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Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 CONrIuEiVTiAL' 25X1 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C STATOTHR 25x5-ATOTHR 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Friday - 7 August 1970 5. JGO) I met with Mr. Alan D. McArthur, Associate Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee,._and left a message with him for Mr. Sourwine, who was out for the day, that will not be able to meet with the Subcommittee during the coming week due to his present nervous state. He and his wife are departing for today. The address where available. can be reached will be forwarded to the Subcommittee as soon as it is 6. I IJGO) Received a call from Mrs. Lavonda Shear, in the office of Representative Wilmer D. Mizell (R., N. Car. ), inquiring for a constituent about the welfare of Mr. believed to be stationed E::~orking for "Air Force in for CIA. After checking with NE Admin., I advised Mrs. Shear that we have no record of Mr. and suggested to her that from the APO address provided it would appear that the individual may be employed by the military. Mrs. Shear was most appreciative. 7. JGO) I responded to telephone request of Shirlee McGloon, Administrative Assistant to Representative J. William Stanton R. Ohio), concerning the status of the employment application of Mr. Ohio. After checking with Mrs. Office of Personnel, I advised Miss McGloon that in response to rletter of 23 July 1970 application forms have been forwarded to him and have not been received back. Miss McGloon was most appreciative. 25X1A 25X1A I /JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. Houston DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB 25X1A Item 5 - Itellip'pravp &r, Base 003/10/21: CIA-RDP72-00337R0002001300A C 8/27/2003 Mr. I Mr. oo win CO .Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 6 August 1970 25X1 25X1 1. II JGO) Picked up from Dorothy Fosdick, Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, Senate Committee on 25X1C Government Operations staff, a copy of the biographic sketch left with Senator Henry M. Jackson (D.,, Wash.), by Dr. 25X1A 25X1 C Retired. Mr. an Mr. SB Division,* have been a vise . 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1' 25X1. 25X1 C 2. - JGO) Received a call from Mr. J. G. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee who advised us that the Chairman would like to talk with here in Washington the middle of next week. The Subcommittee would also like one day with[~efore he testifies. Mr. WH Division, has been advised. 25X1A 3. JGO) Met with Representative John O. Marsh (D., Va. ), and delivered to him the attachment forwarded withi dated 18 July 1970. Also discussed briefly with Representative Marsh his Committee interest in systems analysis approach to appropriations problems. He indicated that he would appreciate it if I would bring Mr. by the office one day to meet with him and his Administrative Assistant, Chris Mathisen. I told him I would check with Mr. and be back in touch with him. 4. - JGO) Met with Mr. Ron Tammen, Executive Director, MCPL, and received from him an unnumbered copy of the report on military spending. 5, LLM ick Schultz House Internal Security Committee, called to inquire whethe who had 25X1 recently defected from Cuba, would be available for appearance before the Subcommittee. I advised Schultz that the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee had a prior request for ppearance and it is possible that this may occur some time in the middle o next week. Schultz then withdrew his request Approved For Release 2003/1 `St 1-'P72-00337R000200130033-7 since the Senate Subcommittee had gotten "first snot at" Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 r _ -t\Et 6 25X 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 5 August 1970 5. LLM) Dan Hern, in the office of Represen- tative Louis Wyman . , N. H.), called and said the Representative would be interested in having a plaque of the Agency seal for his office. I told him that unfortunately we did not have any plaques on hand, that the few that were made up some time ago had been long distributed, but that we would keep the Representative's interest in mind if more were made up in the future. Hern thanked us for this consideration and asked what the prospects were and I told him I did not know. 6. - LLM) Returned the call of Mr. Bjerke, in the office of Senator Warren Magnuson (D., Wash. ), who wanted unclassified information from the Agency on project Camelot to handle a constituent inquiry. I referred Bjerke to the Congressional Quarterly Almanac (with references to congressional publications) for a fairly comprehensive run- down on this U. S. Army project. He was grateful for the assistance. 7. II- LLM) I SAVA, called in connection with the upcoming travel of Senator Ralph T. Smith (R. , Ill.) to Vietnam and the Senator's interest in a CIA briefing on pacification. It was determined that the Ambassador should handle the matter initially and arrange a meeting with the Station if the Senator still wanted an Agency intelligence briefing as it relates to pacification. 