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red EDITION 6 LEGEND RELIEF PORTRAYAL Elervatians ore in feet. HIGHEST TERRAIN &ems is 10312 teet looted at 22.18'N 703?47'E TERRAIN CHARACTERISTIC TINTS (areas of unreliable relief are devoid of tint) GREEN mlor flat er relatively level terrain regardless af above No CONTOUR INTERVAL IMO few ?embed contours IndMeAs approeigate relief SPOT ELEVATIONS Maximum vertical error IG) feet 0000 Moximum possible vertical error us noMd in eiagrom 0000 106 DT OP 1121 Ile Critical elevation 0000 Lake and stream elevation 0. MAXIMUM ELEVAIION DATA Maximum elevation figures, centered in the area bounded by licked fines of longitude and latitude indicate the HIGHEST TERRAIN ELEVATION within that area, BUT DO NOT INCLUDE ELEVATIONS OF VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS. 3 1 6100 feat 61 CULTURE Dual lane rood Other roads Track or trails Multiple Hock 0.0 Single Hock R.R Power transmission line t W. PICTORIAL SYMBOLIZATION A block square indicates location AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION molo, . . Malor aerodromes runway pat.., not avoilable 0 Minor aerodromes Seaplane base NIGH GIAN 200 ... 1/41i14 300? Vertical obstructions Vertical ...ructions with lanamort siondicance above mound. PROHIBITED AREAS DANGER, RESTRICTED OR WARNING AREA CAUTION AREAS NUMBERS INDICATE INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED NUMERICAL IDENTIFICATION NOTES The representation of international boundaries on this chart is not necessarily auffmritative. Division of Insular Sovereignty (Land areas only) .. Iii CONTOUR EVALUATION OVERPRINT Contour Evaluation Overprint repre- c gross indication of "vertical accu- based on a comparison of the con- :. information on this chart with the most iic.ble source material evadable. This -orrr'' shown on the overprint includes Noal error caused by horizontal dis- aiucement only when in excess of 3 nauti- in les. This overprint DOES NOT ELEVATIONS which are generally of a higher order of accuracy than contours. The accuracy of spot elevations is con- tained in the upper left margin. KEY TO VERTICAL ACCURACY ANNOTATIONS This figure rnuot be oddeo on Ih0 heights as indicated by the co?itour ,owes shown AT the chart to obtain Al1111.1rn po5. s.ble elevotion for any selected point. L-7. Boxed figure indicates the highest possi- -' bin ground elevation within the delimited area. No contours are shown in these areas. SAW. On 61 ?A 7.707e, L ri t4L. Bein Beanie Post Neal.% MA ARAKHAM a 16? 12?N CAUTION AIR INFORMATION CURRENT THROUGH 31 JANUARY 1967 Consult NOTAMS and Hight Information Pub- lications for the latest air information; the DOD Aeronautical Chart Updating Manual or RAF Chart Amendment Document for other chart revision information. 106" 70 20 30 40 50 1 ?77'C 10 20 CHINA, HONG KONG AND THE NEW TERRITORIES, LAOS, MACAO, THAILAND, VIETNAM SCALE 1:1,000,000 INDEX TO ADJOINING SHEETS ELEVATIONS IN FEET NA100.1. Mlixs CONNED FROM HAPS AND INTEISIGENCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AS OF DECEMBER 1965 REVISED FROM MAPS AND INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION AVAILABLE AS OF DECEMBER 1955 .0.00. by ACIC 2-67 Plli000ET0051 STATUTE MILES EDITION 6 LIMES OF TONAL MAONETIC VARIATION FOR 1,6.5 100'0' 0 '.''''''0 .11II'n=h7r1 Z:erlIcZIOI:TI EDITION Vol ONC .I?1 I is obsolete World Aeronautical 01,0,5 are shown on the above index as a reference old. This shmitline relationship is also carried in the body of this chart by corner ticks and sheet numbers. CONVERSION OF FLEVAPONS .7' o 2 4 a e ii. is II le. le so ss 24 26 a a tee.... lII4, lIIhIIhIiIIlIfIlIlIIl1IIIbhII METERS , ORitoNm0 0 ' ' 3 4 5 6 7 3 OPERATIONAL NA 1:1,0C Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP69600041R001100020007-8 / LTA COMPLfTE j chm-irm ILI-CHOU YANG HO-THAN-H GG 17 + DO' :* .?? ? ...... ? T. ? ...... ? ? F20. U,LS OF EN ANG 111? 13.1% . ? rp,ntl 13 410 112? ? .... .:32 .. ? ? WARNING Flying is PROHIBITED over the Chinese Islands in the South China Sea and the territorial waters adjacent to Hong Kong 40 30 20 114? ?70 JG KG 510 SOUTH ?E50 - 40 0 20 ^ 10 JF HFE6i,r .1 L L IL L 10 20 355 40 50 112? CHINA sr: laChou Too (Island, 4 KIN 111? Gb 189" FD 8 112? SEA ?50 1140 ?40 7 0 7 ?20 if-10 :KE 2?1- 1? 120?21-0'L ?50 ?40 114? 30 ?20 ?10 KD D L L IIII"11 1 10 1" 05 50 40 30 ?50 ?40 108? 20 ITT 7? 17 Amphitrite Gra ? lboyl 111? P AR AC EL e???? .?Pattle 02 eYT? ? 1 00 ? ? ? ?CrafT.:?:cf? ? ? ? cfrady.lsland ? ? ? ? ? +100? ' 5 ? Lincoln Island ISLANDS \? . .?? 1130 02 ** ? < ---------------- + 1,00' 40 1 8? NAUTICAL MILES ITS AR i I'LT"'P I SlisTUTE MILES (IGATION CHART ),000 40 50 1 9?E 20 5 4 5 -110?F 10 20 ELEVATIONS IN FEET Users can assist in the improvement of this chart by 000606 hereon cor- rections and additions which come to their attention and by mailing directly IH COMMANDER, AERONAUTICAL CHART AND INFORMATION CENTER, SECOND AND ARSENAL, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63118. ATTN: ACDB 6 40 50 HB Ronk, Reef 112?H 10 20 40 50 WORLD GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE SYSTEM MUD MERE pow WEIN. LYME REFERENCE MAMA Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 17.20' and 27901 Convergence Nctor .3415 Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP69600041R001100020007-8 JB 113?-, PUBLISHED Be THE AERONAUTICAL CHART AND INFORMATION CENTER UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ST. LOUIS, MO. 63118 ONC