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Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001R000300210064-2 MORI BUNDLE! DATE PAGES box Foicler Fan 4* BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001R000300210064-2 " ' it ir l's lest;iirig the 1, Eisenhower. , x i_ ct , ,-,-;1?iti,?.?11 ? Illant * r nis'home. Be aPP089?.4hPltIr? ?a h - '':'.G....!eii-e'reritl?'s retsonZne-?Ltilliastion.. ' with. - , qua Tat an...d, _W.. _lariti; ? ?'0?1L1AS_ rall;' thewould lei:W-make It:will-have on indepindent voters.1,..;Pe.,.._?111riinne,feelids ilke 'it.CainPaign sPewilif asked to. 47.71-:???BuYiggartih7awer. WhoCtIatawaY;; ;11BeWeY. la the ,barrier to?this ? j?' 14.., . _ . .:._,..,,u, .._, .......___uneing ireferrecl -to, by Judge Acni.___?..Alei ..',1',''? lizturilt/7:11') 07,10Pru'ehrilaocipai. ' 'nterice-lo :the Ocilee''''''w"le '?Pj:nd,jury?i peetientsmnt which iii-Yroll.',11e will be narood, in the, i ,. ._.,.,. ; . i-,Wfill be released agLer' ft))?1.,.., ,fli,5,,tit ? ' di ' thyoughEurope ' have II:!k,iGypsy Rose Lee'v'' 9ne"- 4;,. ._ .,_4 sh-,15,,:troni)jojway home -. ? n.1:4ted" her over half 1,tti,Th!mteRcl%dleosuars...t.teouns, F,,,,,i11.1it !,r11,1! iyi n. thisha s AiV4h .:, the loot no , ?., .. . new ,ttin.I.,...Linie,uglIt.cliap k , To help promiste : his '''?.1'6,";pee'pro.v...ed women's page intreiViewli; with 1)111:tr).1.74.0;?f?r..i'ithye. filarssl - riAge - ..'::.?gen:'.fttiiA0:11 tqapi?,,t0; N. fi , c 44itnz..?-iincc their mar , ? .: ,,.., a_,..._Ec 06 couthuoit jp utne 30110t for ?Senate subcorantlttee?ne rulig. tini:'our "schoola'.. The firs.t Witocssiatthe*.FolOS4:-,hearings will be ?eei*Red teacher ....? ...At hia,-Cppa opening ?Joe'E4,:ewiS raised a ..',:iiink and proposed a toast t -o'Sir Cedric, icket?,'To" the Ern - 4iie..i',Ilardwicke resI)onded i :- 'To the-Empire.",plaayr7 . Lewis !co ed ntinu: 'Yes, t .. 0 ErnPlre..? and nalealz-:Saratc)ga 1 Al'rOpical"Park."? ? . . - ? -.., ..' ' tle.11t,dSie:V,, ..RUM,1; .hozel'OC*.the ttrisoce.:!coirtinittee',for Steven. _ 4,t stiii`.S,1-',.!eiiinnalgri, went' to'-',PririhAil g tit, present ,the':itind-ralsing ? , 4illograin'-.'he wrote.. (e1. Jack -'Arvey': and the !.,iitlier' Stevenson. - nieritors.-stold..him" it wass'i fine ,program; .blvt.'*?would,;requIre six Ainiinths' of work-711nd' there' are Only -eight; weekii;:.iii, campaigning ' fin*.i!'r ':-.-..?;.. ..On the fli,ght hack. to ,'.1,1. Y. 'Rural *Wrotehla*-.Itolution of ' ,,Itp 'piobleip.of 'farnrnIni , six :inonths'.,ikork into eight weeks: "Six ! ,,.." ...ritlistr-that's 25 ::Weekaplus 'vacation., T,wenti-flve'.,c-weeks, at.- 40. ; 'fienurs a %;".e-efi?--tinat's'I.,90 %work-hours. "1.f.',Wa.Mii'cli a 125 worh- .,:liOurs per week, for eight Weeks,- that's 1,000 hours. 'All we have o?iio, therefore, is work about 18 hours each day, for eight weeks, ' 'ititiati-! producing .1;000 Wpr/t.hours -or the . equivalent; of six months ? %.'14.3r.11:'[;-, . '-'.'' " 1: ' ' --::"---:' ., '.'...,': - '.'j - 7,'..'."..''.'--!.: P'resident 'Prtirnanti',Plans*!afterAletiVinjr.oii:.ivhfte nouie, In. 11,4de. a' flight around the werld.'flrit crOsalng lite,eiteillcto Japan,.; ' r lien` the Near East ;---4uid Israel,' i where hell :-IriPaidi' the *Vassovel: ,1 lidays at ,Kfar Truman, the 3dbbut2t .; rig.._110nor-A . 1:' itharine Cornelt's , tour : In .i. 'The; Constant,..-: 1 .4411; open. at' i. .ird's Theater ' in Baltimore "Oct,: 13. :-She'll ' Visit Z"-. cities before, : i ing the tour ' in the . spring.., :. ',.; A hat ;cheek-, girl Otto worked -.nt ,.,.,: Alibi Club is. the-latest one IP blow. a ,whistie, it ?Mickey ,,Ielke-:!