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r Approved For.ase 2003/02/27 : CIA RDP70S00385VM0'1002W16 j 25X1 M I4+ORAlillli i FOR TIM Me= SUBJECT : Meeting xith Ambassador Nelms and Participating Members Of the Special State-Defense Study Group CIA PA TICIPAWS; 25X1A 1- Pe,ckd t The Study Group has been. engaged in producing a paper entitled, "Near last.. Verth Africa, and the Horn of Africa -- A reed American Str gy." The Office of Economic ]Research ? < ) ~.~coommirt~ted to ,ply.} an annex ttc ~ y ei t t t , ode Ta: and Poepects, " which was delivered to the Study (oup on 14,iuly. The Study tr+oup advised us on 20 July that the Olin e-ft did not meet its needs, in spite of' the fact that it adhered to an outline which had been sulmitted to the Study Group on or about 5 July, and to whici, no objection bad been entoxvd. On 21 July, the Study Group ^uppl.ied M _ with a outline. The purpose of the meeting vas to discuss the new out a and the time within which Oil could supply the information requested by it. 2. Ambassador Holmes opeond the meeting by saying he appreciated that QER had ?y other coemaitaente, particularly during the Arab-Israeli var. He oleo noted that misunder- standings had arisen because of a breakdown of communication.. apparently alluding, eimong other things, to the failure of the Study Group to object to the ORR outline whan it was presentei. Ambassador Ecimee expressed his at cietion for the Agency's cooperation. 3. I said that we bed indeed been deed to receive the revised outline on the 21st of July., in view of the apparent acceptability of Our dicer outline. The 1 -esador remarked that through an internsl failure, he had never seen the original outline. I stated that it would be useful to review ?*tat had happend since it had &*o bearing on what could be done now. I pointed out that througut, there had been a conflict between Mat the Study pup ideally re- quired and the time the Study tip had given us to produce the anne:c. If an effort were to be made to revise the economic annex in accordance with the new outline, much State Dept. review completed Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP7QS00385R0001 0260010-2 2, J 7967 Approved For,ase 2003/02/27 oA*RDP70S00385 00100260010-2 more time would be required to do a decent job than had been available in the past.. MaroovWP there were some things which could not be done at all, because of a lack of basic data, and others which could only be done in a time spas much beyond any VhiCh the Studq thfup could contemplate. Within these limit?tic*s, 4 take of a docent revisiaa would require eiX to eight weeks. 4. Ambaesmor Hoimee then asked the meebers of the Group to ant on the possibility of holding up final distribution of the etu y until an tic annex could be produced in six to eight wee M. Several members, including Captain Alexander, VMff.. E .t of all", said that the study really ought to be -liebed in its, final form within the next; week or two - , of Most use mad that it would be bettor to do without an ec mic nex than to delay the Paper for as mueh as, two months. )jr. Lewis, the State repre+ ntativ , made the ortia kt -observation that it would peWhepa be better if E # a -assets were held in reserve for a additional. studios which Might be generated by the main report. 5? At this point the CIA, representative o n the Study gip, r e an uatf *ate intervention. He urged that an economic annex beprepared in the period of time that I had specified, and that the in stud fares rd in the meantime without the sec. pointed out that the meft re tjane of the study could stand without the annex 9, Be ver ; euVP&~ by r other member of the group. 6. I remarked the the discussion so for had seemed to reveal two things. Th* first we that the main f` ndings and recotr mendatim,s of the Study p paper were not very sensitiv to the presence or absence of an economic annex. I suggesi e4 that if this were the case., and if it were also the cane, as Ambassador 116,1m e bad remarked earlier, that US econo jc policy initiatives could not be undertaken for some tune, it might be better to scrub the economic annex, since there was no point in doing something which would not be of much use. If, on the other hand, a decision were made that an ccontaamic annex was necessary., than the conversation indicated that the was Willy no need for CO to adhere to a 6-8 week schedule, which had been bowed on a compromise between, rg cy end the time required to do a fuller job. Under these circumstances, it might be better it M were to take three or four months to do the job. