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Publication Date:
December 30, 1956
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Moscow Soviet.Home Service 162L 12/130
(Talk by Andrei Baturin: UUThe Machinations of Reactionary Forces in
CPYRGHT Indonesian")
(Text) Recently tension has been noticeable in the internal noli-
tical situation in Indonesia. That is a result of the machinetions of
reactionary groups in the country which, acting Urith the wide support of
foreign circles, are trying to overthrow the present government of Indo-
At the end of November a small group of officers in Indonesia made
an attempt to carry out a Coup B'Btat. The plot was headed by Col. Lubis,
the same Lubis who in 1955 had caused political crisis in the country
by his refusal to obey government orders. Col. Lubis, who occupied a
rosponsib_le post of ','hief of Staff of the Indonesian Army, was removed
from his duties. But neither lie nor his followers ry.ve up their plans
to overthrow the republican regime in Indonesia and to establish a mili-
tary dictatorship there.
The small group of adventurers as planning to organize disorders
in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, to seize the promises of state
offices, and to arrest members of thr= -overnment. The Indonesian paper
"Harian :Ra.kjat" said: ItLubis and his friends at!;empted to open the way
to Facism and the rule of a military junta. n
But the plotters miscalculated. Their -plot was disclosed. Some
of its organizers were arrested and some escaped. to inaccessible parts
of the country. But the reactionaries did not ;stop their undermining
activities. After having failed in the c ital, they attempted to com-
pensate for it in the provinces, especially in the northern and central
parts of Sumatra. In those areas power was seized by the rebellious
officers headed by Col. Simbolon, known for his close contacts ..rich foreign
circles. He said that he refused to obey the present government and
demanded that power in the. country should bo pl ac -:d in the hands of ri^ght-
wing groups.
The Indonesian governmenl, took r.r ?rres to liquidate the mutiny.
Thus it introduced a state of se-I_-;e in t h island o sumatra and abolished
all leave in the array. By decree of "resident Sukarno, Col. Simbolon
was removed from his post. Array units loyal to the government took firm
measures against the leaders of the mutiny. Col. Simbolon capitulated
to the detachments of the Indonesian army when heavy tanks surrounded
the headquarters of the rebels.
.The actions of the reactionary circles caused just indignation
among the Indonesian people, who demand that an end be put to the under-
mining activities in the country. A number of Indonesian newspapers point
out that the threads of the plot against the freedom and independence of
Indonesia lead far outside the country, to the capitals of certain western
Approved For Release 2000/06/05 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100140003-2
Approved For Release 2000/06/05 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100140003-2
states. Thus the Indonesian newspaper "Bintang Timur" draws public
attention to the fact that a short time before the armed action of the
reactionary groups Indonesia had been visited by Allen Dulles the head
.of American Intelligence Service.
"Everybody who knows who Allen Dulles is," the paper says, "will
refuse to believe that his visit-was no more than a tour for entertain-
ment." The paper points out that during his visit, Allen Dulles, in the
presence of a representative of the American Embassy, had talks with the
leaders of some right-wing political groups of Indonesia. "That only
confirms the opinion," 'Bin-tang Timur' continues, "that foreign interests
are involved in the attempts to cause the overthrow of the government."
The Indonesian press points out that the undermining activities
on the territory of the republic are financed by large foreign monopolies.
t'Sin Poll says that the reactionaries receive aid and money from America,
which in its words "coordinates the activities of anti-patriotic and
anti-national circles."
It is not difficult to understand wl.iv th ; mnPr; R1; c+ -4__-1__
security. It condemned the aggression of Lrita,in France and + , 1 rr?- Israel
oz ! naoneszan reactionaries attempt-
inn' to n7r-+r+.m,,T.r+1 ,, .n. .~
Despite the pressure on the or?rt of --hr, Uri-l-.ara + '11--, .
a vxic: uV V 1C u uiaon Erna
People's China, which was clearly manifest:::d by the recent visit of Presi-
-J -- U-L uvuuiiuas-cern
Asia--SUATQ--saying that its participation in !..hat military group would.
have hf-?P.n nn?n+nv. +!. -I-1?- "..4: __--~ . I
In Ghe field of Intern no l.CV_ 1.1.1 crntrr,rr r e+-_1----
a ectslon on the
ationalization of some key branches of the Indonesian economy where until
eennt1 v 1-.h T)11+__1, era L1 --- -
i1 c ciiuii?f u,5 01
olonialism in the country. With that aim ; t -pase -' d
Among ob-her things the Uovernmrent. ., 1.. ? -
These "debts" represented the money
D , _. _
en+ b
*6 aga
.Lituoine/ia wnicn was defending its national lnde-
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Approved For Release 2000/06/05 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100140003-2
Clearly such a policy of the Indonesian government goes against
the plans of the western states concerning Indonesia. These states would
like to again deprive Indonesia of her independence and to place a colo-
nial yoke on the Indonesian people in order to rule the country as in
the past and to exploit its natural wealth uncontrolled. For such aims
they support the anti-government activities of the adventurous elements
of Indonesia, hoping to see. their own proteges in power.
"The anti-military, independent policy of Indonesia, based on the
struggle against colonialism and imperialism, has long caused discontent
in some western states," says "Bintang Timur." "These countries look
with hostility on the establishment by Indonesia of friendly relations
with the Soviet Union and the Chinese People'siepublic. Since the govern-
ment showed firmness in carrying out its anti-colonial policy attempts
continue without interruption to cause the fall of the government, which
would clearly be in the interests.of the western countries."
The intensification of anti-government activities of the reactionary
forces in Indonesia was certainly caused by the fact that the question of
wester.. Irian had been placed on the agenda of the 11th Session of the
U. N. General Assembly. The Dutch colonizers who had seized that Indo-
nesian territory by force are stubborn in their refusal to return it to
Indonesia. In that they are supported by Washington wh:i_ch, as the Indn-
nesien press points out, "would like to turn western Irian into a military
base of Serno, into a, playground of American monopolies.
Apparently the colonizers had been hoping; with the help of their
creatures to cause an acute political crisis in Indonesia and thus to
weaken her position during the discussion of the question of western
Irian at the G-neral Assembly. In that connection "?-!;. rian `Lakjat" justly
says that the undermining activities of reaction in Indonesia answer the
interests of American and Dutch im>crialists who are attempting to split
the forces of Indonesian people.
All sincere patriots of the ,young Indonesian Republic severely
condemn the machinations of reactionary ..n,nd imperialist circles of the
West directed against Indonesia. They are, fully determined to defend
their freedom and independence of their motherland.
Approved For Release 2000/06/05 : CIA-RDP70-00058R000100140003-2