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41 ?RI iii6vtd For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDDPITOE-00058R000100130051-0 PA G ES 13 0 X F I e r F0 1-\ BEST COPY AVAILABLE 'rather Aliztz I t:! .;!0.4-11tIon of ^ than!1:^:luv.ie 'security inforin.at.inn 'inn, 3 0 ?.:ts, 11;1 11.6'! ( ?11,,I ? '110111,1 be leaked. Nn re.poti- nft.tr:iv ? r v. p. -0.?11 Apovd For ,Release,2000/(18/245:pAcRpRA430068fttOt1 001?30051-0 N.,ft (0..,( Nor .Nr , ? ? ST. LOnIS POSAfifftRINT-64f For Release S E 00 4: : CIA-RDP70-0 ?Ii - PHILLIPS Wilson News Curbs 1CPYRGHT Defeat emselvep eporter? Develop ,wn Channels titl'ide#Defense Bottleneck. By BRIG.4ENeTHOMAS cilns fig 4LnaIyst of the ACOMMITTEE An ? diets I Means to halt "leak:17'0f in- orm at f i n th on e Pentagon was established by the aci.e,. formatien, he ' also. tolti the . tary of Defense Chutes.. .l''.,st-Dispatchc "There is no Wilson. Aug. 12;- - y :? . ' deeid we are horribly over- In a letter ?,to Olti* es E. t classified." ? ' - Coolidge. of Holten. a, 1 - HA had some etatistics show- assistant seeretaryyor% efenset4ng that the armed services else-- whom he had appointed:10 heal sify 3,000,000 linear feet a year the conninittee. Wilehrt said "herf documents for security pur- was seriously ,conee ed ?covet Pose%, and that each foot con- ? -Ctimmittee, in a. report on Ztity 2.7. said: "The study of the De- fense Department 611 far ,shows ;t. that thiormational policies and. p.rac"( -s of the Department are the most restrictive---and at the saMe lime the most confused? of an. major branch of tie fed- ? eral ;?,)Nertiment." The. comini,ttee added: "Urn. to: onately, there has' existed inn sti4 does exist in high Gay- rnment and militai circles a .i-ange psychosis that the Gov- ? ernibent's business Is not the I neople's business. ? Horribly Over-Classified.? Coolidge is well aware of other /kith/melt so LI. 'I," he has been working Into WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. , rrsli described him- '?-'E as a "blotter" receiving In- .1 the unauthorized; military infortnati ."this must : atop: anchla Coolidge to prepare' art irtic "rePort. affeitriff?; eliminate Ate threat to nail ;security." ? It appt;ars that !Wilton want extenti.the hepvy barriers 'ready serrtiundiht ,Ltnfiirmatioi .In. the ,f,'Defenses, Althtruiti Ii5t has ,itelt ? by Fe, Fit,"loakr.,-,Pf fled" ?:" laper7, ? the., 10fQ that Vi4s leaked ?IrieVer have n Th ks concerned' '' defeUte 01(Clee,...b14 of' a rtalIlrc tO inItur it"1 . defense. t fta" her. 1 ere n ? cocerned with .. that ? should labve had: ha and ? bitting been t ed it Congret blertal'N .dIsctla8 1.1n- steacf o ? and adtpied.--:'-in *gee Executive DePartni Le.aks Ealle Many take f.f' view from ' ; lieve that the ? information et .gon, tos.ether with In the office of ot Defense to' I affecting the r? dreds of. tblitte?.4 (Jut an adreelefe. 'leaks' itiosiee It tet,';.1belrr what is teener ? itrietie(c inf rather- than e in/U. 3 I1,??,?*, r);1' tr'? :h? ? r 6,11412 2000 eheets of Open ""'"r(41 (Aber words, six billion sheets -of-paper have a-security stamp Placed op them by the armed services each year. r.; 1 ? Part of the difficulty etems , directly from President Eisce. Flower. Ile was reported in his administration as beteg .Very much Concerned over hit' 'release of some Photographs of the Nike 'anti-aircraft guided. intssile. As the story goes, Mr." (Charles Erwin -Wilson, and Eisenhoster called up Erwirip Viewed' Mei ;but eood-tii-ST: sergeant style. The Secretary of . Defense, to prevent further such. leaks, concentrated thC* I n f orma. tk,ri release problem in the of- , fice of ?the Secretary of De- feuse. ? ? A ri prcixtd For Releas 0,2 0 0 Nog/2.4 -te-" p ixappzO'-e ? iioS8ROOG.1.001IOO51 , Whtt the President did not ow?.he had been in Europe the time and no one told .-was that the offending ti)graplu of the Nike had re/tie tn....released two years prey!- They Iler 1. as ty ? ? ? ? restrictive ?At sboutthe tame time,, there the Penta- ? tendene:'; 'wag fOrflc.iccit.lpetitIrc.:speech.', ecretar1,. in?ikl.ig between the service see- k A1,4;- ttr r ct attention by the reier,f? ? ..;:ec.7s friaries, in which they tried to of fr4. f of infor'mation about new weap- learinek ITat .ons 'Ile President did ilot like; otentlo ' ',hat .??-t. A 145111t, tilt three NCI 1. ii., OVA 1(41,11 ? rt., ? ? seer( s, each one 'evading ,TICtort. ? ?ion of 7pn? n than I!' ? t!...1 I . tr.or ,N I' r. FOIAb3b self the 141, helhif ?The spokesmen for the Army. and Air Voice, he also teord" ized the Information ser 6 that only the Defense ment Office of ?Publle otir insrosrinathetioeuhanorne,1011%ceglLette through whichi to Iteleglix niate appointments._ .., The Defense Deprtment Spends about two-thirds United States 'annual Midget an has approxlinafely 400;000 P sena in it, civilian and. mill with - compared 1.214,250. Per sons In all the other, agimelei of the Government cenild ed has No Policy. Olivieusly WilsonzelopS have an information policy:4 stead, he has erected 'i dim hold hack all Information ei and improper. `The a, neck he has gelded: possibly ?releffse 'Ent of the legitimate information that should be available-7 tov!the Necessarilt, re pp r te s. are forced- su ? ch itineTlIttiribt; to de velop thele Awn channels. out4 : side Wilson's bottleneck. At the' same dine the services. denied - a chance to present their stories ' or %Jews, est3blish "officibi Vaks" tot trustu'orthy reporters. , Thr restrictions of Wilson's s s.lren thus defeat themselves, is not award to imply that ? centime cu runty Information is ? iir'em; he leaked No ro-oon? ? 4 V p. r run rl ? ps-