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L) %s .S)=3yEy Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 3 7 25 October 1 :'T ~ r. John W. Macy, Jr... :xecutive Director Civil Service CcrAnisssion Washington 25, D. C. I regret the unavoidable delay in resolving the policy consic3er- ations concerning "noncereer political executi,res" { insofar as they. apply to the Central Intelligence Agency. In accordance with my letter of 11 April 1957 1 forward1s ; herewith two copies of the policy statement which we have prc zlg-sted to our personnel in order to implement the recur endations of the r Cc .scion. incerely, /s/ L. K. 14hite Deputy Director 2 : xcls. DD/S:LKW:laq-:ljh Distribution: 0 & 1 Add E.R. 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1. - Gen Coun 1. - D/Pers 1. DD/S chrono 1 - DD/ I'S subject 1. DD/S reading y1CPI/ : 'F Pages 1-6 & Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/t11i9kI R99UNWW i.:x-0700220011-1 RD $ 5-7-' I / STATINTL PERSONNEL i-1OOVER COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS ON PERSONNEL AND CIVIL SERVICE 1. In order to implement certain personnel recommendations of the Hoover STAT Commission having to do with the relationship between "noncareer political execu- tives" and "career administrators" In the Federal Service generally, heads of de- partments and Independent establishments have been directed to "prepare and promul- gate to their personnel a policy statement which fits their particular situation but definitely carries out the desires of the President and the Hoover Commission rec- ov mendations to keep career administrators out of 'political controversies'.- 2. All personnel are advised that there are no "noncareer political executive" positions in the Central Intelligence Agency. S. It is essential that in the course of our work neither the Agency nor its personnel becomes identified with partisan policies, and it is the duty of all person- nel to keep out of political controversies. 75f Allen W. Dulles Director of Central Intelligence DISTRIBUTION: AB DD/S: LKW:laq Distribution: O W/RCS via DD/S - ER 1- DCI 1-DDCI 1 D/Pers w/background via DD/S 1 DD/S chrono 1 - DD/S subject 1 _- DD/S reading J, i.,14 ~, i.:IA INTERNAL USE ONLY L. K. White Deputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 9`R,'7 February 18, 195'7 TO: HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHMENTS SUBJECT: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HOOVER COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS NUMBER .1(a), l(b), AND 2 ON PERSONNEL AND CIVIL SERVICE Some time ago the President wrote to me regarding the Hoover Commission personnel recommendations which cover relationships be- tween the noncareer political executives and the career administra- tors in the Federal service. After indicating his general approval of these recommendations, the President stated: "I request that you develop***a program of action which takes these suggestions into account." In this connection, President Eisenhower stated: `One of the most important reports submitted by the (Hoover) Commission deals with personnel and Civil Service. ...The Commission points out very effec- tively the degree to which better direction of the affairs of government and improvement in the general level of its services to our people depend upon im- proved federal personnel management,...The Com- mission emphasizes the vital need of strengthening our political executive group and offers many valu- able suggestions for meeting this problem. ...The Commission also emphasizes the need to strengthen the career service. ...It is increasingly essential to our democratic system that our career personnel be competent, well-trained and non-partisan. The Commission points to the dangers of permitting career servants in the course of their work to become identi- fied with partisan policies, and thus subject to personal attack. The Commission addressed itself to this difficult and long-standing problem and developed criteria for designating the tasks which are appropriate for political appointees as dis- tinguished from those which should be assigned to career employees. The Commission points out very properly that its suggested criteria, must be applied Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 with some degree of flexibility. I believe that these criteria are basically sound and. that they provide a useful guide for a practical. division of responsibility between these two groups of public servants." Accordingly, it is the desire of the President that positive action be taken to improve personnel management by strengthening both the political executive and career administrator groups in government. The first three recommendations of the Hoover Commission on person- nel and civil service seek to accomplish this objective. In brief, they provide: 1(a) That career administrators, as rapidly as possible, be relieved of responsibility for the advocacy or defense of policies and programs, and that they be kept out of political controversies. 1(b) That, to the extent needed, additional noncareer executives be provided at the departmental level; and that noncareer appointees not be placed in line of command below career administrators. 