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Approved F`Release ~: 1 TOOPT6 *ARMY Declass/Release Inst inns n i c i.gence Production ogram -__G2,-- USRPA SP REPORTS Office- F 59 an Item Branch J A S 0 i3 D J P A M Hours 1960 961 Strategic Vulnerability Survey, S.A.sia x x Southeast Asia (Revision) P & C (I) Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey,. S.Asia South Central Asia P & C (I) Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, Pacific x Japan (Revision) P & C (I) Tech/Soi Strategic Vulnerability Survey, Pacific x South Korea (I) P & C Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, Pacific x Taiwan P & S i (I) Tech/ c Strategic Vulnerability Survey, Pacific Philippines P & (I) Tech/Sot Strategic Vulnerability Survey, Pacific Indonesia (I) P & C Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, ComFE Eastern Siberia (Revision) P & C x (I) Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, ComFE x Communist China (Revision) P & C (I) Tech/Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, ComFE x North Korea (Revision) P & / x (I) Tech Sci Strategic Vulnerability Survey, ComFE X North Vietnam I) P & C Tech/Sci Invasion Routes to Southeast ComFE x Asia (Revision) Tech/Sci S.Asia x x P&C orm 'IAp~Fo CONFIDENTIAL Approved Four Release09 1MEIkFL71TOO6R000600060076-8 e gence Product-ion o ;rani BAR, A ' 3PECTAL FPO TS 0 0 FY ~ Man r ~~ Item Branch J S 0 N D J F iLi A i4 J Hours 1960 196 Trends in Southeast Asian S. Asia x x x Security Forces Pacific x x (I} P&C Trends in Japanese Ground Pacific x x Self Defense Forces (I) Trends in the ROK Army Pacific x (I) Chinese Communist Military ComFE x Schools (I) Communist Far East Rail Network - ComFE x Status and Capacity P & C x (I) Tech/Sci Logistical Capabilities, ComFE x Communist Forces Korea (I) Logistical Capabilities, ComFE x Communist Forces China (I) Area Study - Tourane, S. Asia x x x South Vietnam P & C (I) Area Study - Southeast China ComFE x P&C (I) Area Study - South Korea Pacific X P & C (I) Area.Study - Taiwan Pacific P&C (I} Area Study - Okinawa Pacific P&0 x (T) ARP-IN Form 7 17 Jul 5g 2 'bpproved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP71TOO73OR000600060076-8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved F'Release]ERAFQPT00'%R000600060076-8 Intelligence Production Program - G2, U)ARPAC SPECIAL REPORTS Office FY T 959 Man FY FY Item Branch J A S 0 N D J F M A M J Hours 1960 196 Area Study -,Offshore Islands Pacific x P & C (I) Area Study - Kra Peninsula S. Asia x P & C (I) Area Study - Java Pacific x P & C (I) Logistical Capabilities, ComFE x Communist Forces, North Vietnam P & C Survey of Chinese Communist Tech/Sci Arsenals . (I) Counterintelligence Handbook Pacific x x S. Asia P & C (I) Guide to Japanese Government Pacific x x Agencies and Personalities P & C (I) OB Handbook - Japanese Ground Pacific Self-Defense Force (I) P & C Tech/Sci Military and Civilian Pacific x Personalities - South Korea P & C (I) OB Handbook - ROK Army Pacific x h/Sci T (I~ ec Taiwan Political and Military Pacific x Personalities P & C (I) Guide to Philippine Government Pacific Personalities and Agencies P & C (I) ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 58 Approved For Release 2068M D6:I,~fPAf100730R000600060076-8 Approved FV Released : Ef1 gY1771 T00 30R000600060076-8 Office Indonesian Arncj OB Handbook North Vietnam OB Handbook North Vietnam TOES NKA Uniforms and Insignia Personality Book - South