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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700210009-5 h Campbell ptroller enema of United .:fates ashington 25, 4_;?. t'; . . Campbell ince we had the 'pleasure of briefing you on 30 July, we have discussed other with 114r, Samuelson how the General Accounting Office's audit of this Agency might be improved. I believe that the mineral Accounting office can t-oar a its current audit activities in a considerable portion of the Agency, anti in moving forward in this direction I feel that we should reach a reernent :_=a certain fu damental aspects. na the .;antral Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, the Congress, recognLPing ,:) i of the unique problems involved in the conduct of intelligence activities, -)rovided broad authorities over the expenditure of and accounting for Agency funds. In particular, =,ection 3 of that Act (formerly Section IG) provides that ?cs ni ltu res for objects of a confidential, extraordinary, or emergency nature are to be accounted for solely on the certificate of tea erector and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher f'or the amount therein :: rtified." This wording does not contemplate the review of expenditures which rector certified were made for confidential, extraordinary, or a zergens: y hiie all funds a. ropriated to the Agency are technically on an "unvouch- it has been my policy and that of my predecessors to limit the ei- so of this special authority to those activities which in the national interest :cold have the maximum security protection. To the extent possibble A -.y funds are expended under the other provisions of the Central Intelligence Agenc~~ .ct and the vouchers for these expenditures are available to the General cccucstins; Office. This policy has been exercised to such a degree that ce rtai n activities, not i> themselves sensitive but conducted solely in support of hi;,, y Approved For Release 2003/05/05 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700210009-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700210009-5 operations, are funded under general authorities without invoking pecial authority to make final accounting therefor. A comprehensive audit ow conducted by the General Accounting office in other agencie:t, if so-called vouchered expenditures, would necessarily reach Into operations which they support and which are protected by my city under +ec don 8 of the Act. In these Instances, therefore, ti we audit would have to be limited so as to remain outside the area itive security o ?eradc . n view of the statutory background, I trust that you will agree with the sition set forth above. If you have any question I . ld be delighted to di cuss t with you at your convenience. if we are in agreement on these funda- priinciples, I suggest that your representatives continue to explore with y staff the r snn r in which the scope of the rieral Accounting '-1fice's audit Agency may be broadened, consistent with the security requirements cerely, Alert .. i illes irector DD/S: L KW:laq CONCUR: Distribution: O&1-Add t,1 N ER I - DCI L. K. White 1 - DDci Deputy Director I - GC (Support) I - COMPT I - C/AS 1 ., DD/S chrono I - DD/S subject I -. DD/S reading STAT _2_ Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700210009-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/ liffF~Q913PC76ROO07002100~g-~'/,/ 'I IA r Goner M A. UftIt. t9Et i. Z81 .C. emvor*ation of tho a r day, I kad audit q .Una which repv** rmI tt r and smisfa t r r' to yGu. jib "so tb*r* r- arty tr letter I=1 arth& & I would be tta3ly your*, s= W. L~UII*d d/c Orig & 1 - Addressee 1- I 1 _T, i - I - con troUear X - C/A 41t StAff Approved For Release 200 /W t f A,R P; B01676R000700210009-5 k M4 Approved For Release 2003U ~y ~ ~-fEF O1676R000700210009"-5{' . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25, D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DRAFT bell: had the pleas m of briefing you on 30 ys, we have discussed der s how the Omenexal unting Offtce's audit of this ASency nig ft . I believe that the Cameral Accounting Office can e3qmd its currant activities in a c ldera age portion of the may, and in moving forward in this I feel that we should reach agree wan on certain ftm4 emental aspects, Agency 194 __,.,.- , I&AW r s,, oft ; some r problems involved in the conduct of Intelligence activities, provided as over the eV tune of and acing for Agency funds. In p art,c- on $ of that Act (formerly Section 10) provides that e q enditures for objects ? w; w-M s car vxv UI _w DO aCCOUnWd for solely the certificate of the Director and every such certificate shall be deemed a :mm- client voucher for the amount therein certified." This wording does not contemplate w of erp itures Which the Director certified were made for confidential, Approved For Release 2003/05/05: CIA-RpP80B01.676R000700210009-5 Approved For Release 2003/05/0 P8056 6R000700210009-5 '0f . 'r:cy purposes. buds, it bas been my Jody and that of my pr+ede a oraa 10 limit the exercise a et pratecivn. To the extent poa be P4pncy f tft are flenda sppro!priad slam of d w Ceaft*1 Intelligence Agmy Act sod the for t1w the M4 not themselves sensi- solely in $ wort of highly a Operates; my special or, A comprehensive "ft of sort now cC &wwd by the r a ioe, if applied to our so- twAsuces, tberafore, the compreb mat sw port :Section a of the Act. d have to be limited so as s to reri of de the area of sensitive security operations. T*GW of the SMUtory Wre d, I try that yet . If you have may gwsdon I m odd be d ighted onve Bence. If we are in agreement on Oew l princip , to ezpiore my Staff the Of Agency gip, Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700210009-5 dential rations which en W a LIMMs Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700210009-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Dulles I received a telephone call from Mr. Samuelson today indicating that GAO would agree to the fundamental principles outlined in the attached letter to the Comp- troller General. When the letter is received they will respond by saying that it is an agreeable basis upon which to start the expanded audit activities. They will add, however, that if after a reasonable trial period they find that this is not a profitable exercise they will request that the matter be reconsidered. I see no objection, and recommend your signature. 13 59 K. White (DATE) FORM NO - 54 101 WHICH RELACES BEM US10-101 ED. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700210009-5