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Document Release Date: 
December 14, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 5, 1965
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Sanitized A n, rQ,v_Pd, For Releas NEW YORK, N.". 17ORLt~-TELEGRc,A w SUN .i ? 373,849? MAY .5.i 1?65 Willi: this chilling observation, NBC's John the Central Int~li ( U, A ancy titled "The Science of spy- ` M is as it should be. With this documen? ti studies, a tradition shamefully ahan- CPYRGHT the ruthless tactics of our enemies, are + Richard Bissell, former director of plans for the CIA, j Considerable time also was given to probing the question there were occasions when Americans had--as people do In priations, its freedom from direct Congressional and execu? tivo control. the CIA has been able to carry on a "second power exists---and whether it is good or bad for the country meat in Guatemala.. CIA spying in Cuba and' Indonesia have raid to that, ono wonders?) wero also mentioned. Easily the most Impressive voice on last night's show , In defending the work of the CIA, Allen Dulles struck was Sen. McCarthy's. He said he would not go so far as this viewer as a man who doth protest too much. I was to call the CIA a threat to our Constitutional liberty-"but' also disturbed by his repeated qualification, "as far as I .,/ I do think It intrudes upon traditional areas of representa- know," and not only because of the grammatical construction- 1 tive and Constitutional 'government. . . In some cases Asked about the morality of CIA operations, Dulles re- ,. plied, "Well, only as far as I know, we don't engage in as- the CIA makes its own . j sassinations and kidnaping, things.of that kind. As far as.,' In closing John Chancellor probably put the problem{ as neatly as anybody could. To wit, how are we to recon? t I kDow we never have." l cile "the necessity for the CIA with. its secret offense Dulles "also pointed out that he was a parsons son.. 0 How indeed? 1@a against ublic morality?", .,I 7rol e ha. l .~l , deF' Igughgd. e ~1=tF~'':=dot1'1f2f~Uf~3Q0~1yO6CY1~t='1'? CIA interference in the internal affairs of other patrons. i offer---:a package deal, so to speak-to assassinate any 12. wuuL pus bla' AI &n:vu-u1, .+. ,,. ,..~...,..;. J.'-' ' ,. - Communists Ior.waU,000."' - ?; was able to give only the briefest sununiiry tvithiu this', The deal, ho added, never camp off. "We were success- wartime-to undertake certain actions that. ware contrary to their moral precepts." ~-le did not specify the actions. . A short tine later we heard one Fred Sherwood, former,' n's attache to the Americi.n embassy in Guatemala, describe'; 'the United, Slates effort to oust Jacobo Arberz from the presidency. Sherwood told of "a group' that tried to bring