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Publication Date: 
September 2, 1956
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FOIAb3b r d N For Release 2000/ i- 04 : Cj&-RDP70-00058R000100130 TReds' `Pe aceul' Tactics goned by Allen Dulles Approved F wing Socialists or a total of 218, "'?"s j '- uuc .'I ho consistently vote and act submitted 120 leading American who have ith the Communists. Together analyse of crrerit~ th 1 1 Communist tactics to the com- t 1 t h n its new "peaceful" penetra- ion tactics. The House Committee on Un- merican Activities tonight re- ased a statement given ? it arlier this week by Mr. Dulles in hich he noted that the Krem- n, checkmated in the use of ruts force by NATO and other ?ee world alliances, is seeking gain to use more peaceful eans of gaining control in free ountries. Serious Penetrations He said there is no cause for 13o great alarm, but warned that ' in several countries these enetrations are serious." He ntinued: "In the Italian Parliament of o members there are now 143 14nmmimicf mnmhprc ?Pn thaca Rq- 4& WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. - lien W. Dulles, director of the entral Intelligence Agency, seer 'serious" parliamentary situa- tons posed in Italy, France and ndonesia by the Soviet Union e as e ec ions in 803 t eir. ,mittee, They include many edu- i. tal. popular vote was 8,500,000,; eators, Journalists, foreign rela- 35.5 per cent of the total. tions and military experts and The French Chamber of Dep-P. Edgar Hoover, director of the 1 zes presents another situation l i''ederal Bureau of Investigation icn inc itremlin may by study- 1 a. There are today about 150 onimunist members in the 4 hamber out of a total of about 6 0. Indonesia Strength "In Indonesia, the Commu 1 st party received 6,000;000 v tes or 17 per cent of the total e ectorate in the elections of ptember 1955 and they have a representation of thirty-nine embers or 16 per cent of the t tal in the Indonesian Assem- b y. Mr. Dulles likened the blue- p flints released in speeches by tl e new rulers of the Kremlin t Hitler's statements in "Mein mpf" and cautioned they a:l ould be studied as a clew to r, fire moves by the Soviei 11 ?.ion. After quoting from some o- the Communist party cone g ess speeches, he said: The Communists pro p se to infiltrate our parlia- mentary governments, and to uSe t freedom which our systew of government gives to destroy al vestiges of that system .. . T ere is no instance where thy" C mmunists have taken over B; co ntry by free elections or have o ained a parliamentary ma 3o ity by free elections. Un- . fo tunately, it is also true thai th Communists have moved in; wi hout having a majority; AU tus...... 'uccess of free world alliances in fencing in Communist miti- to expansionist tactics has 0100130066-4