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Publication Date: 
January 23, 1965
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NEWS-LEADER .. l2Aj@ 4-oved For, ReleasEETOM 1103 : Mort Ed[I Oder P.s. Pogo P-90 ' CPYoa eIN 2 3 1965 "Sherlock Ilolmes." however, this doesn't CPYRG T, er-l ud By DAVE BURTON The stage's first college. law enforce- nwnt degree program at Richmond Pro- ! fessional Institute won't turn out a C fession. An' e.. ;%r iwhom ai C 11 Police Program CPYRGHT u tits in this iroa are rep?es,uted (in I. c student bexl; )," hr said. '1' e majority of thh~ etude its come f of the Richmond Police Bureau. th rs enure [rent pal ce Fire..; of the at all disturb S a Capitol am State poli. a rid near. at Hormachea, the assistant pro- fessor of sociology who came to RPI this year as the prograryz's co-ordinat.or. ff He feels that the program, nearing the end of its first semester in opcra- ii tion, has been coming along on a more- Iharr-satisfactory basis. 'Trwelt !?leased and very impressed with the rrspcnse ... he remarked in l an iut,'r?? iew. "It seems that people really are 1-hind us and are interested in seeing that the program goes." The- primary aim of i.he program, Iiormachen explained, is the "pi?ofession- ,alization of law enforcement." He feels that., in keeping with the age. of speciali- zation, law enforcement now is a pro- COL. LEAR REED (left) MAKES A POINT DURING CLASS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Carroll Hormachea (right) Is Co-ordinator of tho Program at RPI b, r call es such as Honrk o, Chcstc ?- f' l and Ilanovc r cou~nles an I Peter:;- b r .? lI irn hen said th,? stucle r;s seem t b "ettremely interested" Ir the pro e, a 1. "They fee! they are doing l;omr.- t in to )10' .ter tiemselves ... lie said. A in(cation of the inter at, Hor- r ea t?elieves, is that many p)lice- n ci not enrolled in the piogrr:nt have c in to him with inquiries. Presumably, t ey had been told abut the program 13 sically, the program is a two-year p t the curriculum receiving an as- sic! to in arts degree In law enforce- ncn. , ?? '1' a first year offers basic courses in tration on courses in law enforcement, sociology and psychology.' Only one law entorcernent course; "Introduction to Police Science," is offered this semester. Two others--- "Police Organization and Administra- tion" and "Community Relations and the Police"-will be added next semester. A two-man staff, made up of Hor- machea and Cal. Lear Reed, has been set up to take care of instruction in the program. Hormachea holds bachelor's and mas- ter's degrees from Trinity University and has done some work toward a doe- toratc. Before coming here, he taught at Washington State University and at High Point College ih North Carolina. Colonel Reed, who formerly taught in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and in the Cent r ntel] ggcv, took his pre-law training at the Uni- versity of Richmond. He holds an LLB degree from Grorgetown University. W h att about expansion plans for the I ~ T ~~TT,,~, 1109 { g~ U01 C A,, ~1 t eiroll~r'pi Rase I try j tiol /~~v+t's40-Q~lIb~Md Alt4k~illd 4IOU$ lAcphas plans ;new program, Hormachea said. . ' n the second year ttiat the program to expand the program "as the. need "To m nowledge, all of the police Toles more specialised, with concen- and dentand'at?ise." /