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Approved For #1119VCIRM ase 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S0038.0010026 - 11F140RANIXJ14 FOR THE RECORD OUBTECT: PRESENT: 21 April 1)67 Meeting with Members of State-Defense-CIA Study Group on the Niddle East, 20 April 1367 study Group and Members of the 25X1A 1. Thie meeting was held, at the request of the DDI, to attempt to get a better sense of what the Study Group was trying to do and what they would expect from CIA. After a one hour luncheon conversation and a one hour discussion following, and I both were impressed that the Group had 25X1A no clearer Ldea of their objectives now than they revealed in their Memorandum No. 2, dated 3 April. Most of the members did not appear to be familiar enough with the economies of the MiddLe East countries to have precise ideas about what an economic annex to their study should contain. At the request of several nembers, I offered to see if a packet of helpful materials could be collected for their use. (If so, I will give it to for transmittal.) 2. and I both stressed that the disparate nature of the area encompassed in their study presented problems in trying to goneralize on trends and prospects. The group hastened to agree, but expressed the hope that contributions would rise above individual country or sub-group observations whenever poesible. 3. Sone oomments by members of the group suggested that considerable detail might be expected on such things as agrarian patterns, soil and water, and prospects for technological progress in the area during the next ten years. I pointed out that we have only half a dozen or so economic analysts assigned to follow the entire area of their study and that these persons are heavily committed to NI E and NIS work as well as policy support and that cousequently their expertise was not very deep on some aspecte of these economies. The group stated that they probably would be satisfied with less detail than some of their working notes might imply. Nevertheless, they observed that ambassador Holmes was much impressed with the Importance of Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For "Vase 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S003851100100260020-1 technology to the area and that they would want an annex on technology :!rom the DIVS&T. I lie writing a memo to the DDI on our meting and will inform him of this. 4. Tho group indicated that AMbassador Holmes hoped that by 28 April firm requests could be sent to contributors and that tho study could be completed by 15 or 30 July, but they thought September or October would be more realistic. I stated that the economic annexes quite likely could take 2 months to complete. Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 25X1A 25X1A TOTHR ATOTHR Approved For ease 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S0038.0100260020-1 MENDRAMMIKR: De Director for Intelligence FROM SUBJECT : Julius Holmes Study Croup April 1967 1. On 20 April assistant 25X1A and I visited the Julius Holmes Study Group and discussed its 25X1A proposed requirements levied on CIA. 2. The group is comfortably enmconsed in &suite of rooms in the JCS area complete with conference rooms and batboy to keep the coffee urns filled and a supply of clean coffee cups on hand. 3. July 15 is the presumed target date of the study, but the group's members admit that Septetber or October are more realistic. Around 28 April Holmes plans to present target dates for inputs to the Senior Group. 4. I gave the group's members a rundown on ORR's methods and manner or operations, otressing that lengthy studies simply could not be produced uithin the group's time span and that it would have to be satisfied with fairly brief essays. emphasized this point and attempted to get them to focus on specific questions and reasonable requests. HO stated that it would take ORR about 2 months to produce the requested data in essay form. 5. Discussion was carried out with regard to the questions on changes. It seems to me that queries of this sort will halre to be banded by D.D.S. and T. Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 25X STATOTH STATOTH 25X1A ATOTHR ; Approved For ease 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385100100260020-1 6. Our aeneral invession of the group is that it is still floundering around not knowing exactly yet what it wants. Its heavy legacy in thought and pereammel from the Chinese 'Study is a dinadvantage. We pointed out the absolute leek of boolgeneity in the Area studied. T. The Away mow is projected 10 years ahead in many cases, not 5 :rears as originally envisioned. 3. Ream etendations: A. A control over the CIA lava oa the Communi Chinese aspect be instituted. At present is producing a paper for the group, but no procese has been instituted to wry knowledge. B. CIA repiesentation on the group should be maintained in its present form until the study begins to take shape, then we should step in ancLactively participete. Drafts of certain aspects of the studY are now 'keine worked up by the group. Frankly, I WY*: that another presence would be 4 waste of time; the Group siepay is not proceeding rapidly enough to warrant another ierson. I do feel, however, that more forceful and authcritative CIA representation will be necessary later on. C. I suggest that the CIS Alternate touch base with the &Ivey on a regular basis to keep up with its thinking, progress, and personnel. The some should be the case for a representative of ORR. 9. I came away 'with a feeling of dismay. