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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Honutabte Jo ap ptral. sr Cieneral ten -caten _ noon S, j, ? aropbell -the i.2 uFr, 19611 are a number of statutory provision* in which the re ,-entrei intelligence is authorised to take certain Hort ef these involve the expenditure of fruits while -_-troer xc not. k xarripies of the former are found in sections awl 3 of the Central intelligence Agancy Act .14 l4? aroandied. he -Iffice of the Director oi Central ;Intelligence as shed by the National Security Act of 1947, which at the tine f te original enactment :zed* so provision for a 1.42outy or. Lonsequiuitly, it has been the practice in those casts statntes granted authorisation to the LA:actor for him onaliy to tae the actions specified. 1 .)ecurity Act of 1947 was amended by he p ril 4 , 133 (67 tat. ZO) to provide for the establ shire t office of a Deputy Director of Central I.ntelligence, vow. like the Eirector, is appointed by the rresidant by and with the A.A.A?ei ann cartilirsi of the t3saate. In explaining the need for this -in,en ant. it was pointed out that among ether consicierations g at that time no provision of lavr establishing a reeptity cior toperform *non functions as the Director might assign i.,7,ornmittee on irn,.d Services, Full Committee gs 014 110. March 41,, 1953), that with the growing caroplexity of the ,=Etivitiee of this -1.gency it would be in the interest of efficiency the. ord?irly minsinistration of the functions vested by law in Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 STAT Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 the head of the Agency to have, except where the law specifically ?recto/iee delegations, certain authorities exercised by the asputy i)irector. I believe this would be in accord with your principles oncer fling the expenditure of Government funds. If, therefore. you see ro oojection. I intend to prescribe certain areas in which the Deprity Director of Central Intelligence will take (teal action in connection with the expenditure of funds under the above acts, Including certification of expenditures provided for in section t: 31 the Central intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended. LRH:jeb fa-Addressee I-DG! 1- DDCI 1- Of DC1 z-DD/S 1- Comptroller 1- Legislative Counsel 1-General Counsel -.incerely, John Mc'. oircetor ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Approv Approv N ? ER WI HECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM ? '-y-1,,:-}': - 5iii : le Wit "7-1.1" 1 e ve ?? b ' 001 (144,301Ui#J1. :3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP =1171A1 Q DATE TO NAM 0/DCI- j.2. 3 F:41.4 Langley ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE D ? - ii. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP801301676R000700210001-3 ?:lono Arec COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON 25 JAN 2-Amm A coone ntral Intelligence Agency your letter of December 12, 1961, ree.ring tfte your delegating to your Deputy eireetor the exercise of certsin unctions involving the expenditure of fends which by 1.eu are vested in the nirector of the Central Intelligence Agence. As you say, the national Security Act of 1947, 61 Stat. 455% y which established the office of the Director of the Central 'intelligence, did not provide for a Deputy Director. euhsoquentLy, eee Ceetral intelligence Agency Act of 1949, 63 Stat. 208J vas en- acted for the purpose of granting the Central Intelligence Agence necessere authority for its proper and efficient admiuiatration. lot act contains several provisions involving the expenditure of it vests action thereon in the Director. Section Mb) of ,hat act detines the term "Agency- headu as including "Deouty eirector.o It is significant too that section b(a) of the eeeee- ive 17ey Act of i949, 63 Stat. am 881, likewise refers to the eeierty eirector of Central latelligenee and eats els basic oompen- lation. on April 4, 1953, the National Security Act of 1947 was &Romeo (eublic Lew 15, 67 Stat. 19) to provide for the statutory effice of a. Deputy Director of Central Intelligence who, like the Arector, is appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent iI the 5enate. You point oat that nit has been the practice in those oases era statueee granted authorization to the Director for tie reonaliy to take the actions specified." Tou believe that, 'lite growing complexity of the activities of your Agency, it woule the interest of efficient and orderly administration of the unctions vested by law in the bead of the Agency to have, exce;t -when the law specifically precludes delegation, certain authori- ties exercised by the Deputy eirector. Therefore, if we do not object you int:end to prescribe certain areas in which the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence will take final action in COW/Ate- Lion with the emeenditure of funds under the National Security end eentral Inelligence Agency acts, including the certification of )e-,3enditures provided in section 0 of the 1749 act, RE amended. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 -e-1);77,98 -eet4on 102 of the National Securite Act of 194' as anended ?ell L., 19S19 erovidesi in part, as followeg ) There is hereby established under the neeurity Council a Central InteIligenee Agent* vith a Director Of Central Intellieenice who ahall be thn head thereof, and with a Deputy -ireotor of Central Intelligence who shall act for, And exerciae the pavers of, the Director during his atence or disability. The Director and the Depaty TArecter shall be appointed by the ?resident, by and wit.:4 Om advice and consent of the 5enate * * *. (1) If e commissioned officer of the armed services is appointed as Director, or Deputy lireetor, 4enee '43) ite shall not posseasor exerclae any su:mr- v4aion control, powers, or functions (other than ;wet) es he oosseaseas or is authorised or directed ee 4iercise, as Director, or Deputy Director) with r4-E1C1C4,.r.o areed services or any component ener :cctioq d(b) of the Central IntelligencP Agency Act of 1',40, ;7rovides$ "(h) The sums made available to tae Agency may jE:ex;)euded without regard to the provisions of law arvo reulations relating to the expenditure of Uovern- Atlat runds; and for objects of a confidential, extra- ordinary, or emergency nature, such expenditures to te adcounted for solely on the certificate of the eirector and every such certificate shall be deemed & suaicient voucher for the amount therein certified." zi'fico hate held that eotwithatandieg the absence oi specific etatutory authority for an Assistant Secretary of a department ee aet in lieu of the head of the department in matters of discretion vested law in such head, the title and nature of the position of suee eseistaht eecrotary is suoh as to authorise him to assist and to aeE, In lieu of the head in matters requiring his attention or discretion 'en authorised by him to SO do. 20 Como, Qen. 27, id, 797; 29 id. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3 B-1117793 ciw 12(e), above, does not set forth the duti uty Director of Central Intelligence or provide spec that he shall perform such duties as the Director may prescribe. is, however, authorised to fleet for, and exercise the powers or, the Director during his absence or disability.? eie do not con- true such authorisation as limiting the otherwise proper exercise by the Deputy Director of duties vested in the Director. The authorisation to act as Director would seem more properly to be eonetrued as limiting his right to function 481 "Acting Director." U.S.C. I. we have no reason to doubt that the Congress, in eroviding .::]7-or a Deputy Director in the 1953 emendmaet, was well Aware ok the general rule in our decisions above referred to, and had the Congress intended to restrict the aseignment of duties by eh* eirector to his Deputy Director it would have so stated, :16-reover, in douse of Reoresentatives Report No. 2191 on S. 111o, (elected as eublic Law 15, above, we find the statement that "There Is no existing provision of law establishing a Deputy Director with statutory authority to act for the Director or to perform such functions; as the Director may assign to him." The name state- eent was made in the debate on the bill in the House of liepreeenta- elves., Congressional Record, April 1, 1953, pogo 2742. eur view is Telt it is inherent in the statutory position of the Deputy Director tea the holder will assist the Director in the performance of his duties, including those vested by law in the Director* is our opinion, therefore, that there is no legal objection tz) your providing the areas in which the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence will take final setion regarding the expenditure of gunds under the National Security and Central Intelligence Agency acts, including the certification of expenditures provided for in eectioe 8 of the Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended. yours!, eoeptroller General the United states Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700210001-3