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Document Release Date: 
July 14, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 3, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000400290013-9.pdf151.08 KB
AND T1 jrs R r, , Approved For Release 2000/08/03 -06-R[ P SMAe, ~OT 0 STATINTL CPYRGHTBy Morton Mintz / j-~ octon Post start WrILcr An undercover investigation by the Central, Intsll'igence Agency of one of its own high. level officials has brought the, r urs of bizarre Publicity and serious charges about its methods of operation. The story Involves $20,000 to $30,000 In , jewels discovered missing after a CIA visitation, Hs Hob nurchette, Staff Ph STORbI CENTER._Thls is the Geor otographer home of in jCIAewels official are missing V. Tofte, getown from which $20,000 to $30,000 issing following What Tofte calls #,an. lag" by agents from his own aSe oop OP- a S &wne 10 see about renting " .--- a According to to the CIA S1 o cum was "not aware of Mr. Tofte's Agency affiliation" and. vas Sr,,....n .. arty by Torte's runlhn.I w, Inn 86-year-old woman C7faI' o oi' In la Ie s state of shock and . r,,,..- ,e'hnwnvn,.e LelSler. The Tofte, veorgetown neighborhood,show ?""r'1e wash abounding with CIA b n t s loy l a p 1e kt . rass s a ewor n .aorhe l The officiail, Hans V. Tofte,;Chatel flan. said last night that one CIA The, CIA r2 I{enn statement said n2a, eth R Slo that "Sl .cum, hadocum noticed by "snooped inside his home M chance classified agency ma- an area that was?"absolutely off terial in oe of the rooms !limits" and had than reported being shown and reported wet he found like "a good ht- this promptly to Agency secu. y city officials." Tofte said this was followed But the Toftes said that by a "stupid cloak although Sl d ' an ocum a ag . ger rai had come to d" in which his mother. see a in-law basement apartment had been biim?boozlcd, got Into a third-floor area ea lie said that all used b of thi lf y Tofte li set as abrary and Ihim "outraged as a private which was closed to everyone.' citizen" and dismayed as a There, Tofte said, he had' man with pride In the agency manuscript material for a text. at its unprofessional perform. book and CIA ante. home "b material taken ;l + In a separate interview, his of homework.' fIn $ wife Marlys sh a statment ared h h T l ertls?ofte saidast Saturday ,band's outrage at what she "is customar !called, the "Im g Papers home " pertinence and ruthle forxecutty ssness and seir nor peso nnel . Of the Young g as em as well- ll to ;this g through p yes of certain ranks house." and responsibilities" The accountfh The A o te episodegency's ?'. contention given by that Slocum discovered was backed of to and his wife CIA discovered the by J. C. Chatel a material by chance was realtor who shared th p countered b eir a who ner and is now the own g said it was se urel wrapped house now of the in a parcel y wrapped brick resid nce i at a 3-st5ory th moving, and thatp' het parcel st. nw. 1667 was under a blanket that,In But a spokesman for the turn, was under a tarpaulin CJA, Cmdr, John M On Sunday J l u oran y 24 th C ,,eIA sued a statement defending statement said, the Slocum the agency's rol couple ret e andig urned t th saynoe 35th that as Slocum had seen "exposeSpeakeh4570 With d S "Charles D. vate home . rnants in violation oftur blvd. n?'. a security Mrepresentative of thle a en n " agency complex story began iThey ? were again when complex June atted M b - 59 a r Toft' ol y ,.es motherin-law War II underground andr 'and took custody of the classi. mando hero, sold his house tofled material;" the atate rment Chatel's real estate arm,-icontinued, which then advertised it for Subsequen rental or sal ~' Mr. T o f t : e e advlaed , a On July 23, ,Slocum,. Of ?.81I .thlaA10aeca some official of 07 that t some Jewelry, Contfnuea :CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400290013-9 or