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Publication Date: 
April 30, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020067-3.pdf115.53 KB
Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020 - FOIAb3b SAN DI ZG0, CALIF. WIION it. 111,303 S. '213,743 APR30 S. Vied Nam V1/ar Vital Test- Dulle's By HOMER CLANCE Allen, '. Dulle,_yesterday Sailed the war in South Viet Nam a "very important test case" which the U.S. and South 'Viet Nam governments, must win. Dulles, former director of the pentral Intelligence Agency, told a news conference here that f the Communists win, Indonesia and Thailand will then all to Commupist. subversive apparatus. "It would be very disastrous for us in Asiaand in the world," he said, He said Indonesia "today is ]particularly threatehed" by the Communists. LAW WEEK FETE' Dulles is scheduled to speak at a San Diego County Bar Associ- ation luncheon today in the Ter- rance Room of the Community Concoursd as a feature of Law ,Week activities. "We should not aspire to be policemen for the world," he said. "However, there are certain times and certain.places where you have to show your strength or the Communists will take over nation after nation." "The logistics problem is very much more difficult than it was in Korea," he said. He said that in Korea, it was known there were many Chinese troops across. the Yalu River, but it' was not believed they would en-1 ter the war there. I He said that the.Soviet Union and Red China do not like the', stepped up activity in the South Vietnamese war, but "they doi not like each other, either. "Neither wants to back the other, yet neither wants us to succeed," he said. Dulles also said he hopes it will not be necessary to send in massive U.S. ground forces in Viet Nam. . He said government leaders are opposed to this "if the war can be won any other way." BACKS JOHNSON Dulles said President Johnson should be given latitude while we are "sailing in very trouble waters." He added that t e President, secretary of state a d secretary of defense will. " everything they can to avoi (full-scale)" war and get an hon- orable peace." He said he will discuss the problem of negotiating with the communists at today's meet- ing. a The best hopes for avoiding al world war, Dulles said,.. are to' negotiate with the Communists and to encourage cultural'ex- changes and other relations with them. "The more they see of us, our strength, our way of life, our way of law, the less,danger of war," he said.. Dulles, who headed the CIA for eight years, said he doe- believe the daily air strikes on North Viet Nam will stiffen resistance of the Communists. And he said he does not foresee another Korea in Viet Nam. PROBLEM FOI .PEKING He said he bases the - latter belief on the fact it would take Red China "quite a while" to get troops into action. Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020067-3