8. JGO) In response to General Cushman's request to Mr. Maury, pic a from Mrs. Eisenhower, in Senator Barry Goldwater's (R. , Ariz. ), office, a copy of the report on Military Spending--Intelligence and Policy with margin notes by the Senator. 9. I I JGO) Met with Mr. J. G. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, 4Senate Subcommittee on internal Security, who told me that he is waiting on 25X1 C the Chairman's determination concerning the course to be followed by the Subcommittee in meeting with He will call as soon as he hears from Chairman Eastland. Mr. WH Division, has 25X1A been advised. Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 4 August 1970 Record. 12. JGO) Received a call from Mr. Cornelius R. Anderson, Assistant Director of the Survey and Investigations Staff, House Committee on Appropriations, concerning Committee need for assistance in a study that has been scheduled by Chairman Mahon. See Memorandum for the 25X1A 25X1 25X1A 13. JGO) After discussion with Mr. SAVA, I met with Miss M. Kay Lovell, personal secretary to Richard Moose, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, and advised that it will be necessary to go to the field concerning the School of Youth for Social Service, Truong Thanh-Nien Phung-Su Xa-Hoi, which is headquartered in Saigon and Paris, France. I gave Miss Lovell a short 25X1A verbal on Cao Ngoc Phuong, the signer of the letter that has been received from the School of Youth for Social Service. 25X1 25X1 C' 25X1 C 25X1 14. JGO) Met briefly with Mr. J. G. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security, who told me that he had passed the information concerning the availability of to the Chairman for his determination. 15. - JGO) In response to his request delivered to Mike Lennon, Assistant to Representative Donald M. Fraser (D., Minn.), a copy of the Truman statement of December 1963 relating to the purpose and operation of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Lennon indicated that the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress had not been able to identify the statement. While in the office I met with Dale Maclver, Administrative Assistant to Representative Fraser, and learned from him that Representative Fraser plans to introduce late in the week a'concurrent resolution to establish a Joint Committee on Intelligence. This measure is intended to implement the findings and recommendations of the Members of Congress for Peace Through Law for a joint committee to oversee the intelligence community. Their office has apparently been working closely with Senator Mark Hatfield (R. , Oreg.) on this matter. I also received from Mr. Maclver a draft copy of the proposed resolution. Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 Approved For Release 2003/10/21 : CIA-RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Monday - 3 August 1970 5. I I- JGO) In response to her request, forwarded to Miss Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations, Senate Committee on Government Operations, the complete text of President Thieu's 31 July broadcast to the Vietnamese people. 6. JGO) Received a telephone call from Mr. J. G. Sourwine Ch' Subcommittee on Internal Security, who requested that a former member of the Castro regime, be made avai a e or u committee interview in accordance with the ground rules that had been worked out with the Subcommittee for this type case. From the press reports, this individual is knowledgeable in several areas of interest to the Subcommittee. 7. I I- JGO) Received a call from Mike Lennon, Assistant to Representative Donald M. Fraser (D. , Minn. ), who requested help for the Congressman in identifying a statement attributed to President Truman in 1963 concerning limiting of the Agency's role to intelligence. Mr. Lennon said that the Legislative Reference Service of the House had been unable to identify the statement. I thanked him for the call and told him I would be back in touch tomorrow. 8. - JGO) Met with Harry Lambert, Assistant to Representative Glenn M. Anderson (D. , Calif. ), and discussed with him Representative Anderson's letter of 30 July to the Director concerning the maintenance of files of names of persons opposed to the Vietnam war. In brief I explained that we do not maintain such files and since we are prohibited by-the National Security Act of 1947 from internal security activities we are not in a position to determine the need for such files or the constitutionality of such practices. It was also pointed out that such a practice would appear to have little merit since the House Committee on Internal Security has published several volumes of testimony onthis very subject. Mr. Lambert was most appreciative and advised that no further action would be necessary on Representative Anderson's letter, that they are engaged in. a-routine action generated by a constituent inquiry. 25X1A 1NTEh tt AL Ej..,1 ? ? .`, /JOHN M. MAURY cc: ER O/DDCI Legislative Counsel Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Houston DDI Apptved)BS&F~Dle B(0/2t)RDP72-00337R000200130033-7 Item 6 - 25X1 A