Comparative Utilization of Information Facilities and Sources by the Economic Research Area, ORR

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Approved For Releas 001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70TOO666 001000200099-4 &.f i Li %~ is IL 25 April 1955 TO Chief., Economic Research,, ORR SUBJECT: Comparative Utilization of Information Facilities and Sources by the Economic Research Area, ORR To determine the relative utilization by analysts in the Economic Research Area of (a) information facilities and reposi- tories and (b) source materials. IT. FACTS BEtRING ON THE PROBLEM: The Support Staff Questionnaire 1. Purpose The Support Staff in 1954 devised and distributed a question- naire concerning the utilization of available research facilities and sources* to all analysts in the Economic Research Area (ERA). The purpose of the questionnaire was to determine the use made of the various facilities and sources by ERA analysts in order that the Staff might be in a better position to furnish guidance in the "development, exploitation and utilization of all-source economic information and intelligence." 2. Description The questionnaire was divided into two parts entitled, respectively, Utilization of Information Facilities and Utilization of ources. Part I listed 25 information facilities availa e to ERA analysts and Part 11, 11 types of source materi- als. Each of the two parts was further divided into two sections according to the use made of the facilities and sources by the analysts: (a) for specific research projects., and (b) for general (any other) activity. Listed on the questionnaire, in addition., were 10 reasons for low utilization or non-utilization of both the facilities and sources, B. Compilation and Presentation of Poll Data 1, Compilation Data dealing with utilization of the listed facilities and sources for specific research projects only were compiled from the responses of 210 analysts who returned completed question- naires. These data are presented in Annexes A. B and C of this report, ifThe erm "source" is use ins report, as it was in the questionnaire, to signify a type of material as distinguished from a repository of., or a facility which handles, information documents, HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/02DP70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Relea 001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T006664900100020009-4 MOM" 2. Methodology The methodology used in consolidating the information de- rived from the completed questionnaires is explained in detail in Annex D. The principal concept used to show relative utili- zation is percentage of maximum utilization (defined as that utilization--equal to 100 percent,.-which would result if every analyst submitting a questionnaire had indicated heavy re- liance upon any given facility or source).* 3. Charts Three charts are appended to this report. The first chart (Annex A) shows the utilization of facilities and sources by the ERA as a whole. The second (Annex B) presents essentially the same information,.but includes a breakdown of the ERA into its four composite divisions. The third (Annex C) compares various systems of ranking the facilities. and sources in terms of their utilization by the ERA. C. Results of the Poll 1. Utilization a. Facilities Most Utilized The poll indicated that of the 25 information facilities and repositories listed in the question- naire, those most utilized are (1) the Special Register (70 percent of maximum), (2) the CIA Library (68 percent)***., and (3) the Foreign Documents Division (62 percent). Ranking next were the In- dustrial Register and the Intellofax Service of the CIA Library (each with 58 percent). Of the 11 types of source materials listed in the questionnaire, the three most heavily utilized by the to are (1) foreign press and radio in translation (79 percent) (2) foreign service despatches (75 per- cent) and (3) Communications Intelligence (71 percent). Ranking fourth and fifth, respectively, are defector interrogations (67 percent) and untranslated