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Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100110002-0 1E ~ Hebrew University, '1946-49; Public Service College of the Jewish Agency, 1947-48; with Israel Defence Army; joined Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1949; Counsellor, Israel Embassy, Mexico, 1956-60; Consul General, Lisbon, 1960-62; Dep. Dir., Economic Div., Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1962-65. 18 Bialik St., Jerusalem. AMNIA, Binyamin A.; D.Sc. (Math.) ; Professor of Mathematics, Hebrew Univer- sity; Officier de l'Ordre des Palmes Acade- miques; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur; b. Russia, June 3, 1896; m. Varda Finkel- stein; Educ.: universities of Geneve and Goettingen. Came to Israel, 1910; founder of the Institute of Mathematics in Jerusalem, 1925; editor and founder, "Journal d'Analyse Mathematique". 13 Abrabanel St., Jerusalem, Tel. 39939. AMIRAN, David; Professor of Geography, Hebrew University; b. Berlin, 1910; Educ.: Berne University. Assistant Chief, Div. of Climate, Palestine Meteorological Service, 1946-47; Director, Israel Research Council, 1956-59; visiting Professor, Chicago Univ., 1960. 9 Alfasi St., Jerusalem, Tel. 31719. AMIT, Jacob; journalist; Editor "Al-Ha- mishmar"; b. Kaunas, March, 1904; in. Breina Bavilskit; 2 d.; 1 s.; Educ.: courses in literature, history and sociology. Came to Israel, 1929; member, Presidium, Zionist Council; member, Histadrut Council; mem- ber, Presidium, Editors' Council; member, Centre United Workers Party; executive, Hakibbutz Haartzi. Author of numerous articles on various topics. Beth Zera, and "Al-Hamishmar", Tel-Aviv. AMIT, Meir; Aluf (Brig. Gen.); M.B.A.; b. Tiberias, 1921; m.; 3, d.; Educ.: Columbia University (Adm.) ; various Haganah com- mands, 1940-44, and in War of Independence, 1948; dep. commander and then commander, Golani Brigade; head, tactical dept., I.D.F. H.Q.; Chief of Manpower Branch, 1956-58; officer commanding, Central Command, 1958-59. H.Q., Israel Defence Forces. A3IITAI, Haim; actor; b. 1898; Educ.: religious school and dramatic school; in. Came to Israel, 1920. Actor, Ohel Theatre, 1926-32; Habima, from 1932. 3 Ecron St., Tel-Aviv. Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000100110002-0 A3IITAI, Isaac; painter, lecturer; b. Jeru- salem; in. Esther Harari; 1 d.; T, s.; Educ. Bezalel School of Art; Paris Art Academy, Teacher at schools in Tel-Aviv, settlements, as well as at workers' evening schools. Lecturer, Popular University, Tel-Aviv. Three exhibitions in England, at Tel-Aviv Museum, art galleries in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem; during 1959-60 exhibition in U.S.A., France, etc. 10 Zeitlin St., Tel-Aviv Artists' Quarter, Safed, AMITSUR, Shimshon Avraham; Professor of Mathematics, Hebrew University, Jeru- salem; Educ.: Hebrew University; member of Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1952-54; Visiting Professor, Notre Dame University, 1958. Holder of Israel Prize (1953) for Exact Sciences. Senior Foreign Scientist Fellowship (Nat. Sci. Foundation- USA) 1964; Visiting Prof., Univ. of Chicago and Cornell Univ., 1964-65. Hebrew University, Jerusalem. AJIRAMY, Aaron; B.S. Civil Engineering, M.S. Sanitary Engineering; b. Tel-Aviv, Jan. 31, 1918; m. Miriam Foguel; Educ.: Johns Hopkins University; Illinois Institute of Technology; California and Chicago Univer- sities. Chief Sanitary Engineer, Ministry of H, :~lth, 1948-1955; Visiting Professor of Pub- lic Health Engineering, Madras, India, 1955- 1959; Short-term Consultant to U.N. Tech. Assistance Board in Uganda during 1963 and 1964, and to World Health Org., in 1965. Formerly, Chairman, cultural committee of Federation of Engineers and Architects in Israel; President, Israel Chapter of Water Pollution Control Federation. Contributed papers to professional and scientific pub- lications in the United States, United King- dom, Israel, and to United Nations press. Participated in Second International Con- ference, Tokyo, 1964. 1 Telalim St., Ramat-Gan. ANBAR, Michael; M.Sc.; Ph.D.; physical chemist; Director, Chem. Div., Isr. Atomic Energy Comm.; Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; b. Danzig, 1927; in. Ada Komet; 1 s.; Educ.: Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Research Scientist, Weizmann Institute, since 1950; research associate and lecturer, University of Chicago, 1953-55; member, Israeli delegation to Conference on peaceful use of atomic energy, Geneva,