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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 28, 1961
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rtApprovq,a or Keiease zuuiiu siuz : UTA-KUI'(U;? CPYRGHT Our Master Spy I`x itch of directin the t'' at are. to -`Iv the it'a t_. tip, it was not ~,urliricin^ th:,, .,Itr-n Dudes t\ottld Aced crises of 2'ra1'e detrec during his ai,gthy -? : to of ur nation's nrty% u'k. 1 ~:l: nt iascniiuwt is .'~ti', i. C"r,~uuut;t c i I t,activities is known to 1;:ii;' trade ser.vus criicisin ~~~ tic internal organization of (..IA. these cri:icisnts, STAT.INTL Put Mr. Dulles, although he maititained close secrecy I' n Cl '\ activities, newer, shunnetl personal publicity. In fact, it was because he was known as the chief intelligence atetlt of the U.S. in Switzerland in World War II that German informants carte to him in 1944 with information about the plot by highly placed anti-Nazis to assassinate Adolf Hitler. -And again the following year the Gcrtn:an military came to him to assure him that the Gcrm:.n army it is said, reflected, upon. Mr. Dulles'.' methods a s . , in Italy was ready to surrender. executive C~ffi ss+ ''tithe C~o~ #i tt xhut ce led him. to reply to critics of the / ,, . a ' s plai t'" t ? tc~tllq t $ ?`' com r, red him in this ;respect with It rot? e t TC new, lohn l~ oster Dul1e3, whb,'tried to rust th rate ~, , "N .t ' nceal what.'cannot or need not be in the Eisenhower administration as is ire m The CIA directoz'' refused, hotdc co-tnmittee's recorrunendationis and l 1 declined to force them'ipof hier:; ~'c And, in the last year and a his agency went through two'pvb ou'}.y Went Through wa.gw'.#ahe, Two Rig Crisps cident "Dulles i i l1clt ?reflet i cm. The fir to U-2 iii- ring of 1Poo collapse of the Paris summit conference and-brought an unsurmoun rift between President' Eisenhowcr"Ud``'Sdt4iet;Prein' `t Khrushchev. The second was the unsuccessful attempt last April to back an. invasion of Cuba b anti-Castro rebelst, sponsibility for this 1nikalculls66n he;drdeted)"a` v i investigation of the CIA, which hwd beea.in charge-of the planning and training of -tha invasion io .: In both inatancq,.,id1r, DuU.e"Loff* d Ito tb1a:#td ,qgp goat and resign,, but both Presidents;; EtscalWt~rtr,td+ Kennedy refused the offers. Both-tames po*orful'friettds.. in Congress rallied to assure:. Mr. Dtalleq he would i able to end bis long..t r of government ,service with' honor. Thus he was rib to ,lsta.y long enough to ? fulf ilL ore of his f des fee Of ^. iai. staff., ltp,-: y t' 1 ft 1 . +t, `V the new' CIA h dmr J y., -' Hove which already haI' ? Mr. Dulles instituted 'at.least one drastic change in 'p-; procedures. When he became the 'nation's chief In. .w' d,, ~-in Swittctt y a World War II, Institut d Change . l )I In Si roeed tires the ol "fashioned persoit- py to - person, word-of-mouth method still was the basic mode of operation. The tradi-. t ,n of secrecy still was so strong at the, time that 'the serf of British intelligence was known only as "The Brigadier'"and his real name, Menzies,, was not even mentioned at cahiriet meeting's. *,,'Switzerlandduring the war, U ish intelligence agent, l tit Or t?. Jnited States: That Approved For Release 2001/03/02.: CIA-RDP70-00058R000200120057-4