Vietnam - (I) Personality Book - Laos ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 5S Approved For Release 2061'FI.T00730R000600060076-8 Approved FoRelease MD8P3'rj'r-Fef'1 TOOR000600060076-8 IRtelligence ProducHon Program - G , USAtE'AC SPEME OR'1 Office Man Item Branch J A S 0 N D J F M AF M J Hours 1960 196 Personality Book - Thailand S. Asia x P & C (I) Personality Book - Malaya S. Asia x P & C (I) Personality Book - Singapore S. Asia x x P & C (I) Personality Book - Burma S. Asia x x P&C (I) Personality Book - Pakistan S. Asia x x P & C (I) Personality Book - India S. Asia x x P & C (I) ARP-IN Form 7ap57oM F - Release 28061(0 j jK fXf T00730R000600060076-8 Approved FoP Release ;g0'1w>v;PFCtAT;'E3Pi4TOO 'OR000600060076-8 Intelligence ro uction Program - 2, U P LPAc STA,k'F PRO 071 0 f1Ce I Man Item Branch J A S O V D S fl i fl 1 Hours 1960 196 .Intelligence Annex, GEOP Tgts x x x Est ComFE S. Asia Pacific (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 25 ComFE x x x Pacific Est (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 27 Est x x X ComFE Pacific (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 30 Est x x S. Asia ComFE (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 32 Est x x x S. Asia ComFE (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 33 Est x x x Pacific (IZI) ComFE Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 37 Est x x Pacific (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 38 Est x x Pacific (III) ComFE Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 39 Est x x Pacific ComFE (III) Intelligence Annex, OPLAN 60 Est x x (Evacuation plan) (III) ARP-IN Form 7 17 JUI 58 p Approved For Release ~{1J~1,(Q$~ a I lAP,71 T00730R000600060076-8 & Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP71T0073OR000600060076-8 CONFIDENTIAL n e igence ?oduction S-TZFF -PROJEC rS 0 ice i'Y 79 fan FY FY Item Branch J A S 0 N D 3 1 1 A U T J Hours 1960 196 Korean Estimate Eat x x Caro FE (III) ARPAC Estimate Eat x x x ComFE Pacific S. Asia (III) Tech/Sci PACOMEstimate Est x x x x x x x x x x x x x ComFE Pacific S. Asia (III) Tech/Sci Intelligence Support For. Concept Est x x x for Ground ' Operations in the PACOM area. (III) Terrain Analyses of Military Aid Est x x x Program Countries (III) Information Booklets S. Asia x x x Pacific P & C (III) USARPAC Country Briefings ComFE x x x S. Asia Pacific P & C (III) ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 39 Approved For Release M]CDgj-rpjAIj T0073OR000600060076-8 Approved F'ReleaseW64108J39 71 TOO- R000600060076-8 Intelligence Prod uction Program AI 'AC 'EATU E ARTICLES 0 ice ~I~j~9 Man F Item Branch JJ A 0 D M A t; Hours 10,60 1961 Chinese Influence in Outer ComFE x Mongolia (I) Armed Forces of the Mongolian ComFE x People's Republic (I) Militia and Reserve System in ComFE X Communist China (I) Conscription in the Chinese ComFE x Communist Armed Forces (I) Chinese Communist ?ropaganda ComFE x Relating to Entry into Korean War Biographic Study: ComFE Liao Ch'eng-chih (I) (Corn lete ) Strategic Implication of Chinese ComFE X Communist Emphasis on Regional Small Scale Industries (I) Effects of Chinese Communist Party ComFE x Policy toward National Minorities (I) Munitions Manufacturing in ComFE x North Korea - 1958 Tech/Sci Military Use of North Korean ComFE x East Coast Port Facilities (I) Political Supervision in the ComFE x North Korean Armed Fcv ces (I) Dissidence Patterns in ComFE North Korea (I) (Comp eted ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 58 Approved For Release 2 T0073OR000600060076-8 Approved Forelease 29QYOW1SIT0072000600060076-8 In e li5nee Pro action Program - G2, U3 LIPAC A`rtJ Z ARi'1 5 Of' ice !i'Y .