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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 Th YOU $t?r ni~tu r. DomId?$ letter to i T rc t nt ttt,,n, &ud t chmu* s he autl and ate.. t ? f' .. : tiu.'uce'. , .t1 tint tot y; U s ,# they a more pxez t tbam se- #4 I 3'L4 the iv vcI Of OM C 89wra=ffut r scores t * t ." cve1oged we" - in o u r d t ti c titutions, but aim that tit U ,tt : tare .tong to brim ett the - the * ?1y nd p aet' eve oor- I i usti t',it . . r thou b zhe e t of a s +M1.t3.:tat.1 ti : o` 1icYs dDonaldf ?tea not a t p d, the GO'e =ftlt MO low r yes objectives t' : the vii . b he: vi be field of foreign ar trs. ttt r as the c . t i 1 i,2 t e J n ?..q ~ of . {:., I std 1C?' a C' artJf lit to ?t t r with y . t at y u r convenience and 41.x" se Of t 1m UIOP we are tr y:1, = to do in tbt.8 3' e1d in ) n t1on of our GoVe=gW !t's ~3oit '. A e Jd. Duller, Ii etor DDP (24 May 61) Rewritten: O/DCI 26 May 61 vgd Distribution: ` j prig & 1 - addressee i :-" DCI Ll~ - ER w/basic DDP - 1 - COP 1 - C/IO ^ 1Apped Fo Release 2003/05/05 : C1A-RDP80B01676R000700200 0 1 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200041-0 annually provides training for large numbers of foreign students. P,.m rtcaa are assisted in studying abroad. The ecouo is develop - k ental pr+ jects of the International Cooperation . d 4 istrattion (ICA) df , o etrate concretely American readiness to help :lower developed td other foreign leaders resit in exposure to Ives, while nx ,erous project for training military, a and techniques. I a.if: not suggesting that all is perfect orit hat we could not do m -ore o it bettor, for every day brings newer testa and more severe . We will always welcome ideas dift how we can do our work ter 24 May 61) Signature, nded. Deputy Director lans) Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 2 - DCI 2 - ADP 1 - COP - C/IO Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200041-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 ,able John W. McCormack House Majority Leader U. S. House R.elxresentatives . c.. Dear Couaress n McCot ack: Thank you for aeading, r. Mtldl letter to use. I well r srAernber his presentation '_and the chat enges he outlined and identified h with ras today , ' anything, they are more pressing than several years age Our very survival, and indeed the survival of wee+t .ocratic Sovernrrk t, dep-ands' in large measure upon our success in reaching the hearts and :ids of the masses of people in the lesser developed areas - in our de > s yati not only the value of free tutions, but also that the United States and its Allies stand for and are active in attexnpting to bring about the eradication of hunger and disea c and the orderly and progressive development of political and social institutions. A1thoo,gh we have not adopted the concept of a special instituti cr agency, as suggested by Mr. McDonald, the Government has long been atte: pting to achieve these objective through the various branches with responsibilities in the field foreign affairs. I believe that every day the United States Infdrizzition -Agency (USIA) through the Voice of Aaxerica (VOA,) and the : r.ny offices of USIA attempts to project a factual and constructive itn&ge of American political, social, and scono- c institution . Through its leadership grants and special programs for prominent and prorxd ing, educational' and political personalities, the Department of State Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 JOHN W. MC ~/1~d~ EUGENE T. KINNALY IZTH DIST., MA s~ d For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT QCongrm of the Eniteb *tate Sou a of 3tepreoentatibeo Office of the Cajoritp Leaber 1ia jington, 0. C. may 18, 1961 Allen W. Dulles, Director Central Intelligence Agency 2)430 "E" Street, Northwest Washington, D. C. I enclose for your information and consideration a letter which I have received from David J. McDonald, President of the United Steelworkers of America, 1500 Commonwealth Build- ing, Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania. With kind regards, I am Sincerely yours, BOSTON OFFICE: JAMES V. HARTREY SECRETARY WASHINGTON OFFICE: MARTIN SWEIG Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 + W + ( O MACK QCongre5z of the uittb -tatt oueir of Atpret trttatibrs c ffirt of the a!oritp Itaber a:= Ire must constrict an ar.. ira to s t o reach r ?