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Document Release Date: 
August 3, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 2, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130067-3.pdf62.82 KB
4 R' . '() .MitsROR SEP 2 156 Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-000581ptQ9jk' %1 CIA's Dulles Tells of New Red Tactics y SAM FOGG CPYFNGTON, Sept. 1 (INS). warned Saturday that Italy, France and Indonesia are the main targets of new Communist infiltration tactics devised by the Kremlin. Allen W. Dulles, director of the super-secret Central Intelligence Agency, described the new Red strategy as being that of "parlia- mentary conquest" in which the Reds try to infiltrate and take over legislative systems of free world nations. His views were made public by the House Un-American Activities Committee which is conducting a study of new Soviet cold war DULLFS, IN a statement sub- mitted to the committee, said the new Kremlin policy was spelled out by communist boss Nikita S. Khrushchev in a speech before the 20th Party Congress in Mos- cow. The CIA director quoted Khrushchev's remarks and said: `Translated Into a little less flamboyant language, t 1118 means that the Communists propose to infiltrate our free legislative systems, to take over our parliamentary governments and use the freedom which our system of government gives to destroy all vestiges of that September, 1955, and they have a representation of 39 members or 15 percent of the total of the mist Party received six million votes or 17 percent of the total electorate In the elections of "1_n Indonesia, the Commu- 1 for omm IN PINPOINTING the s tua- lion, Dulles said: "In the Italian parlianienr of 590 members, there are now 143 Communist members. To these The CIA chief reported tat must be added 75 Nonni fellow- while 35 countries have out la ed traveling eft-wing Socialists or a the Communist Party, rank- nd- total of 218 who consistently Note file members work through in- and act with the Communists. !derground channels, and he dd- Together, in the last election in ed that in areas such as Si ga- 1953, their total popular vote was pore, Communist-'influenced par- nine and a half millions or 35.5 [ties have an Important post ion percent of the total. ~ and serve as effective vchi les el -mist activity." Dulles also noted that a re- design, which omerwise ~, a u vent Indonesian government "per- threaten to wreck the free i sti- rnitted Communist influence to tutions of lnany countries and I reach far into the Ministry of even endaner our own." Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP 0-00058R000100130067-3 "The Kremlin lea us what they prod erse have is up to the leaders of the ree world, working together as a lies and friends, to help to uncover and to frustrate this Comm ist