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Release-2002/08/16 :TCIA4/TP7OS00385R000100260020-1 STATOTH Approved Folease SEC 2002/08/16H_RDP70S00311 Eit MEMORANDUM FOR: 00100260020A 25X1A SSDSG -006 17 April 1967 25X1A SUBJECT : Group's .Thinking? on Technological Developments in the Area. 1. Memoranda relating to Amb. Holmes' visits with AEC and the Scientific Advisor to the President were submitted principally to alert the Agency as to the trend of thinking which has pervaded the Group. There is perhaps a somewhat disproportionate reliance upon the miracle of technological development within the next decade which might so completely change the complexion of the area that conclusions reached today may not hold ten years hence. The meetings described have had a cooling effect but the underlying premise continues. 2. Not less than the technological progress of startling proportions in the development of the area, technology plays an important role in the effort to foresee the future of the great U.S. communications installations. Will Wheelus have to be vacated? What about Asmara? Landing rights? Overflights? Ability to deploy Military Task Forces wherever needed? Clearly, the thinking is not entirely technological, but is influenced by political considerations. In short, how U.S. interests will be affected when: a) Technology permits U.S. withdrawals; b) U.S. withdrawals become inevitable because of political pressures. Approved For Release 2020f11A-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 4110 14 April 1967 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD 25X1A SUBJECT: Meeting with the DD/I on Special State-Defense Study on the Middle East, 13 April 1967 PRESENT: E.J. Smith, 1. The DD/I announced that the State Defense Study Group was now the State-Defense-CIA Group, since the Director was par- ticipating at the top level and the DD/I was a member of the Senior Policy Group. In this connection, the DD/I alluded to the China study on which CIA had made a heavy input without having any control, except as coordinator, over the final product. 2. The DD/I is thinking about appointing as the DD/I monitor for the project. J Jfears being caught up in a morass of bureaucracy and paper-pushing, and doesn't quite know whether to be enthusiastic about this possible designation or to resist. 25X1A 25X1A 3. has visited the headquarters of the project at 25X1A the Pentagon and is not much impressed so far. ORR will be asked to write annexes on "Economic Trends and Prospects" and "Petroleum". He said that in his view, the project managers did not really know what they wanted. I remarked that there was some evidence of this from the terms of reference passed out at the meeting (Planning Memorandum No. 2, Subject, "Initial Task Assignments," dated 3 April 1967). I 3ommented particularly on the difficulty of writing on economic trends and prospects for a Middle Eastern area which was defined to include the Maghreb, the eastern Arab states, the south Arabian states, the Persian Gulf states, and the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, French Somaliland, Somalia, but not Kenya or Tanzania). 25X1A 4. is apparently taking he wants to manipulate the mix of n"? his usual attitude -- participation and responsi- 25X1A bility from time-to-time to suit himself. also disapproves of the use of this group to make the study; he believes that studies 25X1A of this kind should be accomplished through the IRG machinery, which he believes, according to to be the wave of the future. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 Approved For Roase 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385110100260020-1 5. The DD/I asked to visit the project managers 25X1A once again and attempt to get a better sense of what they were after. Among other things, he is to arrange for a meeting with ORB, so that the ORB contribution can be discussed. 6. I have the following impression of the DD/I's position: he wants CIA to participate and is pleased that this participation now includes membership in the control groups. At the same time, the study is nct one which the DD/I himself would have recommended undertaking, or which he feels will be terribly useful. In short, the DD/I aIpears to be accepting the project as a fait accompli; CIA participation is necessary to assure a good job and some CIA voice in determining the shape of the final product. -2- Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP70S00385R000100260020-1 25X1A . 0 a ? WIWI IS IY'It'i:l 1,. 1! iwF btifIlentIS111:VaCT; 'till'. . o o UNCLASSIFIED CO DENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS 1 Acting D/ORR / 7 Al.".. 4...._ i ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE j"---INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: 5X1 FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 4 Apr 67 2dF I-6-:-Fiwk.Tabvtiowfro8FF1caarwoitgneihR5h ? immovffixt FOAM NO. 237 Use previous editions