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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 14, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 21, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000100890007-0.pdf85.8 KB
25X1X8 ~T ppe~~Fo'r'~elease :CIA ,.~~.~,.,.,,.~~.~.,,~~~.,~?iiiiiillliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCiiGliiliiiiGiiii _., 1 ~~~ ~ r~ .~'i !ti~ ' ~, ?;_y' ;--~, ,~ c~ ?;~ i - /'~ -~/ ~.~~ 25X1X8 -a .. _...- - ~ c ~ri tl'~F? c!oAk Oi tiCCl'Ca'y"that 110.' i1 C`;j C1C!J n1 :r- r.tt e. p, ,,- ;?c??`?.~?o 'y .......ay--- -Ci1:CC- ; , ly 1:a0:'0 in? .11'c'S' Ut ,i? a'10 tI:C .i ;~ 1Cri ~J~ - I l;e ]r:;. C't' l t ~ ; i ' ' ;:: C , L CCC 1 a01:1~11.057Ct'l;i106111- 1.? 11'1'CVnC t10," ~~,1C1 "C 'C; L':511:\a cr-1?+~ .11(111,.^, the is\'iiy ~~ f11C ~O1,11nai,C3 "C- .~C,Gf L11rCC 11pn11"ilril by t,1n~ Oi , i:~. r:n:C'.'iCF.Tt .1'iii.G~ r;' , ' T11 x':11 ~+C"`;. \`. :ii) naFP nFr.CC, 11U 1)Ort, ~:c 'n'u .l C. 1L COn1 I:7: abiC r ale F'orci~:1 icha- cr Sc cinr}, file I : _ . , , i n rc.;sL:rcr ,.. ~ rc;icci:t tai inrc:;Ti~atc - ;c e :.nls annul clay work to asi, t : a Ce.;;rai:niirai^F1,??e f~.rcn- tirTr~ Corrl.r,iilce. '-'ac;atpcsl -out might feel r owk o audlt.the .ca o: ., ~'~ ilcn ~ ~i:cd abo.a .lc :,l ,., }-'S ccimpu5 s,c::din;; spree :: - ~ c;~'?a. ;: CiCri i:y about CO11CoC5 "t tnC SC ',. TCCtSUr y. ~L n:. CI+ ' -1? rd11C1'~.?1.l1,.. 1Ti Cap Ellld goR'Il? i a?,c troln ~(11n W. Gs i;ut :,u. Jo.lnson s ,ways. ,ccretary o` l:calth, :duca- Corr+ula cr said \v:;;.c he hI mom. pr at ;,t 1Ca~t lq il1C 1:OpC Oi jCa10L:5 Oi IIiS CI -,iCCS ') t it o , . . ,? - ou io:l anc: l1'el~:arc, ridT~ i lcno\v ouch a :1C2111 S n. :-,i:i,CnC J, 1'iCC..AI'iiiy (17- and CSCIICNC - ine~ C CX- Secretary G.,rdner, one or Tie tilnu~ilt it coulc ~ ?nn.), I. R'.lU IS 1T1trOdLlC:I1~ a CUFC t0 StCp CiC1r Of a t. .ul'Or. '.;C T~:O51 OVCrW(ir1:CC ]'ilCn 1:1 flab ?WC may W:n t.,C COnLCSi. a gC1CCt Sen. iaCC ,rt:1y a+??.l;.s. lt' ;t~VCrnnlC:it, said he?thou;;ht \\'lhl t11C C,OrN11Un15t bat 1ntiC 11:i0;ilt:vll CI'Ca:J ~'~~ :.11.'5 :tlidCill aCt1V 11105 heCl t11C V81ll C5 \VC aTC dCiCilCllan." Cq nl:nitlCC i0 .0010 SntG il:e wCL1: C1 bC :101pf111 10 Y',)g ident, `;,'S GOIT.CStTC .iCtiV:L1CS, l.oC:1Cy ar.d to the Pr ~.,on a mis;a::i:; out adued ?We want tl:c triurlpi1 of C.i.. , .,l i:C dlCi n'T. )i a('iW "aIT ;' SCn- the npCn m:1:G," Sa/C: i r01. 