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Publication Date: 
February 20, 1967
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^71 Ccrfd.dnceiconference delegates that they CPYRGHT The first National Student Con-1 fcrence on Vietnam adopted al stand harshly critical of the; United States early today aiterj es r said the conference had been ` l oo Yn an ?-; of the students of the United aica, Queens), one fromlStates. ri~~cd by extreme leftists, i --e C_"F Come!! Cd!1 It 'iJJ Jy aireme Leh: sti Hiroo delegates from Fordham an anry walkout by nine pro- Ifence is in any way representa- Administration delegates whol niversity, four from Sa.John's! e 111 d J tive of the views of the majorit ^ Y x (B sacli Vu-setts. Institute of "This has been lied b 'tli p Y ? Tech - im iercnce vo ed, 51 to ~2,? for a!nology, announcement,, of the confe - once committee, and we feel hn- ti lli th J l reso on ca ng on e o u ! Conduct Criticized that we cannot give any cre- son ?hdministrati^,n to stop with- They said the conference, heldidenee to this." bombin cease firin g, g, on the Cornell University Uni- draw its troops and recogn z- versity campus, did not repre- the Communist-dominated ivaIs tional %Uberation Front as alent the mainstream of student i f Vi i t The l "major bargaining agent" at peace talks, it accused the United States of having caused heavy civilian casualties by the use of "abhor_ n op on o e nam. y a so criticized the conduct of the They charged an imbalance of guest speakers. Of 11 listed l h d th , on e agen y three, ey rent weapons." American nol-l""? icy on Vietnam, it said, has said, were supporters of United been evil from the outset. (state policy. of . Rutgers said, "that to re- join the conference at this time would give de facto recog ition Another bolter, John Sains- bury of St. John's (Jamaica), said: "We have voted with our feet as a last resort to present an opinion in favor of a policy which accepts our committment to self-determination for South Vietnam." The others who left were James T. Farley; lI{evin Reilly and Tom Frederick, of Ford- French colonialists, supported a!Departsnent representative had!hain, Roy Latham of M.I.T. 0,1, tyrannical regime in the Southllbeen booed . and hissed and Joseph Salvati, Peter Sansosti and responded to protests froml - tilat anot:cr pro-Adrninistration~and Emil Lugo of St. John' an oppressed people with rnili-ju pea.lcer, Prof Wesley R. Fashel l,(Brooklyn). tion said. 'Prattdeil an Aggressor' For those reason "the United inal draft, would have "e ncour- ployetl by the late Senator145 for a resolution sponsored b aged" the nation's youth to."re- Joseph R. McCarthy, Repubiica+ilthe Yale delegation. fuse to fight." of Wisconsin, in asking wit-I The Yale resolution said that This was deleted when a dole- flosses to confess . their Corn- the United States had "majo gate observed that it "getsmunits ties. . Ii?esponsibility' for tci?rninatin pretty close to treason.". ? ' "T_ am. not now. and never! this war" but was Gonsiderabl It was replaced with a morejhave been ?a? member of the milder in its criticism than th moderate expression of Fishel.replied. Imajorityposikion and said tha thy for objectors wihb d ,,'"what especially! irked theithe presence of American troop after be jailed than fight Inane de-ectos? was what ?theylin South Vietnam was a usefu Bolting.tha: convention, v>erL,coni rt e:~~:~:e.";~resu+.r.7tlosa" .o lever vl negotiations. night that they called remini- scent of the McCarthy era. "Is it not time that you matte States has been branded an ag-1a clean breast of your affilia- gressor throughout the world,"tion with the Central Intclh- the resolution said. .;ence Agency?, -'-drr,.ancded---o Sponsored chiefly by delegr Cohn hi;.University stuudent of and the University of Pc?nnsyl= =fessor Fashel in what AQ- tions from Columbia University ministration supporters describ- 'vania, the resolution, in its orig- ed as. the same manner em- CPYRGHT . STATINTL Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000200660001-0 nied a voice by a rules decision that any statement accepted as a minority opinion of the con- ference would have to gain a least 20% of the votes. ? The walkout came shortly after midnight when a sta vote showed that the pro Administration resolution ob tamed only 12 votes against 5`