native periodicals (60 percent). *The implication that maximum utilization is necessarily desirable in every case is not intended in this report. **Detailed data can be furnished by the Support Staff on the relative utilization of facilities and sources by ERA divisions and branches. ,:*Although the Intellofax Service, Bibliographic and Index Room Facilities, and Reference Service were separately considered on the questionnaire, it is believed that this figure represents the utilization of the CIA Library as a whole. Approved For Release 2001/03/0 P70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Releas001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T006660100020009-4 L c. Facilities and Sources Least Utilized The poll revealed that the sources, with their respective service facilities, which are least uti- lized by ERA analysts, are (1) 25X1 B4d 25X1 B4d SOVMAT information 23 percent), an p oto-intelligence material 3l,. percent . 25X1 DOa 25X1 DOa The Biographic Register, and the Library of Congress are also utilized to a limited extent. 2. Factors Limiting Utilization For the sake of simplicity, the 10 reasons indicated on the questionnaire for non-utilization or low utilization have been reduced to five factors. These, in the order of importance as shown by frequency of occurrence in the poll, are as follows.- (a) Unfamiliarity (of the analyst with the service or materiaTy- (b) Lack of pertinence (of the data to the analyst's projects) (c) Paucity (of data pertaining to the analyst's fieid) (d) Inconvenience (of using the facility or source) (e) Unreliability (which the analyst attributes to orma -ion or service provided). III. DISCUSSION The Support Staff questionnaire was undertaken for the pri- mary purpose of ascertaining the relative use made of various facilities and sources by ERA personnel. Details of the resultant relative utilization pattern are presented in the graphs in Annexes A and B and in the chart in Annex C. In general, the utilization pattern of both facilities and sources is similar to what the Staff anticipated, although the use made of the Special Register by ERA analysts is surprisingly high. A significant contribution of the poll is, however, that it pro- vides a factual basis for what was formerly speculation. A second important result of the poll has been to reveal the principal reasons which influence analysts to make only limited use of certain of the research facilities available. Unfamiliarity was the reason given most often for non utiliza ion o information facilities-. Unfamiliarity was noted 251 DOa especially in the case of the Techniques and Methods Division of the Coordination Area, and the Departmental Records Branch of AGO (the captured German Approved For Release 2001/03/0 P70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Relea001/03/02: CIA-RDP70T0066600100020009-4 document collection). A relatively large number of analysts noted, moreover, that insufficient time was available to in- vestigate the facilities with which they were unfamiliar. The second most frequently cited reason for low utiliza- tion or non-utilization was that the facility in question did not possess material pertinent to the analyst's projects. A careful analysis of the questionnaire responses reveals, how- ever, that many of these were a priori judgments made without an investigation by the analyst of the facility in question, indicating that the real problem was one of unfamiliarity. For example, of the 142 analysts who indicated that the Biographic Register did not have information pertinent to their projects, 61 had never visited the facility. A similar situation was found to exist in the case of the Graphics Register, the Photo- Intelligence Division, the Techniques and Methods Division, and the S07 MAT Staff. The third reason for low utilization of facilities was inconvenience, which referred sometimes to physical location (cited often in reference to the Library of Congress and FDD), and sometimes to the difficulty of obtaining the needed material in time to be useful. Many analysts also