1..C P1'C 1,7 C.^.t, 1C 110 w'a5 110t t0 hr,vc ail ind CpCn{.Cr:t in- 'e person \\'llo i)clicvcs that ~Conl;Tlager. ::-,vo,ved ti: ti:e initial cicci- vestit;atior. cf acti\'ii:cs that , .ais nation can afford io be Hililerto the Senate leas cor. to song, file C.LA. to col- have droved nlortif:i:lh to ' ?";G,;f. u aCCl'Cl intcllihence' ahawn ltbelf SO1nei111I:a7, iC,yo ,1,';;C, nFC:~'~lUpCd i0 'fOTCS'iall il1C i^,OVCI'nnlCnt al il+~1;10 and ~~ than co ,earned v.ilh l.ilis S,lcil a ::Ov6 on file part of abuarr.. nc;, . ~~.?\', r:?nout the same moment, - `triumph," it has forfeiter it; Con~resg ;~y appoirtin~ his :~'icCarti;y is one c;f mm?c ','a;SSL'Q 0:1 Cap1i01 kiln ay \\'ltil t11C S11Cat SCPVii.C. h 11u5 20 ~\:1. CTarCl it C1", it CO115i5 i5 0; i n$ aiwByS inCi U;rcd, '?v-.1 :'011 1~. .:,tOrlan ~Cnl'y StCC1C 00::1- aCCCptCd file aUTC1C1150:Yiv' ji:ldCr - sec:6S.ary Of StatC ~Ot the ChariCC, al".01:1 ~;.;@r, PJ:aO Said tliat t11C Cold-war pI1110SGpl1y that the i\iCl;GlaS ':1atZCnbaC11 `and n1CaTiS til0 C.I,.~. h1.Va USCd :'v 1Vtn 0 ~SCCrOCy ir+ ;OVCri1- 1CSS Sald fhC bCtter a1J0U7. C.l,t~. 13:reCtOr R1Ct1arC1 i0 aCl'i1CVC lt5 CT1dS. HC ICii ?i .a: ill ~ i1Ci;1lS. a~:.i::Sl uae ::l%nt i7aG +JCCra OIiC. Oi the ClaridCStine OpCratiOnS. :~.OSt diS:tira:lld ~OSt WaT BUt tt1C fCVela~ion t at ttli; ThC appointment of `rIel:r:s, appol:ltr;;ent. t>: John 1~icCor+c, phenoma;lon, G`.i.A. has been more uoicuit- caused Chairrnan J. W. r ul- wilo Succcedea Alla:l DL:~.es "So :mucY. car. be none un- ous than iilrs Roosevelt in aright oz t11e Senate ~'orei~*n as director, o:i the ~rour.rs __.r _.. ..- _ _.. ... ._ _ _ ' __._.... ... ... _-._ ._ ,hai ~4cCone naci r~c:1 op ', pU~CCi i0 aC8C1Ci111C fi't'CCCi:T. ? - ~ ilntV lilac. ilia pL1 tJ1iC i; i1Mt';i a lllt lCn101'C anOUt 11.0 n1C111- _ GC1S uSCq tG ' :T,^,ht COn191'ii:- ' iii;;11," SCn.,V:CCal'i11J 111111ii~ ii:::...1C111f;t i0 Call Lni' ,^.CnCy "iii 8CC(iuny nlay have a~ 1'ieLiCr ' ~ chance, last eCort to eniarne file +"watchdof;" cor:,ri.itt~c," . made up of members o; t ;rt ' :\rnlcd Services anC, Apprci- -priations Commit;.=c, ail. ricllds of the awe :cY, was Sen. Richard B.::asseil ni' Geor~i