2. That the President designate the posit=ions which should be in the noncareer category in accordance with the criteria specified in the report, but with some flexibility. To carry out Recommendation No. 1(a), the heads of departments and independent establishments will prepare and promulgate to their personnel a policy statement which fits their particular situation, but definitely carries out the desires of the President and the Hoover Commission recommendations to keep career administrators out of "poli- tical controversies." Two copies of this policy statement should be submitted to the Executive Director, U. S. Civil Service Commission, within thirty days from the date of this letter. Practically all agencies agreed to this recommendation at the time comments were submitted to the Bureau of the Budget in reply to Budget Bulletin No. 55-5. Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 To implement Recommendation No. l(b), the heads of departments and independent establishments will review their need for additional noncareer executives. In submitting comments in reply to the Budget Bulletin No. 55-5, the heads of most agencies stated that additional political executives are not needed now because legislation was se- cured by this Administration for additional assistant secretaries in several departments. Nevertheless, if a current, review indicates a further need, the necessary legislative or administrative requests will be initiated at the earliest possible date. To implement Recommendation No. 2, the heads of departments and independent establishments will compile a list of the positions in their agency which, in their opinion, should be included in the Non- career Executive Group, with the following exceptions: 1. The positions filled by Presidential appointment, with or without confirmation by the Senate, need not be listed. However, each agency will report on the above-mentioned list, the total number of such positions, as of December 31, 1956. 2. The positions in the Noncareer Executive Group which are now excepted as Schedule "C" positions need not be listed because information regarding these posi- tions is already available. However, each agency will report on the above-mentioned list, the total number of such positions, as of December 31, 1956. (Note: Do not include the positions of a personal and confi- dential nature, such as junior persona]. aides, confi- dential secretaries, and personal chauffeurs because they are not executives.) All other positions, which the head of each agency wishes to in- clude in the Noncareer Executive Group, will be placed on this list by (a) title of the position, (b) organizational location, and (c) grade. For each position on this list, submit, in addition, (a) an organization chart showing the location of the position in the agency, (b) a copy of the official position description, and (c) a statement which sets forth the characteristics and reasons for including the position in the Noncareer Executive Group. Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 1951 -9.41 9 The criteria in paragraphs (b) and (c) of Recommendation No. 2 of the Hoover Commission Report on Personnel and Civil Service, with such flexibility as may be required, shall be used in the preparation of this list. Kindly submit the list with accompanying material in quadrupli- cate within 90 days from the date of this letter to the Executive Director, U. S. Civil Service Commission. Upon receipt of these lists, representatives of the President's Adviser on Personnel Management, of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, and of the Civil Service Commission will review them to assure reasonable compliance with the criteria. The results of this joint review will be communicated to the heads of agencies, following which steps will be taken by the agencies and these representatives to re- solve any differences. The finally approved and authenticated list will be sent to each agency head. These lists do not constitute requests for additional Schedule "C" positions. The practice now followed of securing Civil Service Commission Approval of Schedule "C" cases is not changed by these instructions. The above-mentioned review is to assure compliance with the criteria and to give one committee the overall picture on the total Noncareer Executive Group. By direction of the President: Philip Young Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220M 1-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Mr. John W. Macy, Jr. Executive Director U. S. Civil Service Commission Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Macy : Pursuant to the tastructions contained. in the memorandum. dated 18 February 1957 to the Heads of Departments and Indepen- dent Establishments signed by Mr. Philip Young, subject: "The Implementation of Hoover Commission Recommendations Number 1 (a 1(b), and 2 on Personnel and Civil Service," there are attached two copies of the policy statement djajxjb~birtc to-esg3o GQ0 of the Central Intelligence Agency. L. K. WHITE Deputy Director Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R00070022Q S 7. /x3'2 DD/8: UN: laq: i jh Distribution: 0&1'-Add n l ' - E/R. 1-DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - Gen Coun 1 - D/Pers 1 - DD/S chrono /s/ L. K. Adu Deputy mractor fall I12UI.I Arove d-F"or loagfb i /-Mya8btI ~OB01676R0007ab220011-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1 TRANSMITTAL SLIP DATE 25 Oct 57 TO: Executive Officer ROOM NO. BUILDING 221 Admin. REMARKS: Jack: Herewith is a copy of the policy statement which we have promulgated on "noncareer political executives." The Director signed this statement on 22 March 1957. LKW E FROM : Deputy Director (support) ROOM NO. BUILDING 121j.A East FORM IN505 241 REPLACES FORM 36 8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220011-1