~)5`) Plan fl Item Branch ' J A S U iVl D J F A[ J Hours 1960 1961 Political Organization in the ComFE x Vietnam People's Army (I) Factionalism and Dissension in CornFE x the North Vietnam Regime I) Military, Political and Economic ComFE x Implications of the State Plan (58-60)_, North Vietnam (I) Waterways Development in ComFE Communist China Tech/Sci (I) (Con let d) Highway System of Communist China ComFE x Tech/Sci (I) Pao-t'ou -. Lan-thou Railway C X TeSci (I) Status of the Japanese Defense Pacific x Industry Tech/Sci (I) Japanese Communist Strength and Pacific x Capabilities in Key Industrial Sectors (I) Soka Gakkai Influence on Japan's Pacific x Attitudes Toward Def ens e I Communist Influence on Japanese Pacific x Public Opinion As A War Potential Factor (I) Information Security in Japanese Pacific x Government Offices (I) The Machinery for Combating Pacific x Communism in Japan (I) r Lja l 'I" ARP o ease TN f -W 4M N:kq - g orm 7 ppp CONFIDENTIAL Approved ftf. Releas / ]ifN71 TOO OR000600060076-8 n e igence Proauc ion Program - 0 USAk&AG 'EATORE ARTIGLla:3 Item Japants officer Training System (I) North Korean Penetration of the ROK Government (I) North Korean Agent Flow As An Indicate (I) x Organized Labor As An Instrument Of ROK Government Control (I) Wartime Capabilities of the ROK Police x The ROK Army CIC Pacific x (I) RO K Vulnerability to Sabotage (I) Local Logistic Support in the Ryukyus in the Event of Emergency Understanding of Communism In Okinawa Japanese Communist Access to Okinawa Port and Airport Security In The Ryukyus Uninhabited and Undefended Islands in the Ryukyus Attitude of Okinawans In Event of War ARP-IN Form e Office I Branch Pacific (I) r'Y S9 Dian J AS Uf DJ F'1iiS Hours x x CONFIDENTIAL El 1960) Approved Fo'f Release 2001/08/30 :CIA-RDP71T00 8000600060076-8 CONFIDENTIAL intelligence Pro duction Pro gram - G2, U.SMLPAC ' Office 1{`Y 19 flare FY FY Item Branch J A S U PN D J - ' M A : ' J Hours 1960 19 'Cliques within the KMT Pacific x (I) Security Organs - Pacific x Nationalist China (I) Trends within the Chinese Pacific x Nationalist Armed Forces (I) Infantry Reorganization of Pacific x . Divisions (Nationalist China) (I) (Cam ete ) Results of Second Joint Training Pacific x Operation (Nationalist China) (I) Progress in Organization and Pacific x Training of the Philippine Infantry Division (I) ~. Overseas Chinese in the Pacific x Philippines (I) Internal Security Forces (PI) Pacific x (I) Relationships of Major Political Pacific x Forces In Indonesia The Armyts Position in Indonesian Pacific X Public Administration (I) The Expanding Communist Influence Pacific x In Indonesia (I) Indonesian Military Capabilities Pacific x and Trends (I) ARP-IN Form ']4,ppI . F5* Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP71 T00730R000600060076-8 . CUTIFIDENTIAL Approved Fo"? elease 2061@ TREMEA O073b'R000600060076-8 ~-` Inte igence Production Program - , US1~ P_ O L ice an Item Branch J A 5 0 N D j i I -A i'; J Hours 1960 1961 Key Coirdnanders in the Indonesian pacific x Armed Forces (I) Paramilitary Organizations Pacific x In Indonesia (I) Appraisal of Indonesia's Military Pacific x Geography (I) Training and Equipment in the Pacific x Indonesian Army