**, . 'The ."For Sisle".nign on Millrose 'Island lit the East River has , ,' . 1 nicived.:.- The city- will convert it Into 'a playground. ,. rt(iliert Capa,Ihecisunerama.u.'whp?covered the ?wars in Spain, .?1.1 and 'Europe, ileriFits ?pre4dent of Ai' toopereave comPial;',44 ratnetf 'Ni,h4 ,.workout of ",:rari,a'irad,er- their Corporate ' Pune. ..,n;`, TheY're::14.4ep,:men"...and. therefore ,:lia,Ve; Pecollarltirs ' .a : prefers, his OileigneS-tc-lia?VO*3v3.aliscLuicuts, ',au he..ffee.-:,tO?fillil!nr.sigiune.nts.,it .ortY":ho411.:14:*ny .PItiCt , A:t,r,ici.,'". ,,It!.1.7;e*All-j:,..tiiSikneci.,,c41.,*i.11.1s'-asto,okafnis3,, do a.:. - ? tni*:::. In :"Ikif,,TitnC",".Lk(ttew4diiiiii4Tiirilittiolvi; 4iint :Alin .: , .1, ' ' int': i - ii- 0 ;,1 ' 4zi ;Saillihinitf . ' Ar tA ;vs, 44..,.,, i-.,, r - , ?elate t Cen. II day oft for one of hIS'al40"; cog. ? rientice-Bran. The rntmo explained that; -ethel day 'off that hil-eould be niarried.?. Golbin;:'Snifthla ? .g tnerno 'was: "DoE.-s he li:1-No to do it on our,*,thriari;w4V5;0010ferter,..,,vitio produced and directed ?"Stalagyir:Art144144catotar?atneeif,the: author: j 01,1 in Paris -arid..rnakciltvisionteitif the ttolay. for ithf!' London r-un ? . ? One of Marilyn; Monroe's Ariends *139-beard of Joe DIMaggio' Irr,tq that Marilyn; is ,,a laropled the cooking of. the dar4ing blond.:whwearreetthe dishei herself. "If you're, n. rar.r, arid not blindfolded, care piXtb.",..wasthu raport. if you're blindfolded,.'oe."41.,,Ivornan-.41* ? . 'Magic.: Ontret! to !Itfeeent*4 vtenject,'- the tranzp,c rt Inz7, of hfc..slent pilgrims ". by American Air Verge 'planes in th,5 Eant , won I mtneslaurahle. good ',W111 ";(or . the "'nation,: '13.1e. request for tu-,e of the planes tame the,State,Hept. In tli., Secre.. tars of D-efense, The request :tirstIted, afternoon, r:?11. chanccd to be placed on the Aesk:Cd../kast...-5.Seeretarp:of Defease An nr. IZosen berg* .? When Hrs. Atosenberg ziPpointeC to her p?os t, 1":t re nu ous upposItion'toiler; ,.tioa*,..the.Arnb Leetue ? . ?/Irs. Rosenberg read.- the",440301V, for Ahe',Mitgle Carpet to rand %kith hi 15 minutia 7pitt had Secretary rintr4tersc of he project. ? ' - iloberta Peters and 'her Merrill; .will both si P la "Rigoletto" ,at the.:Miei,t?MP4018'Artt?bPer.a cf 'the riew . Merrill,' incldentally.Nears toliteuff.links with an un- design--the,proseeniurn.:10,4-At,:the'rldot-'- They were rnzde ny Met wbo*:.?'? note was tAt. deWeleri Ile Just 7nar gold. violin foriHejfttz fihe. McCarron Com- - mitt et- is not -11nislae4...*191,4tbe-,Qwent Lattimore. case, :Enid rr.ay re: it s9on with: a ine',v* Victor Lasky, co?autho elf ''..i;c'ed.5 0.1...Trea!'loti;YS-r!*.ived,.:40raedding.S.2.1,tt:lmt :week _from rce ?JAckson.71:).??4pii, coPle,,s, .the heti f?ings of theIULZt merican Activities COmtnitte-e.", The ilovc-b,ippy gr-oom d Oscar for the wriy he- biarned: "3u,St what we wante(1." 0,1!.% l'uli- vh1elt proced fittal ,eier? could make Gertrucl n co' mike. 'ts* plestorrnatiee.-t ?? her' Merit,- CortstOne,, Car e.ntor, fell the tnale Of !ittides'ObtrilleLk44.iiid"iSing ' On in 11 2ac,.-- In '!Ttio KinklUid &Meat task, incense- the star w un' que , one -and, bone. asidd lo ? es pericirmanre ILe qualltS sheare it . Moss Hart *nen au2tItlimed.,ao 'actress who eiairne :to hare understudied.,81.1sit;'LaWrencetht:,.!?Stiasin and Goa:" ,"I 14.nb Gerkt#,;f11.11.0:11)14,3tieF. ,roti were ,Sit'itkoestudy.'hi":1sait ;21 ti1.03V:IV 1; f.kt' "