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Publication Date:
November 30, 1966
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NOV 3 0 1966
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on Wilson Futil& I S~cuItion
Woodrow Wilson, 28th Pres-' events and a careful exami- for him to oppose the device,
ident of the, United States, nation of all his acts and which the Senate sought to im-]
died more, than 42 years ago. utterances , in the light of pose by separating the League ,
Now comes a book about him what was known at the time of Nations covenant from the
written by the late Sigmund they were made. Versailles peace treaty. Here
Freud famed Austrain psy- This writer, as a student at was a man who said 'in a
chiatrist, and William C. Bul- Princeton, not only attended public speech: "I would a
lift, former United States the lectures on constitutional great deal rather lose in a.
ambassador to the Soviet..." government delivered by Wil- ' cause that I know some day,
Union and to France. It'?son but had frequent confer- will triumph than triumph in a,.
endeavors to tie together.!, ences with him, particularly.' cause that I know some day!
psychoanalysis and the mak- when, in the fourth year of the will lose."
ing of national and inter- 'college course, it became a If Wilson had any of the i
national policy, by a chief. , regular duty, on behalf of the characteristics of a "father;
executive of the nation. undergraduate press club, to complex," they were hardly;
Look magazine in its cur- deal with Wilson as president observable to those. who had
rent issue prints, a conden- of the university on subjects contact with him personally
sation of the book and also a of news interest. and in covering his public'
rebuttal by Allen W. Dulles, When Wilson was nominated I career,
former director of the Central for the presidency in 1912, the After Wilson suffered a
Intelligence Agency, who calls .- Associated Press assigned this stroke in September 1919, he,
the study "an ill-founded , writer to cover the, campaign. was, of course, virtually
attack on the character of For more than eight 'years. incapacitated, and decisions
one Dulles, wour hog studied s under. thereafter, it was a daily hers of the cabinet. But r r
responsibility to report na- to that time lie had the fore-
him at Princeton and knew tional and international news
him personally for many from the White House. During sight 'to League champion concept as
years, declares than there is that time, the writer became the only e of of Nations
"a deep note of bitterness in an intimate friend of Joseph
this book." P. Tumulty, the President's Peace. The United Nations,.
The 'chief point made by : private secretary.. Tumulty's it carry out successor, the ideastruggling
the authors is that Wilson admiration for the President o carry was one the great-
had what is known as a never ceased, even hough. eft Wilson. of American Presidents.
father complex," and from . there were occasional differ- :.' He is to be revered especially
this all sort. of psychoan- .ences of opinion. This corre- lytical conclusions are drawn. spondent, too, differed with. for his forthright and consist-
But Freud himself, who,never Wilson on some public ques- ent advocacy of international'
had ' any personal contact tions and wrote articles on and national reforms that'
with Wilson, admits in the certain issues pointing out that continue in the laws and
ook that "a more intimate another course 'might' have policies of today.-He had his
owledege of a man may been preferable. likes and dislikes, his prej-
ead to a more exact efts- The authors of the new book.' udices and his convictions. But,
ate of his achievements." claim that Wilson was a 'weak to g sd that in a the President It might also have been character because he "never eithings
ht years a single does in
had a fistfight ++ eight e psychs-!
onheded that-nobody can prop- in his life. Was' atric factor which allegedly..
rly make either a psychs .this really true? 'influenced the making-of al;
tric study.or any other ana- ' As the record shows; there his policies, Is to enter a field;
ysis of a ? President of the .Is no question about the tour., of futile speculation, .especial-
United States unless there is .. age of Wilson. It required' ' . ly In the absence of convincing'
n intimate knowledge of his fortitude to enter ?Worl4., War evidence,
y-by-clayyreactions to ,public ?:: I. It took strength of character 0 4%
.:~ .. :'9 s+iav. :?r..a a.:d:: vt.+?-' - ., .. .~t ..'. r,~P>.r.~a.., n,?, .~.- .K., c!giMAMM../r~i.t
Approved For Release 2001/08/20 : CIA-RDP70-000588000300010009-8.