Tech/Sci (I) Internal Security Threat to Pacific x Indonesia (I) South Vietnamese Internal S. Asia x x x Security Forces Guerrilla Order of Battle in S. Asia x x x South Vietnam I Royal Lao Internal Security S. Asia x x Capabilities I Status of the Internal Security S. Asia x x W as Threat in Laos req red (I) Lao Government Intelligence S. Asia x Wl"I as Collection Capabilities req u ired I Status of Khmer Issarak Rebels S. Asia X WI as In Cambodia req red I The Pracheachon Party (Cambodia) S-. Asia X WI as req red I Cambodian Internal Security Force S. Asia x eq r rr?d ARP-IN Form ?Aplp' o-UE1 F8r Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP71T00730R000600060076-8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved FoMelease 2 L71 T0072000600060076-8 Intelligence Production Program - G2 USAAPAC i'E TURE ` ICLE3 Off c e F95 1 F -7 Fy Item Branch A -310 N D J Iii A Hours 196 0 1961 'The "Free Thai" Movement S. Asia x WI S as req 'red Foreign Minorities in Thailand S. Asia x W I as I) req ' red Thai Internal Security Forces S. Asia \ x WI , as (I) requ ired Thai Border Problems S. Asia x WI as (I) req- red Thai Army CIC S. Asia x WT as (I) req 'red Threat of the Chinese Community S. Asia x x x x WI as to Political Stability in the requ ired Malay Federation (I) They Malayan Army S. Asia x Will as r.) req 'red Malayan Internal Security S. Asia x WI., as Forces regi ir ed Communist Subversion In S. Asia x x x NI.. as Singapore reqt ired (I) Left -Wing Political Organizations S. Asia x x x In Burma I) Burma Army Developments S. Asia x x x x I Effectiveness of Burmese Security S. Asia X Forces I IN Form 7, 17 Jul 58 Approved For Release 2Q01108 30 CIA-R PP771JT00730R000600060076-8 Approved F elease ~gWft,gF L71 TOO ROOO600060076-8 Intelligence Production Program U$AEPAC FEA'i'UR { ARTS E3 Office P11959 Man P1 FY Item Branch J A 0 N I D 7T Z M A iq J Hours 1960 196 Communist Aid to India S. Asia x x x x (I) Developments in Kerala State S. Asia x x x x (I) Racial and Other Minorities in S. Asia x Pakistan, and their Divisive Influence (I) Communist Party Activities in S. Asia x Pakis tan (I) The Kashmir Dispute S. Asia x x x x (I) India's Relations with the S. Asia x x x Communist Bloc I) Dissident Minorities in India S. Asia x I) Effectiveness of the Indan S. Asia x x x Armed Forces Effectiveness of Afghanistan's S. Asia x x x Armed Forces Effectiveness of Aghan Internal S. Asia x - I I Security Forces I Struggle for Control of the S. Asia x x x x Government in Ceylon Z) Ceylonese Security Forces S. Asia. x I) ARP-IN Form 7pproved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA-RDP71T0073OR000600060076-8 CONFIDENTIAL Approved Fo '2elease P ,"rk7 1 T00 000600060076-8 > Intel Bence Production Program - G2, USAR.PAC r f E ~. 'S Office F=959 Man FY . Item Branch JAS 0 N D F M A M J Hours 1960 196 Radar Developments in the Tech/Sci x Communist Far East (Bulletin) (I) Food Service in the CCA Tech/Sci x (Bulletin) I) Medical Service in the CCA Tech/Sci x (Bulletin) I Medical Service in the NKA Tech/Sci x (Bulletin) I Japanese Ground Weapons Tech/Sci x x Developments (I) Japanese Rockets and Missiles Tech/Sci x (I) Japanese Infra-red Reserach Tech/Sci x and Development (I) Japanese Military Electronics Tech/Sci x x Equipment (I) Japanese QM-type Equipment Teoh/Sci x x For Use In Antarctic (I) Recent Changes In Political ComFE Administrative Divisions of the Soviet Far East (I) (Corn let ) CCA Activity in Guided