000200920130-8
APR 2 01964.
TV Review
Producer - director - writer'
Harry Rasky did a fine job
of putting toðer an al-
ways-interesting; candid-cam-
era look at Cuba today. Nev-
ertheless it was, primarily a
tourist's view to be weighed