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April 11, 1965
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P111LADF1,rHIA, PA. BULLETIN E 718,167 S. 702,577 APR 11 1965 CPYRGHT CPYRGHT CPYRG.HT . Sanitized 'Between the Lines Corso N `Dossier' an Unsigned Memo U. S. Deprived of wasningttri-Ine aw, "unevaluated" files from he FBI has been initiated by he Justice Department. In an nprecedented violation of i vil liber- ties, Philip orso, who retired as an Army 1 i cu- enant colu- el after a 1 i s t i n- guished ca- r e e r in o vernment Another Experienced Investigator ern erson. In January of this year, the web weavers" decided on older methods when Rep. ichael Feighan (D-Ohio), hairman of the Immigration ubcommittee of the House udiciary Committee, sought o place Corso on the commit- ee's 'staff. The proposed . ap-. ointment aroused the con- ern of Rep. Celler, chairman f the Judiciary Committee, lements close to Celler are earful that Corso might un- over further details concern- ng the malodorous 'immigra- ion rackets involving ominunis'ts. The New York ongressman , produced what e thought was a trump card: l.e rln.: ier from the Justice 'cpariment, furnished him ast November. 0-,dy a lvferno' This supposed "dossier" vas only an unsigned mem- randum not even written on fficial stationary. It accused orso, among other things; if being the source of a vi- dossier of gossip and innuen-,, do furnished by Attorney Gen. eral Nicholas Katzenbach. The.' dossier was handed Rep. Emmanuel Celler D.N. Y.) who wanted it for political pur- The effort to discredit Cor- so is part of a campaign .launched by his powerful ene- mies in the Executive Branch of government. They knew he had compiled from first-hand knowledge, detailed records of events as they transpired ,within the supersecret Nation. al Security Council over a ten- year period. He knows how and why the White House, the ,State Department and our in- Itelligence agencies have ben penetrated by dan;erous?se- curity risks. He has' never made this information public but testifieu in executive ses-? sion three years ago before the Senate Internal Security subcom uirtt"ee: A5""a""result, through secret channels to bar him from future government posts where his. proven talents in g u i d ing ' investigations might expose subversion. `Harassmcrtt' Tactics For the three years since his retirement from 'the mil- itary, these elements have sought to harass Corso by a word of mouth campaign and the. instigation of repeated in- I vestigations ordered by the Central Intelligence, Agency and by so md'civiliannofficials o t } ~p ~v ~, + f ~ so w`ho ia~srnriotl5ing ieS >Se`,f: ohdp"e kC rbAd' hide. He would jokingly tele-. til last week. Then the con I phone the agents ? to invite tents of : the memorandun he FBI. The truth was that orso had learned that a com- wnist in Texas was circu acing such a rumor and re- orted'this 'to the proper au? horities. Nevertheless, with- ut giving Corso a chance to l liit gee members the memo- :4la,trlnj and ' said that he ouid 1,ot approve Cors o's ap- ointment because it disclosed that he was "unreliable." Rep. Feighan hit the ceiling nd by his rebuttal showed. the committee that the mem- randum's contents Were so patently false that a quorum of his subcommittee unani- mously endorsed Corso's ap- pointment to a committee staff job. Celler refused to sign Corso's- payroll' voucher. As a result, Feighan placed Corso on his personal staff. 'Leaked' to Press umnists'. In addition, Corso', was accused of being a "pri- t vate investigator" paid "out'. of private funds" despite the) fact that he is being paidl monthly from government! funds by U. S. Treasury l checks through the House Dis- bursing Office. This. is not the first time that ' supposedly derogatory portions of selected and twist- ed information have been 1 "leaked" to the press for ' po litical purposes. Carefully se lected information was re leased to ceri.ain "coopera- tive" newsmen from State Department and Air Force files on Don B. Reynolds to l, .discredit his testimony in the ,t Bobby Baker case. This in- formation. in the form of a Justice Department report was extracted from his per- so anel enlistrnent files which legally are inviolable. What is shocking .in these cases is the, silence of these supposedly, "liberal" persons who were so concerned about protecting the rights of Com- during the McCarthy munists era. Surely those who expose wrong doing and treason in government also have civil rights.