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STATINT? 191" Approved FDdba tW&Q/WdORU4A R RT8-000 By MI TITURMOND: Hrnuirks by hint in regard to Inspection r.t the 'Combined Arms School of the 7th Arnie Training Center recently. If . By Mr. ROBERTSON: Address entitled "Deterrents to Economic Growth," delivered recently by A. L. M. W1g- gins, chairman of the hoards, Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville & Nashville Railroads. lfai taville. which will appear hereafter u, the -Appendix. By Mr. 8k ALL. Article eiftitied "How Much Longer Will the N,tvy Ignore the Facts?" published In the Maritime Reporter pf April 15, 1961, dealing with the advantages of routing more naval work to commercial shipyards. By Mr. ANDERSON: ? Article entitled "Crisis in the Hospitals," written by Selig Greenberg and published in the Progressive for May 1961. dealing with the problem of high hospital costs, which will appear hereafter In the Appendix. . By Mr. CARLSON: Article entitled "Democracy Under the Guns of Cold Wctr," written by Roy 13.ol;,erts, editor of the Kansas City Star, and published In the May 7, 1061, issue of that publication. . Is%, Mr PROXMIRE: Article entitled "Radio-TV: Collins En- ters NAB Lists," dealing with an address delivered by Leroy Collins, former Governor of Florida, and president of the National Association of Broadcasters, to the member- :hlp of that organization. By Mr. SALTON$TALL: Articles dealing with the proposed estab- lislirnent of a Cape Cod National Seashore Park. By Mr. DOUGLAS: Ai title entitled "Expense Accounts and Taxes,- published In the New York Times of May !i. 1'J61 Ai?tlc:e entitled "Duties Against Dollars," published in the New York Times of May 4. 1081? dealing with the preservation of ti.? Endi.tna Dimes area. By Mr. V,'ILEY : Letter data' March 15, 1961, from Leslie H. F'ishel, director of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, proposing that a com- memorative postage stamp be Issued in horror of Frederick Jackson Turner, a preeminent American historian. By Mr. IIUMPIHREY: Article entitled "Reporting at Large with Bob Murphy," commemorating Cedric Adams, and published in the Minneapolis (Minn.) Sunday Tribune of February 26, 1961. By Mr. JAVITS: Article entitled "Public Schools Died here," written by Irv Goodman and pub- lished In the Saturday Evening Post recently, which will appear hereafter III the Appendix. "ISSUES AND ANSWERS"-RADIO AND TELEVISION PROGRAM Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, on last Suni jty the, .distinguished senior Senator froin Vermont [Mr. AIkENI and I appeared on the American Broad- casting Co.'s television program' "Issues and Answers." J,/ask unanimous consent that the transcript of the interview conducted by Robert Fleming, director of the ABC Washington News Bureau, and Peter Clapper, Capitol Ifill correspondent, be incorporated in the RCCORD. There being no objection, the tran- script was ordered to be printed In the 111:cunn. as follows: Is.Sni'L AND ANSWLR.'I-SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1961 Guests: Sentor MIKE MANSFIELD, Demo- crat, from Montana, and Senator Goosor D ArttEN. Republican, from Vermont. Panel: Robert Fleming, director, ABC Waahln'gton News Bureau and Peter Clap- per, Capitol Hill correspondent. The ANNouNCER. From Washington, D.C., the American Broadcasting Co. brings you "Issues and Answers" . Senator Mixz MANSFIELD, what are the issues? Senator MANSrrELIa Well, there . are so many Issues In the field of domestic and foreign policy that it In %lmost Impossible to delineate them. I -am sure though that our interrogators during the course of this broadcast will bring many of those issues to the attention of the American people. The ANNoUNCER. Senator GEORGE B. AnciN? Senator AtxcN. I would may that the prin- cipal Issues or challenges of today are to recognize the dangers, the responsibilities and the opportunities that confront our Na- tion In these days of stress and strain. The ANNOUNCER. You have 'heard the is sues. and now, for the answers. Here to ex- plore the issues are Bob Fleming, chief of ABC's Washington News Bureau and Peter Clapper ABC's Capitol 11111 correspondent. To give us the answers, Senate Majority Leader MIKE MANSFIELn, Democrat, of Mon- tana, and Senator. GEoaar. D. ArxaN, Repub- li