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APR 2 8 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/04/14: CIA-RDP75-00149R00020036 r ~; U CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ' APPENDI Ka ?kaskfa River Valley, is vital to the (;27,470.000. This of coursle?to a substantial,, day eveei March 7. President george lift,'>I)er1ty of Illinois. Com letlon of two .13. but It must be remembered that the p fast APL.-CIO, made one of the major clams i nd reservolr&--ot1Q U Shelbyville feral contrtbuttoJa only tLa.6o0.00 and Otter listening to speakers In slid the other at Carlyle-will bririt; an nearly one-thirst'i04 te'oai~t,~ tely .i it-oups. ;h0. entire conference was indtttitrial booth to the heaitland of our . 69 miulon, 11 he 'contributed statleand - Alt d Into 1100?small discussion groups. state. istion croups came 2.800"di . .79111111111 The ? recent figbile 'the cos I teatifled recently before the public tauce of this p ig= west 16000 r for action to help p yout youth, n'nt'ks subcomttlittee of the Hollis COl3t- acres of ! studsr tgatas m Y ll VI 1?eoomgb to the mated no words. ? butt t1flNit 'suslght to the heart not only of mitt:ee on AppropriattoFS l11 support of .Rmd >1Lon1 to OounUga 41064 61 aieq 'tiro ptODiallls Of yoatth, but to those of the continued Federal llnanelal aeslatitlloe Y~ a r~ of tills" as. 0* f OW. 'the world, Moa+r than hear of for-these 1>10.ieCts ? Because sgWo fllrosl- Us I a?, wwatr ?. - h-~ , jl_tttr ~li3titan te;ttlons, Daiinite clueile 'by LestiIllony at this point -So that . en ,cue valey. -ale trop aafnage Is tU tills - `lit Idbsatidnal `pptirhisiltt . in hous- the House may know that these came to more the*. Si lks ia_he l,YMee itilig, 1' t, and tot' the exercise of plbjects 'at 1161. 1987: and 206i;, not to' n0epllOn an ttI Tigh =t- ivots set brut In no uncer- have the virtually unanimous support-Of damage to other X , Ida tense: The nonviolent "sit-fns^ of the the people of thy area: The.Kaskaakla VetUey?AamoMation has de. ' 'Negr'o youth` in the South were encouraged. Mr. MncK- Mr. Chairman, I appear before "10I enthusiastic and virtually unanimous ?' Fede al old for education was urged as an your committee today to make a strong ap- support for this-project. I want to.dfa;iel lmatedisa necessitynot only by the con- peal for the continuation of the development any Idea that anyone mtot Have Lbsc Ithe fer'enpe, but by the Secretary of the- Depart.. of the Kaskaskia Valley and,. specifically, to. people Of ,ALAtate, IutQ, ~tlN. this IIM h aeprile who MI' ? Of' Health. Education- and Welfare. request an appropriation of *2ooooo to con- . of by atttt'lfdttlitte, aSj OILY spoke, 00 April I. tinuu e planning the proposed reservoir at objection to. this ph+gfect. I h{ve been fs- _' Many speakers pointed cull the iriterna- Sl,elbyville, Ill. It is my understanding that miller with this ptolect foe S **am. During tional statue of youth in our shrunken. sit- tht Corps of Engineers has requested this .h t, time I have not had a halt dozen letters plosive, changtpg world. It was pointed out ,ccnount as necessary for orderly planning of in opposition to'thla program. The Are that the uncertainty of our future should tills very important project. letters L did, receive were Rose property not deter' youth from positive action to make The development of two Kaskaskia Reser- owners who would be forced to sea tlseIr denrodttcy a reality in the world. This is o rs, ne at Carlyle and the other at Shelby- property. They did not oplpae the program the capes our generation has to pork for. vine, w.fll. In my opinion, bring the greatest but expressed some regret that they would not more security In attaining things. III boons the heartland of Illinois has had since- be forced to sell their prdperty. our youth do not. seek such causes it 'Is the idvent of the railroads. The develop- I make this sea ilment becaus I Under- !tartly because our !deals are taught In a inett 1, of this great river basin with an ade- stand that am* newly organised group Is to. imcuttrn whets action to implement them !is (late water. supply will eliminate very Jiff- appear and express opposition to the pro- P. 'dispouraged. Thirteen million children In colt economic conditions caused by the sloe- gram: It to my,undetstanding that thq:do the 'South of all racial groups are being tog elf the coal mines In southern Illinois. I not come from my area, In Illinois and that, taught one thing and watching adults do ion euitfideot that this great industrial in fief, their membership Includes not one afaotber b,x.tri will he associated with the completion resident of either Shelby or Moultrie Coupty. OeOrge Edwards, supreme court justice cf of these projects. Mr. Chairman: Ulari}c,you for this oppor- Michigan;a'ummetd up the Ideas of many of Fur many years Illinois has had ai inade' turilty to' testify before your committee. I' the Wealters in these words : dilate, water supply- Because moat of the want to commend you on. the great job you. ? 