noted that the material provided by certain facilities was 'more readily available elsewhere''. The fourth most important factor was paucity of pertinent data, a reason noted often for low utilization of material pro- vided by the SOVMAT Staff, the Techniques and Methods Division, the Photo-Intelligence Division as well as the Graphics and Biographic Registers. It should be pointed out-that, in the case of the first three facilities, the quantity of data perti- nent to IRA interests would undoubtedly increase under "hot" war conditions. Air reconnaissance over enemy targets, for example, would make available a large supply of current photo- graphic information, much of it directly relevant to ERA in- telligence interests. The fifth reason, unreliability, was found to be a rela- tively insignificant influence on the use of any of the facili- ties or sources listed. It is apparent from the results of the poll that some sort of program is needed to educate ERA analysts in the capabilities as well as the limitations of many information facilities in the Washington area. This need is pointed up by three considera- tions: First, it is essential to determine to what extent these facilities or repositories contain valuable information which is being neglected by ERA analysts because of either ignorance or lack of time. Approved For Release 2001/03/OP ~P70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For ReleaseD01/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666F0100020009-4 Second, the fact that ERA analysts so frequently reported a lack of time to investigate facilities emphasizes a need for preliminary information and guidance in the understanding and proper utilization of the relevant facilities. Third, in the case of certain facilities like the Photo- Intelligence Division, there is a need for education not only because of the information which it now contains but, more especially, because of the potential expansion of information from this source in the event of war. For these reasons, it is considered expedient that the ERA continue and expand the program already begun of investigating available information facilities for the benefit of all ERA analysts. This program should encompass a general research guide for analysts and a series of staff studies on individual facilities and repositories. Such staff studies should include the type of information housed or processed, the services pro- vided, proper utilization of the material and facilities, and an evaluation of the material from the ERA viewpoint. IV. SUMIARY AND CONCLUSIONS A. The Special Register, the CIA Library, and the Foreign Documents Division are the facilities most used by TRA analysts. B. Foreign press and radio, foreign service despatches, and Communications Intelligence are the sources most heavily relied upon by ERA analysts, 25X1 B4d C. Sources least used by ERA analysts are tion, 25X1 B4d SOVMAT material, and photo-intelligence informa- D, Unfamiliarity is the most important factor limiting the use of information facilities by ERA analysts. 25X1A9a Chief, Support Staff., Economic Research Area Research and Reports St/S/RU: VWD ; eds Approved For Release 2001 /03/ - DP70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For ReleasgJ 01/03/02 : CIA-RDP70TOO666R000100020009-4 EXPLANATION OF ANNEXES ANNEXES A AND B: The graphs in Annexes A and B consist of five columns, cor- responding to the five degrees of utilization shown on the question- naire. These degrees range from Q for non-utilization, through a, IL, and..q, to , - the last indicating heavy reliance. In order to determine the utilization of the facilities and sources relative IQ each other these five responses were reduced to a single figure for each facility and source,. using the concept of percentage Qf M~Mj- mum utilization. (See METHODOLOGY, ANNEX D.) The order of the facilities and sources in both Annexes A and B is determined by these percentage figures, but in Annex B the division graphs are presented alphabetically, as the percentage of maximum utilization is not indicated for each