Missiles Tech/Sci x and Atomic Weapons (I) Party and Government Organization ComFE X in North Vietnam I) ARP-IN Form 4prbve'F4 Release 2001/08/30: CIA-RDP71T00730R000600060076-8 15 CONFIDENTIAL Approved FRelease(2UNPIDEi NIPrAE71T00'TOR000600060076-8 Intelligence Production Program - G2, USARPAC ?EATURE ARTICLES Office Item Branch J A S O Status of the Emergency In Malaya (I) S. Asia Structure and Status of Philippine Armed Forces (I) Chinese'Communist Military Hospitals (I) ComFE Tech/Sci FY 1959 N D J r, IM IA FY 1960 FY 196 16 CONFIDENTIAL Approved Fo elease mwftim- 9M1 T007 2000600060076-8 Intelligence Production Program - G2 U3ARPAC THER. PRODUCTION Office FY 1 959 Man FY FY Item Branch J A S O N D J F 1,1 A M J Hours 1960 1 901 Daily Intelligence Summary Opns 1 (DIS) ComFE Pacific S. Asia P & C (II),. Tech/Sci ec ocl Weekly, Intelligence Summary Opns (WIS) ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est (II) P & C' Intelligence Bulletin Opns ComFE Pacific (Incl n S ) S. Asia Est (I) P Tech/Sci Weekly Staff Briefings Opns ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est (I) Tech/Sci Intelligence Conferences Opns ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est (TII) Tech/Sci Workload Items ComFE SRIs Pacific (v) S. Asia Tech/Sci Tec Sci Miscellaneous Intelligence Opns Support (Coord, Liaison, Review) ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est ~ P & C Approved For Release0 / BO:CI 7 T 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 76-8 ARP-IN Form 7,, 17 Jul 58 CONFIDENTIAL 17 Approved Fd elease !j[ 11 T007'9 '2000600060076-8 n e igence production Proorain - G2, USLnPAC _ OTHER PRODUCTION Office iY 1959 Man FY if Item Branch J A 61 7 N D J F i?1 A ri J Hours 1960 1961 TDY Visits Opns ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Tgts P & C (V) Tech/Sci Production of Special Opns Intelligence ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Tgts (II) Tech Sci Managerial Functions (Formulation, Opns Supervision & execution of policy, ComFE Div & Br Chief activities, pro- S. Asia gramming, project control, SOPs.) Est Tgts P & C acific (V) ech/sci Administration (Admin activities Opns not chargeable elsewhere, I.G. omFE Security, rosters, reports, S. Asia directories, etc.) t gts P & C Pacific (V) ech/Sci. Processing Intelligence Documents pns for Research ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Tgts (IV) Tech/Sci Library Operations Opns (IV) ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 58 '! ' 18 Approved For Release 2U0' '/d$9ODCTA=RIIPTTf00730R000600060076-8 Approved F b Releasee" lqlgEfq1PEREJ1 TOO ROOO600060076-8 AC -Intelligence Production Program - =21 kly 1959 I fnce , _ - )? PRODUCTION i f II __]_Branch JAcOI~tDJ~'riAi~1 FIM' ~M - Special Briefings Watch Activities Briefings and Debriefings (Attaches, MAAG personnel, visiting Mil Ofle, etc.) Report Evaluations (ACRAPAC, SIA, and others) (V) (V) (V) Technical Science (III)Coord Production (IV) Research (V) Adm Targeting Activities Opns ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Targets Tech/Sci Opns ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Targets Tech/Sci Opus ComFE Pacific S. Asia Est Targets Tech/Sci Opus CanFE Pacific S. Asia Est Targets Tech/Sci Opus ComFE Pacific S. Asia Tec Sci Tech/Sci Tgts Urban Intelligence Reports (Produced on a continuing basis by FCS, USACRAPAC) rove r e e e ARP-IN Form 7, 17 Jul 58 CONFIDENTIAL NTan Hours -FT-1-FY- 196011961