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March 17, 1963
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MAR 1 7 1963 For Relea,e_20,00L05/24 : lo Invcision ov --ma By DANIEL MASON ? A PLOT TO BOMB the U.S. Naval Baseat Guantanamo, Cubn, with U.S. planes bear.. iing fake Cuban insignia to manufacture an "incident" as an exCuse for an invasion. ? A Dixiecrait National Guard general doffing military uniforrirto hire out as chief 1 of .a mercenary bombing and strafing air force against Cuba. U.S.,citizen air pilots hired at $2,800 a month to attack a -peaceful cube. US. Navy jet planes lined up on air strips at Key West, Fla., poised for invasion: ? U.S. frogmen sneaking-ashore an- the- intended ;invasion beachea of Cuba to chart them for the Invaders - a ? V ? . . ? A Of. aircraft.carrier, jets in battle position on her flight deck anehored off Cuba? : U.S. Navy fighter planes directly involved in keeping Cuban planes from protecting their shores against the invasion forces. Thus ? two years late ? is being reluctantly unfolded the sordid story of how ? Washington's atomaniacs almost touched off a world thermonuclear war on Cuba's island - shbres, a disgraceful story of the duplicity, trickery and venality involved in the Bay of Pigs fiasco April 19, 1961. Far from being an attempt by "democratic" Cuban refuge to recapture their homeland, that 40 _ Under the leadership of Allen The :Ipirpoli?lio-rry,-Iiiess he most shameful episode in Ameri- f W. Dulles, ,friend of Wall Street to seep out from the tigh ' can history turns out to have and the Gerinan monopolists who clamkoesi cover., of secrecy late been an unsuccessful move to started two world wars on con-. February, when it became knorita refasten the grip of Wall Street quest. And it was this same CIA, that four U.S. plane' pilots had ' on Cuba, with Batista thugs and under the same Dulles, that, dur- died in the reckless, irrespoludble mercenaries as willing pawns, ing the Kennedy administration, Bar of Pigs invasion of Cuba: planned during the Eisenhower carried out the Bay of Pigs at- For two years that had been ' administration and executed dur- tempt on a sovereign nation in known by a select few in Wash- ing the Kennedy administration, violation of all law and decency. ington; but it wasn't until Re. Chief accomplice was the Pen- publican leaders in Congress de- INVASION AGENCYtagon, whose top, brass, also rifled to use their inside know- t totally conteat`ptuous of U.S. ledge in a partisan political move Chief villian in this outright law, provided armaments, ships that it became public That violation of U.S. law, interns- these Republicans were not be- planes and even men for the lug patriotic in their action is tional treaties and the American invasion. democratic tradition is the Cen- obvious, since they had known . _ a tral Intelligence Agency, CIA, bout the aviators' deaths for which a British wit has said two years themselves having stands for Cuban Invasion Agen- t nau cy. It was this aggnty, a center of urAPPI3Q1691,3eFOd* Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000200090130-6 on its own, that planned the operation mid hired and trained ,. THE PEOPLE have a right ,to know ? Eisenhower and Kennedy Administrations,, frr planning, training and direction the,:0 ' ion almost two years ago, who recrui who paid the huge sums involved in . where the money came :zoom. ,.,. .. The people have a right to know who coflt?4 plan to bomb the U.S. naval base at GuantatiaMO,,bliba;laid it on the Cuban government, so that U.S. militari might could bb burled into the invasion. From the fragmentary evidence already revealed, it is .obvinue that the Bay of Pigs invasion was intended by the Central Intent. gence Agency, and the atomaniacs , in the Pentagon and olse?Oere_ 1 In the government, along with their friends of the ultra-Right, tha , Republican leadership, the Dixiecrats,, Dot only to smash Cuba, but' to provoke a military confrontation with the Soviet Union, which , could have touched off a world nuclear war. These are dangerous men. They must be exposed, and ?Isolated, , so that they cannot do any more harm. Sadly enough, they are stilt: actively pressing for a war against Cuba, for military cOnfrentation'?1. with the Soviet Union. They have the gall now to try to twist the defeat at the Bay of Pigs into a defense of the CIA and a new propaganda drive for an invasion. Involved are elements within President Kennedy's adminis- tration itself. And the ammunition for the attack, directed in the first place against Kennedy, is undoubtedly being supplied .by the CIA:,; headed by John McCone, an industrialist, who backtil*Richard M. Nixon in the 1960 Presidential elections, and is uxorious as a. , warmonger. And this McCone was appointed by President Kibnedy . hhrlo? 1 self to replace Allen W. Dulles, discredited because ait'Ahe.ilay of Pigs fiasco. . . ? ,? A These dangerous elements do not'agrie declares that "we do not believe' that-war,ixt national advantage." As I matter of tact, the, 1 ',pressed view and the will of the American penple II,: , it should. be obvlous,to the President:951,ft : Americans that aPpeasing. these ultra-Right ato , mai halt their dangerous course. There Is no c94r9t1,484 , I them. And they are aided W. the PertIOUalardign, , , : A. , I under Truman, and continued by the EisenhowerLap,p ? ; . Ministrations.. I , ,,; . The .Kineticari,people made It clear, A iiiey did not *ant an invasion of Cu*: despit, all the propaganda in the press and on rjdlo an.. Wide Gallup n'oll, only 20 percent or thine q want" ' invasion pled', given during the October Caribbee crisis.'; fink , t two thirds hail'atrong opinions against invasion. This reacilen by the people has forced the warmc hers to ,pull' ' in their horns. Sen. Kenneth Keating CR-N. V.), the i lost rabid of. the warmongel rtitidniibredlY Ravincread the reports)the Gallup?, i poll, suddenly i 1 *treated from his previous position SI admittedi that a war wit i Cuba would be dangerous. : ? f. , President 4 tinedy should take a lesson from this. i only way to halt the uIIight is to resist them. They are 'La ;Wined only , by the pressulli t , the PeoPra .' Th e Amer itil 'people want peace with-Cuba. Anil 11/ le Presi- dent comes cottl "forthrightly with a position for ,pfitot,' Is ...b. Cuba, the. 4onerican ,opettile' will back him to the hilt. ? ? f aiovtrwrite to ..episident Kennedy urging him to retest i- nons Invasion of COD,: that he restore full diplomatic and. W4 lc *stations' with the soveitign republic of Cuba. i Also writtl congressmen and senators in big a full invettatntion to reveal those res bli.4/44 We 1 ttgo n io akisiirAli,felnnd- ' and direc ;ion HI Vie Day of Pigs invasion and olic.o el ais men s fii enemies of 'ii' 'atonal interest. if.`? .1 APitiroved Fo rRe I ease\ 2000/06/221: : -t 1A---14-D P70 -00000002000901 30-6