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Document Release Date: 
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FOIAb3b Approved For Re ase 2009/p0P/243:1 -RDP70-00058R0001001 EL DORADO (Ark.) NEWS Circ.: m. 9,141 S. 9,973 Front Edit Oth.r Paga Page Pogo CPj3'irbGHPr.:r- leer-. c(ir.7inarv view is that ,P hither "in-; a free federal elections from private subsidy or listic and workab'e 'rsstiaints t irl lirnita- on campaic n coat iFirrttt?i,s and expeulitur?ea. _ bert (ore (D-Tenrr), start: investigation p mn spending. ist' Commimi is lrrapose to infiltrate our (t-he ns) fre.e lep?islative system, to take over nor r rrt^rtarv g?overnrn'ents and to iiso tlae freed',m 011r -'Vgf-ti of 'LrovernnmenF ~v\ ('s to destroy all taints?;r4tenn. ----:A r"! 1', T)aallea. rlire(wtor. Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130046-6 ase 200tQP/143; {g-RDP70-00058R0001001300 EL DORADO (Ark.) NEWS Girt.: m. 9,141 S. 9,973 Front ado /' "M page P+/-l rye j,RG 1 3 fac." My preliminary view is that ;+e c1thct? finr: a t gay to free federal elections fr m private .subside- or I * a c . e realistic and w'Qiha ~e straint.s ~ppd, 1i ita bons on campaign car i:ri zt is and expeilditu,res. ----Son. Albert Gore (D-Tenn); starts investigs n of campaign spending. The Comrnttniits .p apose to ii filtrato .our '(th free nations) free legislative system, to take over~ur parliamentary government and to use t,kiA free4vir which our systm of government ki es to dent;,. al of that sl>stem. all^n IV. Dulles, dire of 'U_. Cents rrte' igence Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP70-00058R000100130046-6