>t-t`3 ": i..*1i7:' of t,`:f. O;'CN:'AY'V pP.Ople of the free and cap Live 'r7Cr ds. This appaaatu:' insi..,t of tra InF 1 Americans and nationals of other Thru-''s who are ,?F eal to e A.trer: ~'.an ;_.ea1 of freedom, peace and der'ocra:.ic life. The-.- , , r educa.-Pd and ., ed to advance in every corner of the world our ;'ores _n ::, .'.icy and OLr i?niy ; C3, and economic principles. 't'hey must be hand as( *.rained in '} F ecfroeati%, -J-.1r .ideal 'f :. 1.:i_ t Ii ac 1:.4 such as labor organizations, fraternal organiza.',ions., Farm organza Tone and all ~ irds of as:x ciatior?.,, i_rc : to the county hack The basic ideas which they could advance are stated in L,: ; .,lar,t.ic Charter. It is the frame within and upon which can b~ built a co-r_:lete ideological structure. The Soviet Union has been expounding the id=:a that it is the champion of the poor people of the world and that the United Crates is the oppressor of the poor and the champion of money-hun,gy capitalists. This must be disproved, and the truth of America's desire to help all of the ;:neoPl.e of the world art, t-e. believed. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200041-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 To do these things req>ires the develnpment of ?n u,fDrma.tion end lion organization of a kind never before known ;n Amer'r-,. The Federal (o)vf'rnmpnt should; S. 1. st sal,lish P of ';ore irn rnfori,,,t ? nr, to lan strpc rvise contact nrorr, ns. a am fcr tr=,ininl- personnel. 1I*ieri f an citizens to he t.rainp,a t.r, arr. ' r pr rRt`5 n 'nrPisTi f~P'.i5~ ,? ?, ;; + r t jnrnl ? t,hcP !'Rrins oountrto; :U,fH z a _n Lnem to advocate our pro-=rams. They could be ~ir~cfi eit,ti r in the 'tnitpd -tates or in their o.m unt:ries Cl T;ordinl- uvcrry tr.e r(Fr.ti.ve itillernal po1iticAl sit. ati-ns. ~ e^pl P from various er:ployment and ethnic rol.irts shc,zld hp ^,`)o,en and assli ned to work with Ile in the varll.olis co,rntries; i.e., ~rorleers with Utorko's, fir-;rer~ vith farmers, teacl'ers !?ith teaorPrs, Trc nchmen ?.Tith Frenchmen, Indoesians with, indoesians, A"'r; ca;-s with Africans, 'tc. '.neat ',merican proincts such as the T arsFra_11 Plan, t, is = c int? Tour ro ;rsm, etc., have hrorl,-ht untold benefits to mankind ' ut, ern r>rtinatply, Est, men do not Know this. They must be made aware oe' Fiat ,-re ^ve ions nd :re onr:tinuing to do to --0-3-ay ea.r, hunker and oppression. ':?tey must be &owr that 4rnerica is the promoter of the cause of the ordi.nar,~ man A?ekine_ polit.ir?al Rrfd ~nc,nn i c freedom ^cnd t?, a t the world core irrni.st novPrent has and t?~ ~_', I ^cn- {roue to be the oppressor of +lre people `'or the 3r,' e iel f iah-fetus 'omnnrnist 1 Parlors." -j +x_ ki nr1Act roc* rds. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 Congregg of the aniteb'toteg out of tepregentatibev ?ffue of tfje Majoritp Ember asb ngton. 0. C. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700200041-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200041-0 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Dulles A copy of the attached has been forwarded to Cord Meyer for comment and preparation of reply for your signature. STAT 22 May 61 (DATE) FORM AUGN 54 101 WHICH RELACES FORM US10-101 ED. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200041-0