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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000400170029-5.pdf123.66 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400170029-5 Unopposed NAME-Ernest D. Wilt, Independent. HsME-4837 Ncoti~ Twenty-seventh ^treet, Artrggtoa. ,UNNING FOR"-"1 ee-year unex- pired County,t'oa,rd term,af the late-David L. Krupsaw. TO BE ELECTED BY-Entire county. VOTING MACHINE KEY-20-A. BACKGROUND--Lifelong resident cf Arlington; attended Strayer's Business College, National Low School and University of Rich- mond; in business in Arlington since 1940; president and a direc- tor of the Arlington Trust Co.; p.csidcnt of E. D. Wilt, Inc., which distributes Essa products in North- crn Virainio; Baptist. POLITICAL C A R E E R-Considers himself a "Jeffersonion Demo- crat," but twice voted for Presi- dent Eisenhower and has con- tributed to Vice President Nixon's campaign fund; has not been as- sociated with any of the three local Arlington political factions; received an interim appointment to the County Board lost January. FAMILY-Married to the former Harriet Linger; two c h i I d r e n, Frederick, 10, and David, 13. Vote for One Lucas H. Eieeiris, Demo. i,rombcnt. I:C:AE-3240 North Abingdon street, Arlington. RUNNING FOR-Re-election to n four-year term en A r l i n g t o n Comfy Board. TO EE ELECTED BY-Entire county, VOTING MACHINE KEY-18-A. BACKGROUND-Born in Herndon, - Va.; B.S. and D.D.S. Loyta Oni- vcrsity, served as a novol officer with Marine forces during World War II fighting in Pacific; now a commander in Novo[ Reserve; ex- cept for period of wartime service, has practiced dentistry in Arling- ton since 1940; Methodist. POLITICAL CA R E E R - Longtime Democrat; first elected to County Eoard in 1956 as a representative of the conservative coalition, Ar- lington Independent" Movement, which was (crmed of both Repub- licans and Democrats and' since has dissolved; now running as tll De niocrat. FAMILY-Married to the former Jean Hencveld; four children, Mrs,. Beth Cuze, H e n t e r Le, Keith Stuart and Schyrel Jean. N/.ME-Tbamas W. Richards, mem- ber cf Arlinglor.ians'For a Better Ccucty, HOME-2553 North Richmond street, Arrington. RUNNING FOR-Four-year term on Arlington County Beard. TO CE ELECTED BY-Entire county. VOTING-MACHINE I:EY-18-B. BAC'i(G"OUND-Corn in Cumber- Iend, Md.; B.A. Dickinson College, M.A. University cf Maryland; served in Navy 1944-1946; was a high school teacher in Prince Georges County before becoming an intelligence analyst with the Air Force for which he worked until last year; currently an analyst and project director with the Broadview Research Corp.; Unitarion. POLITICAL CAREER-Become a leader in the non-partisan ABC coalition shortly after moving to Arlington in 1954; directed its precinct operations during the 1959 campaign; seeking office for the first time. FAI,.Y-h4;arried to the former Egen M. Peterson; two children, Douglas, 7, and Cynthia Anne, 4. Approved For Release 2000/08/03 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000400170029-5