1. Will must make our cities fit for children :-t+,te Is bounded b_ major idvers, efforts are, doing. Every, dollar you approp la for 'ft lt1 'in. Dever were made to construct reservoirs and these projects which conserve our uSlUral I. We Must !Hake education really' uni- p,tovtde adequate. water supplies In other Tesources is stn investment in. America pt#d, veresl and more useful for each, child.' (He +rcea of the State. The Kaskaskia River, as a result, will make our. great coun%ey' to60Ctlhehded a maximum classload of 26.) which lies in the geographical' center of the richer. '2. We !must cut out the ugly scar of race :tt:tte and lx Illinois' second largest river, has ' ? ?, 1, 'f'bcrlmintttop from the face of America. keen permitted to run tirreontrolled through. 4. We Mrait at ,least out the 142 years that Illinois has been a give children equal PM ete Croav to Their Fall opportttnitj to keep out of }ail. State of the Union. Ironically. -the first Our Youth capital of Illinois was, located near the ICas_ OtealalitiLS IL We Intat regain our .belief in the im- ? portt-ned.0f family II to. knsktn Ricer and, because of the treacherous 11, -)(IF. it had to be abenddned. As a matter e. Adults rust place moral values above of fact. the site of the original capital is now EXTENSION C1P'REMARKB - material steereeas If We want children to do co. c,,nipletely under water. po ~p~ ;~f~ee was tremendous and in. 'I'he? Corps of Engineers has located two HON. BARRATT Oe IARA , ~Mg e~aenee. ne could not hell; reservoirs on the Kaskaskia to control floods. fef In ukease -responsible people, a sense They he*. indicated that It in essential that OF narsans of urg argues-a sense that there was no time, t h- con tie reservoir system- be employed to IN THE SOUSE OF RZPRESENTATIVg3 fo waste in Changing the sltuation in Ameri- do the proper job. I am hoping that you Oaa Igo whlub are crippling the lives of '"I cor.tluue to support this program April 21; 49eq .m111101ns of our children. If our youth call program so grow Into their full potentialities, not. tt,+u this river basin can again serve a useful Mr. O'HAli1l of IIljnols. Allot Mr. Speak.. purpose, er, that the White Howe ltfere Y they. but the Natlem and our civilian. It has been celled to my attention that' Children and 'Youth had a message for "on mat not survive. a within 3 years alone. according to a report all of us is teltsely reported bh pry~ Mary I"'1111 the Agricultural Extension Service, e4 Herrick, a teacher at Du f3abie High nit!ito,, worth of crops has been washed out School an4 chairman of the Committee Ill thl', valley to say nothing of the extensive On.Irl] ace arse Taxation of the a.h1casp Cw blush st Caribbean? damage to other property. ,However, in the Caine 10-year period when the Soodwaters Teachers Union. Miss 11er lck's article g $ION OF RFl1RESA were doing this tremendous damage It has from the Chicago Union Teacher follows: pile ill Illinois is totally Inadequate. In the Clruaarre AND Yoptt[ HON. W. J. BRYAN DORN l+,v 10-year period we have had two drought, (By Mary Herrick) ' which caused nearly one+half of otir cities OF sOUTK eaaotrxa to be witliro t an adequate water supply. on Seventy-six huticnred people attend the, IN THEg(jpgg OF R=1'RE.iTStTATIVEs `lie occasion Lake Springfield. the second 1960 Conference on Children aIId _ Ruth. Inrtrert muimade Jake in our State, weht dry. Five lrttndrtpd of them were high school or Tuesday, April 26, 1960 colle e stud t 0 d g en - an 8 0,wgre from 73 foreign Mr. DORN of South Carolina. Mfr. realize that this 'reservoir will serve _ countries. h e Union including ime new -ones: Lrnl and water supply but these tw _ eratinn are vttnll important 4 whale represented every phaaenf the national life-- , spade at the etera of - y to vV oonstit- judges. Physicians, social workers, labor Virile, tHilabieid American can Veterans' be n- - in Illinois. These two ask a will by leraders, school peoplj,, peychologlptg, leaders quet. March 26, 1680:. lac he the largest in our State and *111 have of youth gfoupa. end religious leaderk. The United States should revise and re- s tremenclnus recreatlcoeal value. These twin 'Mr P`ewkes representei, Senator, Psvz ? state the Monroe Doctrine to Include nil :,n,++:' s also will help navigation In ttie 1n6cr Donnc.ea at the conference. Most Merrick forms of iilf ltratlitn slid subversion by for- Weis Invited to rvs yy ~~ee Alt a resource person. sign powers In Cba. Ce+otral, and ion: h r.v Login -cis have estimated that President Eisenhower addressed the group, America. Alprmative 'action Is deepernte;y hies 1,n,),rt at Shelbyville. Ill., will cot which had come at his invitation, on $un- needed. Approved For Release 2000/04/14: CIA-RDP75-00149R000200360005-9