division. In general, the higher the proportion of c and I responseC, the higher the per- centage of maximum utilization. This may easily be seen by noting how the weight of the columns in Annex A shifts from right to left. The figure appearing directly below each graph is the percentage of analysts responding from the division or from the Economic Re- search Area (as the case may be) for that particular facility or source. ANNEX C : The chart in Annex C compares various systems of ranking the facilities and sources listed on the questionnaire in terms of uti- lization. It consists of four columns, the first of which shows the percentage of maximum utilization (a weighted figure) for each facility and source. (These figures should be examined in con- nection with Annexes A and B.) Columns II, III, and IV are the per- centages of analysts in the ERA responding, respectively, in the Q column, the I column, and in the c and d columns combined. The ranking is reversed on the Q column to show the lo3jest degree of nQA-utilization first in order to parallel the other four columns, .which record the ighest degree of utilization first. Approved For Release 2001/03/ - DP70T00666R000100020009-4 25X1 DOa Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 ANNEX A. A COMPARISON OF THE UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION FACILITIES AND SOURCES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA, ORR 100%= RESPONSES COMPILED FROM 210 QUESTIONNAIRES PART I. UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION FACILITIES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA FACILITIES ARE RANKED ACCORDING TO PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM UTILIZATION o a b c d BUREAU OF CENSUS 96 8 o a b c d FOREIGN LANGUAGE BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS % RESPONSE 100 o a b c d SPECIAL REGISTER, OCD % RESPONSE 99 o a b c d BIBLIOGRAPHIC AND INDEX FACILITIES, CIA LIBRARY 96 o a b c d PHOTO INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, ORR 98 22 - 114 o a b c d REFERENCE SERVICE, CIA LIBRARY 92 GRAPHICS REGISTER, CIA OTHER NSA BIOGRAPHIC OCD RECORDS CENTER COMPONENTS REGISTER, OCD 97 95 93 97 68 1 I..: I , (; ; (I to o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d CIA LIBRARY FOREIGN DOCUMENTS INDUSTRIAL INTELLOFAX SERVICE, 95 DIVISION, 00 REGISTER, OCD CIA LIBRARY 97 100 99 % RESPONSE I '17-'. o a b c d DEP'T. OF COMMERCE LIBRARY AND FILES 97 8 y 3.,. 4... 1 o a b c d DEPARTMENTAL RECORDS BRANCH, AGO 99 o a b c d MAP LIBRARY, ORR 98 o a b c d o a b c d TECHNIQUES AND 0-2 LIBRARY METHODS DIVISION, ORR 95 4 2 0 4 1 o a b c d o a b c d NATIONAL OSS ARCHIVES ARCHIVES 98 99 PART II. UTILIZATION OF SOURCES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA SOURCES ARE RANKED ACCORDING TO PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM UTILIZATION t?4-i 43 45 DISPATCHES 97 o a b c d 0 a b c d POW FOREIGN LANGUAGE INTERROGATIONS PRESS 98 99 18 14 20 o a b c d 0 a b c d o a b c d o a b c FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS DEFECTOR PRESS AND RADIO IN TRANSLATION 95 0 a b c d o a b c d LIBRARY AIR INFORMATION OF CONGRESS DIVISION, USAF 52 98 96 INTELLIGENCE INTERROGATIONS 93 100 PHOTO INTELLIGENCE 100 SOVMAT 97 El 3 3 3 o a b c d DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY 1 3. 2 1 o a b c d ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS LIBRARY 98 o a b c d FOREIGN LANGUAGE PERIODICALS 25X1 B4d Approved For Release 2001/03/0~2DP70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Release 2Q01/03/02 : CIA-RDP70TOO666R000100020009-4 ANNEX B. A COMPARISON OF INFORMATION FACILITIES AND SOURCES SHOWING UTILIZATION BY DIVISIONS OF THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA, ORR D/A-100%= RESPONSE OF 31 ANALYSTS o= NON-UTILIZATION D/I -100X= RESPONSE OF 52 ANALYSTS a = SLIGHT UTILIZATION D/M-100%= RESPONSE OF 67 ANALYSTS b D/S -100X= RESPONSE OF 60 ANALYSTS C ERA-100%= RESPONSE OF 210 ANALYSTS d = HEAVY UTILIZATION PART I. UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION FACILITIES BY DIVISIONS OF THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA FACILITIES ARE RANKED ACCORDING TO PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM UTILIZATION; DIVISIONS ARE PRESENTED ALPHABETICALLY 58 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d 0 % RESPONSE D/A 100 D/I* 94 D/M* 99 D/S 100 ERA** 99 % RESPONSE 1. SPECIAL REGISTER, OCD 6 8 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/A 97 D/I* 93 D/M* 93 D/S 94 ERA** 95 2. CIA LIBRARY o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d D/A 100 D/I* 94 D/M* 97 D/S 97 ERA** 97 3. FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION, 00 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/A 97 D/I* 99 D/M* 100 D/S 99 ERA** 100 4. INDUSTRIAL REGISTER, OCD o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d D/A 100 D/I* 99 D/M* 99 D/S 100 ERA** 99 5. INTELLOFAX SERVICE, CIA LIBRARY o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/A 96 D/I* 96 D/M* 93 D/S 96 ERA** 96 6. BIBLIOGRAPHIC AND INDEX ROOM FACILITIES, CIA LIBRARY 7 6 7 ~ 10 g 10 10 DEGREES FROM o TO d INDICATE PROGRESSIVELY GREATER RELIANCE ON FACILITY OR SOURCE 2077-711-14 13 - 20 10n 23 _ .`, 15 13 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d D/A 90 D/1* 91 DIM* 91 D/S 98 ERA** 92 Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 *Throughout ANNEX B. the responses for the Consumer Industries Branch have been included in the totals for Materials Division, since at the time the tabulations were completed, this branch had not yet become a part of Industrial Division. **Throughout ANNEX B. the discrepancy which may be noted in some cases between the percentage figure recorded for the ERA and the average of the percentages given for the four divisions, is caused by round- ing of figures. X RESPONSE D/A 96 D/I* 96 D/M* 99 D/S 100 ERA** 98 - % RESPONSE 8. MAP LIBRARY, ORR 44 45 38 32 F 26 16 16 19 17 30 19 15 22 17 27 20 - 2 3 4 9 8 2 10 w 49 7 )L 26 2 '7 13 16 13 1 13 13 17 10 8 6 8 3 2 3 ; w I 42 27 31 vn an 25 28 28 10 0 ,1.,.. 1 (`' _?[._,: to a .:; I .: 9 I ~,,....I? 0 t I H . o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d % RESPONSE D/A 100 D/I* 96 D/M* 95 D/S 98 ERA** 98 % RESPONSE 9. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 'qw 1CC11 10 10 13 13 10; 1. .J1Thd 11 I I 14 11 ;:! o a b c o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d D/A 100 D/I* 98 D/M* 95 D/S 94 ERA** 96 10. AIR INFORMATION DIVISION, USAF 7 10 .... "L 110 6 0 10 13 0i' 6' i 0 0 17 1 , l10 3 3 3 3 o a b c d o a b c d D/A 96 D/I* 95 o e e d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a c D/A 93 D/1* 94 D/M* 95 DIS 99 ERA** 95 13. CIA RECORDS CENTER 13 12 7 3 3 D/M* 97 D/S 100 12 GRAPHICS REGISTER, OCD 2 ,8=' 25X1 DOa 43 tn o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/A 94 D/I* 79 D/M* 96 D/S 100 ERA** 93 14. OTHER NSA COMPONENTS o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/A 99 D/I? 96 D/M* 97 D/S 97 ERA" 97 15. BIOGRAPHIC REGISTER, OCD 6 6 10 7 1 5 2 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d D/A 100 D/I* 95 D/M* 98 D/S 100 ERA" 98 16. PHOTO INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, ORR kSPmrm1@ZR%Z~ 'A Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 14 0 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d % RESPONSE D/A 96 D/I* 96 D/M* 99 D/S 97 ERA** 97 % RESPONSE 17. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LIBRARY AND FILES Approved For Release 22001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 NOW 71 38 25 10 12 13 6 3 6 2 7 1 ?. L ~ .. 10 ?, 5 2 3 68 9 10 5 87 C o fl o a D/I* 90 D/M* 92 D/S 100 18. TECHNIQUES AND METHODS DIVISION, ORR a c D/I* 99 0 a b e o a b c o a c D/Ivl* 98 D/S 100 ERA** 99 19. G-2 LIBRARY 8 3 3 3 a D/A cc 99 o a D/1* c d o e c o a 98 D/M* 97 -,- 20. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY 10 0 F7 9 b c d D/A 100 ^ c o a c o a b c d o a b7 - 7 D/1* 99 DIM* 93 D/S 99 ERA** 96 21. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 12 3 L 5 0 0 3 3 3 3. 0 7. 