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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100790013-4 l~ v U~ (J V U1 \~~i' ~iM (r z- cted to 2nd NPC, Nov. 1958 and 3rd , Sept. 1964); cmtc. mem., Dept. of 'ology and Earth Sciences, CAS, May 19 (made mem., Standing Crate. of Dept., e of same year) ; elected mem., Presidiu 1st Session of 2nd NPC, and mem. (a elegate from Chinese Scientific and hnological Ass'n.) Standing Crate., 3r PPCC, April 1959-Dec. 1964; mem., Pre 'dium for rally to celebrate 10th anniver ry of founding of the Chinese People Republic, Sept. 1959; mem., Presidium, 2nd Session, 2nd NPC, 1960; mem., Standing Council, China-Africa People's Friendship Ass'n., April 1960; Vice- Chmn., Peking Municipal Scientific and Technological Ass'n., July ,1963; elected mem., Standing Crate., 3rd NPC, Jan. 1965. CH'IEN Hsin-chung Delegate representing.2nd Fiel Army of PLA to 1st CPPCC, Sept. 49-Dec. 1954; Dir., Public Health D t., South- west Military Area,MPL July 1950; mem., Southwest ils. ry and Ad- ministrative Crate. d concurrently mem.. of its Crate of Cultural and Educational Affairs nd Dir. of its Public Health Depf., J ly 1950-Feb. 1953; mem., Standin Cmte. of Nat'l. Cmte., All-China F.e ration of Scientific Socie- ties, Aug. 1950-Sept. 1958; mem., Southwest Administrative. Council and concurre ly mem. of its Cmte. of Cul- tural a d Educational Affairs and Dir. of its .ublic. Health Dept., Feb. 1953- Nov/ 1954; mem., Standing Cmte., M ical Science Research Crate., Minis- of Public Health, State Council, Feb. 1955; mem., Scientific Planning Com- mission, State Council, May 1957-Nov. 1958; Vice-Min. of Public Health, Sept. 1957-; mem., Chinese scientific - and r technical delegation to USSR, concur- rently mem., Chinese cultural delegation to USSR, Nov. 1957; mem., Nat'l. Crate China Scientific and Technical Ass' Sept. 1958-; mem., Chinese Group,.Smo- Soviet Crate. for Scientific and T hnical Co-operation, Sept. 1959-; me Stand- ing Crate. of Executive Cmt ., Red Cross Society of China, Oct. 961-; deputy head, Chinese public h th delegation to visit Cuba, April-Ma 1962; deputy head, Chinese public he th delegation to visit zechoslovakia ay-June 1962; head, C delegat' to 8th Int'l. Anti-Cancer Cong., M cow, July 1962; Vice-Pres., China- Ion Friendship Ass'n., Sept. 1962 , le ealth delegation to North Ko a accords to agreement for cultural -operation in 63, Nov. 1963; vice- -ad, Chinese scie ists' delegation to Peking Science Symp ium, Aug. 1964; elected Deputy. for Kian u to 3rd NPC, Sept. 1964; led medical de ation to the United Arab Republic to ttend 1st Asian-African Medical Conf., t. 1964; mem., Presidium, 1st Session of 3r NPC, Dec. 1964; mem., Preparatory Crate. for the 2nd Nat'l. Games, Jan. 1965; Pre dent, Red Cross Society of China, April 1965-. CHI EN Hsueh-s-hen (A. A ) B. 1912; native of Wuhsi ( s~,) shih, Kiangsu; graduated from Chiaotung Univ., Shanghai, in mechanical engineer- ing, 1934; went to USA on Tsinghua University scholarship to study aeronau- tical engineering and aerodynamics, 1935; attended California Institute of Tech- nology (CIT) where he became a favorite student of aerodynamics expert Theodore von Karman, who interested him in jet propulsion for supersonic air- craft design; later transferred to Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) CPYRGHT Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100790013-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100790013-4 CPYRGH CHI EN doctorate, returned to CIT to teach as assistant pro- fessor; Dir., Rocket Section, US Nat'l. Defense Scientific Advisory Board (headed by US Army Air Forces Chief, Gen. Henry "Hap" Arnold) during World War II; sent to Germany as US Air Force colonel at head of delegation of scientists to study German rocket deve- lopment towards end of war, 1945; be- came professor (youngest in its history), MIT, 1946; returned to China and was offered presidency of alma mater, Chiao- tung Univ., but then Education Min. Ch'en Li-fu ruled him out on ground of Ch'ien at 34 was too young; returned to USA and assumed professorship at CIT in addition to heading educational and research program at its Guggenheim Jet' Propulsion Laboratory, latter half of 1949-1955; tried returning to China via Hong Kong but was stopped following seizure in Honolulu of trunkloads of his books and research notes which he had shipped on ahead and which later proved harmless, Aug. 1950; repatriated from USA after Geneva talks between Wa- shington and Peking representatives, Sept. 1955; assigned to head preparatory cmte. for Institute of Mechanics in Chinese Academy of Sciences, at the same time becoming a member of Aca- demy's Science Awards Crate., Nov. 1955-; attended 2nd session of 2nd CPPCC as a non-party personage and was elected a mem, of its Nat'l. Cmte., Jan. 1956-April 1959; Dir., Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Feb. 1956-; mem., Scientific Planning Commission, State Council, March 1956- Nov. 1958; mem., Presidium, Nat'l. Conf. of Representatives of Advanced Pro- ducers, April 1956; mem., Editorial (s lIl;iff~ ), covering theories of au- tomatic control and automatic regulation of various systems in engineering tech- niques, written while in USA, Jan. 1957; Pres., Chinese Mechanics Society, Feb. 1957-; Cmte. mem., Dept. of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, May 1957-; mem., Executive Council, Int'l. Federation of Automatic Control, Sept. 1957-; elected deputy for Kwangtung to 2nd NPC, Sept. 1958; mem., Nat'l. Cmte., China Scienti- fic and Technical Ass'n., Sept. 1958-; Chmn., Compilation, Translation and Publication Crate., Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1958-; Chmn., Preparatory Crate. for Chinese Automation Society, 1958-1961; joined Chinese Communist Party, Dec. 1958; head, Dept. of Mechanics and Engineering, China Univ. of Science and Technology, May 1959-; mem., Presidium, Rally in Celebration of 10th Anniversary of Founding of CPR, Sept. 1959; mem., Editorial Board, Scientia Sinica bimonthly, Jan. 1961-; Pres., Chinese Automation Society, Dec. 1961-; re-elected deputy for Kwangtung to 3rd NPC, Sept. 1964; mem., Presi- dium, 1st session of 3rd NPC, Dec. 1964. Prefers romanization Tsien Hsue-shen; wife Chiang Ying Associate Prof., Central Conservatory of Music; author: Engineering Cybernetics, 1956; and Lectures on Physical Mechanics (which deals with solution of problems in mechanics by means of new scientific achievements in modern physics, physical chemistry and quantum chemistry in order to facilitate work of designers in engineering projects), 1961. Board, Science Record bimonthly, May Deputy of Sciences' 1956 Science Awards of 3rd Anniversary Dept., East Founding of CPR, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100790013-4 1938; for book Engineering Cybernetics