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Sanitized - Approved For Release : NEB V,T32LD. TELEG1'-'V AND SUN APR 21964 Castro's 5tr e y shelved New Red Am-Chos, o - Coups CP YRGHT LEON DENNEN CPYRGHT'' Newan?ner Enterprise An. According to Allen Dulles, the non-Communist ri a t 1 0 n S have no policy to meet the challenge of Red subversion in the undeveloped countries. This is a disturbing admis- sion by the former chief of the Central Intelligence Agency. Communism has been a daily s` ` ? threat to western society for close to 50 years. Yet it is trag- ically true, as Dulles asserted in a recent speech that the Free World, the CIA included, has found no effective antidote to Red terrorism and subversion. Latin America is the latest case in point. President Johnson, in his effort to chart a new course for the Western Hemisphere, is trying to revitalize the Alliance for Progress. Yet the alliance, it is clear, will remain a dead letter as pong as Latin America is in the grip of Fidel Castro's terror. Specialists on communism, in fact. have noted the emergence of a new and subtler Red strategy in most countries below the Rio Grande since Castro's recent visit to Russia. CPYRGH Premier Khruslichev seems to have shelved, for the present at least, Castro's plan to sub- vert established governments and promote Red regimes -patterned on Cuba's dictatorship. In- stead of frontal attacks, Moscow's new policy concentrates on limited acts of terrorism de- signed to keep Latin America in a permanent' state of political and economic chaos. This is especially evident in Brazil, Chile,. Colombia, Panama and Venezuela. According to reports at the United Nations, Fidel Castro, since his return from Russia, has launched a new drive to recruit young Latin Americans for his school of terrorism. Dubbed the "Academy of Terror" by the recruits. The crhnnl is located at Minas del Frio, a village in the Sierra Maestra. It is from these moun About 10,000 young men and women from +ariouo part ..~ +l,n