2 a c o a c d o a c o a c D/A 99 D/C' 99 D/M* 100 D/S 100 U. FEDERAL RECORDS CENTER 3 ..3 3 3'_ a b D/A c 99 3 o :I .0 0 0 D/Ab 100 o d Q. J % RESPONSE 0 a D/A c 100 0 2 0 t 7- ?.,; 3 a b c d o a b c d D/I? 98 D/M* 98 23. NATIONAL ARCHIVES c o a c 100 ERA** 98 5, 33 3 7 2 2 0 o a b c D/S 100 3 c_ 1 ERA** 99 4 2 0 0 a b c ERA** 98 14,1- 0 a b D/1* 99 d 6717*T""30 0 o a b c d D/M* 99 24. OSS ARCHIVF? rr? 3 3 0 o a b c d D/S 100 i o a b c d ERA** 99 2 2. . 0 -~ 0~. 2 7^ra 2, ?R 3 1 a b c o a b c o a b c d o a c D/I* 98 D/M? 96 D/S 100 ERA** 98 % RESPONSE 25. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS LIBRARY Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 49 31 23 22 10 13 17 12 15 3 3 3 0 56 5 3 3 13 rLl!f26 42 46 47 43 35 26 27 27 30 16 10 F A 3 8 8 6 6 10 Z 10 6 11 , 3 a b 19 29 25 8 10 13 10 16 10 : 6 23 10 3 20 10 10 8 45 71 Y'. 29 - 21 23 19 6 6 10 2 1 3 1 69 8 11 7 7 2 2 2 0 0 3 0 .. .,: 1 2 3 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d % RESPONSE D/A 94 D/I* 94 D/M* 99 D/S 96 ERA** 95 % RESPONSE 1. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRESS AND IO IN TRANSLATION 50 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 *4w Aw PART II. UTILIZATION O 7y1(I.E. TYPES OF INFORMATION) BY DIVISIONS OF THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA SOURCES ARE RANKED ACCORDING TO PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM UTILIZATION; DIVISIONS ARE PRESENTED ALPHABETICALLY 57 C"",'-1 50 3 6 6 b? . c o a D/A 82 c o a b c d o a b e d o a b a d o a b c D/A 97 D/1* 95 D/M* 100 D/S 99 ERA** 97 2. FOREIGN SERVICE DISPATCHES 55 48 49 o a b c D/A 97 a c d o a b c d o a b c D/I* 87 D/M* 99 D/S 96 3. COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE o a b c d o a b c d o a b c D/I* 95 D/M* 100 D/S 100 4. DEFECTOR INTERROGATIONS 25X1 B4d 11. Approved For Release 2001/03/0 1?4 a b c d o a b c D/A 96 D/I* 91 0 a b c D/M* 97 o a b c d o a c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b Mc o 96 D/I* 99 D/M* 98 D/S 100 ERA** 100 6. FOREIGN LANGUAGE BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS (ORIGINAL LANGUAGE) o a b c D/S 100 o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c: D/A 97 D/I* 98 D/M* 99 D/S 100 7. POW INTERROGATIONS L7 23 a b c ERA** 93 a b c ERA** 100 o a b c d ERA** 97 a b c ERA** 98 D/A 93 D/I* 96 D/M* 98 D/S 100 LL V ERA~ 99 8. FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRESS (ORIGINAL LANGUAGE) o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a b c d o a c b c c D/A 98 D/I* 96 DIM* 99 D/S 100 ERA** 100 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 var .14W VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF RANKING THE UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION FACILITIES AND SOURCES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA, ORR PART I. UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION FACILITIES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA (All figures are percentages) II. III. Rank Percentage of Maximum Utiliza- tion (weighted) o. Column non- Utilization of Facility) d. Column (Heavy Reliance on Facility) c. + d. Columns 1. SR 70 CIA Ly SR 41 SR 66 6 2. CIA Ly SR 11 IR 34 CIA Ly 68 63 3. FDD 62 FDD 14 FDD 29 FDD 60 4. IR 58 Bib. and Index CIA Ly Intellofax Room Facilities 25 Service (CIA Ly) 15 (CIA Ly) 53 5. Intellofax Intellofax Intellofax IR 53 Service Service Service (CIA Ly) 58 (CIA Ly) 16 2 X1IiOa 20 6. Bib. and Index IR 20 19 Bib. and Index Room Facilities Room Facilities (CIA Ly) 54 (CIA Ly) 47 7. Reference Reference Other NSA Reference Service Service Components 17 Service (CIA Ly) 50 (CIA Ly) 21 (CIA Ly) 47 8. Map Ly (ORR) 49 Map Ly (ORR) 23 L. C. 17 L. C. 45 9. L. C. 48 L. C. 27 Bib. and Index Map Ly (ORR) 42 Room Facilities 25X1 DOa (CIA Ly) 14 10. Air Info. Div- sion ~US~ 41 Air Info. Div- sion (USAF) 33 Reference Service 39 25X a (CIA Ly) 11 11. 