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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 1, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 3, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020093-4.pdf59.14 KB
Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP70-00058 HUNTSVILLE, ALAI. TIMES I e. 40,043 S. 40,485 Front Edit Other Page Peg. Pape Date jAN ~$ 0 briefcase full of .important secret ; Soviet; Docu, mtntc . senko.later fled to the United SStateswith ~a'sizable was contacted by the Ceaztral~r~x~e11ce.,'lgency.. I Switzerland protested to the U. S. Embassy last, February when Soviet scerct agent 5'ouri I\Tossenko'{ being used as the happy hunting ground for spies .of all nationalities. A communique issued by the Bern Department of Police and Justice warns' in particularly vigor- ous terms against the use of Swiss territory by.:; .' foreign secret agents to spy. against any "third country." These .illicit dealings are` under constant I watch by the Swiss counterespionage the com- munique states. I The latest incident, which provoked the out- burst of Swiss irritation, , occurred a. few days ago. Police caught Jon Hidos, third secretary at the Romanian embassy in Bern, passing funds to an. agent and- entrusting him with a further mis-' sion on behalf of Communist Romania. Two weeks before Jon Hidos was caught, Swiss counterespionage reportedly discovered - a :J whole network being conducted by spies from East Germany. These ' agents were operating in is. Austria with money and instructions transmitted"' ransmitted `- PAM-Little PARIS-Little Switzerland is sick and tired of':! Chicago Daily News Service I Allen Dulles, then OSS chief in Bern, was in-V volved in the July 20, .1944, attempt on Adolf.: ' Hitler's life by 'anti-Nazi German officers. His activities during the' war led to several protests by the Swiss authorities li.i.t.i2 u..i.5.r< Approved For Release 2001/0.7/26: CIA-RDP70-00058R000300020093-4