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/02/27$rd r-P70S00385R000100260010-2 Approved For 10 ase 2003/02/27 CIA-RDP70S00385f#0100260010-2 7. Anbeesador flab a Vat he was having a meeting at 3:30 with General VhaguMr, accordi to Ambassador Holmes, has 'managerial e ' over the paper. He also was plazming a meeting veer N with the Senior B 1icy Group. He proposed to l the following two alt natives before General ti feeler and the Policy Grau : a. Publish ' study very soen without an safe fix. b. Publish the study very soft Vi tbout an e0MOM a anoex$ but aak On to evpP4 ime within th:t to four =Wtht for separate Publication. 8. the dive ion, the Group that tbaw should I e no smote PAY010110 4=M, and also agreed that { had r been asked to le one. It wag mutually agreed that the c .c ammac waWA contain a section on etrolanan. This secti.E would not, as Ambassador Holmes gut it, discuss "petrole n qus petrole nn, u but only in the Context of its efface at fb* rtb s d development pxospecta of the couxztr1*4 covered. This tats a aaentially the tre Etment that had b given the subject in the ( I*per av nitted to the ftAr ;Troup on 14 Jule. 9. It was agreed that if a decision wears made to write a new ecr is annex, would not necessarily rigidly follow the Study Group outline on 21 July, but would conform to it as closely as possible. 10. Ambassador lr s would like the new aaa ax to have a section on the effects Q f the Arab-Israeli war on the e0onimies of the curies ce ced, acme iticaaal sub- regional analysis, more projections, more de' ail can some of the c auntrie s, and a bee fed up petrole section. I pointed Dut, in this tic, that our resources were limited, and that we had bow able to study only a few of the countries of the regUm in any detail. Never, jr, some cases, lack of data would necessitate a rather "thin" presentation. script, 25 July 196'x'., 25X1 A 11. The above infanx tjon was conveyed to the ? 11ThII at a eeenton immediately after the meeting. later in the aftexnooct, sal } to MY that the meeting of the Seen or licy traup would not be hold until 21 August. In the meantime, Ambassador Holmes had net with General Wheeler, and General. eler bad said that it would be ~r.A Ar. Approved For Release 2003/012j; If -RDP70SO0385R000100260010-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP70SO0381000100260010-2 25X1A 25X1A der-irab:Le to have an ocommia we" j thomfore, we should go aheet. I e reseal * a to that the agreemenxt reached at that the op , on iWU 1* Ova 4 put both to Genwal Whee the Senior Policy Or sot bee adhered to. r` him that I assumed he -was acting as a CIA representative on the study group, and that I vaz s1 we h ap ciated the diffeerenoes between a unilateral. decision by 4owula Wheeler on t -incurred in by the Onior Policy group, on ch 1 sat. I told him that I mould call th' development ip the attention of day ; ipaal.s, who sou then decide why to accept the situation or to speak further with Feral. r e fer a or Ambassador Holmes . I told I that ifs decision "re made to go Behead with thei amum., we would produce it in a 3 or 4 meth period, no agreoad to at the meeting. 25X1 A 12. I called the A/r/I and him the above info ration. Dr. Proctor ? eluded there wow- thing we could do but go eed the wam. is asked me to adfse at this new deeveslopment and of his decision, since Iwas going 25X1 A to a meeting at 10 o'clock today. Dr. Proctor also suggested that a iLraft tollDwing the new outline actual .4 be written now so :ter to reveal the art in which edtttional research w s nece:esary. I conveyed all, of this to asked 25X1 A 25X1 A him to stall and give our decision to 25X1 A ]proceed, and to repast tol that we plan to take 25X1A 3 or 4 t oaths to do the - , ] escri on at the meeting. "5' Acting Deputy rector Econwic Research 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/02/27 C#4RDP70S00385R000100260010-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP70SO0385R000100260010-2 STAT 9 a STAT STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP70SO0385R000100260010-2