41 CIA Records Map Ly (ORR) 11 Air Info Div- Center 38 sion (USAF) 37 12. GR 35 GR 40 Air Info. Div- Other NSA 25X1 DOa sion (USAF) 9 Components 30 13. CIA Records 43 GR 7 GR 30 Center 34 14. Other NSA BR 43 CIA Records CIA Records Components 32 Center 6 Center 27 15. BR 26 Other NSA D/T (ORR) 5 D/GP (ORR) 18 Components 52 16. D/GP (ORR) 23 D/GP (ORR) 58 D/GP (ORR) 4 Dept. of Com- merce Ly and Files 16 17. Dept. of Com- Dept. of Com- Dept. of Com- BR 15 merce Ly and merce Ly and merce Ly and Files 20 Files 62 Files 3 18. D/T (ORR) 17 D/T (ORR) 68 Dept. of D/T (ORR) 15 Agric. Ly 3 19. G-2 Ly 14 G-2 Ly 72 G-2 Ly 3 G-2 Ly 9 20. Dept. of Bur. of the BR 2 Bur. of the Agric. Ly 9 Census 81 Census 6 21. Bur. of the Departmental Bur. of the Dept. of Census 9 Records Br. Census 1 Agric. Ly 6 (AGO) 83 22. Departmental Dept. of Ass'n of Departmental Records Br. Agric. Ly 83 Amer. Rail- Records Br. (AGO) 8 Roads Ly 1 (AGO) 5 23. National National Departmental Ass'n of Archives 7 Archives 83 Records Br. Amer. Rail- (AGO) 1 roads Ly 3 24. OSS Archives 5 OSS Archives 86 National National Archives 0 Archives 2 25. Ass In of Ass In of OSS Archives 0 OSS Archives 1 Amer. Rail- Amer. Rail- roads Ly 4 roads Ly 91 qjr@kqwz Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Release 01/03/02 : CIA-RDP70TOO666R000100020009-4 Vkw Ste' 25X1 B4d PART II. UTILIZATION OF SOURCES BY THE ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA (All figures are percentages) II. III. Rank Percentage of Maximum Utiliza- tion (weighted) o. Column (Non- Utilization of Source) d. Column =Heavy Reliance on Source) c. + d. Columns 1. For. Lang. Press For. Lang. Press For. Lang. Press For. Lang. Press and Radio in and Radio in and Radio in and Radio in Translation 79 Translation 4 Translation 47 Translation 79 2. For. Service For. Service Communications For. Service Despatches 75 Despatches 7 Intelligence 45 Despatches 73 3. Communications Defector In- For. Service Defector In- Intelligence 71 terrogations 9 Despatches 43 terrogations 66 4. Defector In- Communications For. Lang. Communications terrogations 67 Intelligence 10 Periodicals 31 Intelligence 65 5. For. Lang. POW Inter- Defector For. Lang. Periodicals 60 rogations 15 Interrogations 30 Periodicals 59 6. For. Lang. Books For. Lang. For. Lang. Books For. Lang. Books and Monographs 54 Periodicals 22 and Monographs 38 and Monographs 54 7. POW Inter- For. Lang. Books For. Lang. Press 28 For. Lang. Press 53 rogations 54 and Monographs 29 8. For. Lang. Press 53 For. Lang. Press 29 POW Inter- POW Inter- rogations 22 rogations 47 9. Photo Photo Photo Photo Intelligence 34 Intelligence 40 Intelligence 8 Intelligence 28 10. SOVMAT 23 SOVMAT 56 - SOVMAT 18 7 11. SOVMAT 6 17 69 14 25X1 B4d 25X1 B4d 5X1 B4d Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 Approved For Release 01/03/02 :CIA-RDP70T00666R000100020009-4 ,OP I ANNEX D: METHODOLOGY Although the inherent nature of the data collected precludes their reduction to a single figure representing in absolute terms the total ERA utilization of each facility or source, a percentage of maximum utilization for each, derived by weighting, is presented to show comparative utilization. This figure was obtained by assign- ing numerical weights to each of the five degrees of utilization indicated on the q?"etionnaire and by dividing the sum of the weighted responses by the product of the number of responding analysts and the maximum weight. Since it was conceivable that the use of different weighting systems could vary the relative percentages, tables were calculated showing percentages of maximum utilization on the basis of two dif- ferent sets of weights. (Comparison of the two showed that in only one instance did the order of degree of utilization vary when dif- ferent weights were used; therefore, only one system was presented in Annex C.) Using zero to represent the Q column on the question- naire, the weights assigned began with J,, and followed a straight numerical progression through 4 for the degrees of utilization 1, ]1, s,, and d. (The second system began with I and increased each succeeding weight by a constant percentage.) Since the r, column on the questionnaire. indicated fairly heavy utilization, the sums of the g plus $, columns were presented in Annex C to compare with the ranking obtained by the I column alone. Approved For Release 2001/03/02- CIA--RDP70T00666R000100020009-4