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WASHINGTON STAR' AUG 51 Approved For Release 2000/08/03 CIA-RDP75-00001 RO STATINTL Five in One Crash seven Die in Traffic CPYRGHT Skid Marks foi 93 Feet' Pvt. Bonar said the speed- ometer on the Smith car was stuck at 60 miles an hour and that the other car showed skid marks on the paving measur- hig 05 foot Mother, 2 Girls, Youths Killed In Maryland Autos killed seven Washing- and early today, five in one head-on crash in nearby Mary- land. The sixth victim was a pe- destrian at Fourteenth and R streets N.W. and the seventh died in a crash near Waynes- boro, Va. The Maryland col- lision, on a straight stretch of State Highway 2, three miles south of Edgewater in Anne Arundel County at 11:45 last night, took five lives and in- lured three other persons. The dead: Richard Trotter, jr., 17, of 800 Aspen street NW killed the hospital. g s iuc an-' Sandra Jean Cook, 14, of other car and then spun Into 9323 Fourth street, Lanham, fhe victim, carrying him 87 feet. Md., who died it an ambulance. Grant was charged with hom- One Driver Among Injured icide, passing a red light and The injured: j unreasonable speed. 1 place N.W., daughter, who died en route Ito ` ron traffic li ht went through a k t? k Kischitz, 33. of 4884 Mae- Arthur boulevard N.W., killed when his car rammed into the U: S. Highway 250, four miles ;. east of Waynesboro, Va. State Trooper W. ` W. Kauffman said Mr. Kischitz apparently was traveling at a high rate of speed and did not see the truek toll for this year to 530-2417-' above th fi t h e gure a t is time: CHARLOTTE last year. instantly. A two-car epilision at Four- Robert P. Oberst, 16, of 5361 teenth and R streets N.W. Chillum place N.E., who died caused the death of William T. in Anne Arundel Hospital three Eatmon, 22, of 1420 R street hours later. N.W., a pedestrian struck down; by one of the autos. U street. N.E. RICHARD TROTTER, Jr. KILLED-These are three of the five victims of a head on crash in Annc Arundel County last night. CPYRGHT with the two girls, was return- ing from a visit at Woodland Beach. Anne Arundel County Police Pvt. Orlando M. Bonar said she had pulled out into the north-bound lane to pass another car and crashed into the north-bound car driven by Ronald Harris and containing the otau four boas e rou to Bevetl)~pprgv idtl Q~e telease 2000/08/03 CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400290031-9 Georgetown Hospital with back and neck injuries. Ronald David Harris, 18, of 5124 New Hampshire avenue N.W., driver of one car, in Sib- ley hospital with head injuries and cuts over the entire body Francis D. Banda, 16, of 1307 Sheridan street N.W., multiple cuts and bruises. He was re- leased from Anne Arundel Hos- pital after treatment. Mrs. Smith, driving; south 21 Riggs road N.E., who is in undetermined condition at