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Document Release Date: 
July 11, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 26, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP69-00642R000100190017-5.pdf59.84 KB
Approved For Releas6Z. : CIA-RDP69-00 4 R000100190017-5 lQ CIA XYMI, ONLY 26 January 1954 re thor ,o ', , US-- IM MMIJAURM Diversions to the Soviet Bloc of thorium compounds of Indian origin (as in thel'blyohemia case) will be prevented if current negotiations between the United States and India are successfully concluded. A suammry setting forth the present status of these negotiations is contained below. The United States and India are presently negotiating an agree- ment whereby India is to make available to the United States for a two-year period Its exportable surplus of thorium bearing materials in the form of thorium nitrate. The signatory on behalf of the United States will be the General Services Administration. GSA in turn will be acting for the Atomic Energy Commission, which, will take over the materials at a US port. -Bemuse of unspecified difficulties, the AFB is reluctant to enter into a direct contract with India,, GSA is to undertake to purchase up to 230 tons of thorium nitrate during the two-year period, a figure derived by adding present available stocks to estimated production, and India is to undertake not to increase present and presently planned production. India is to receive $3.50 per pound delivered. Now York which is to be paid as follows. The officially agreed price, payable out of 1% funds, will be $2.20. A supplemental exchange of letters will provide that the difference, or premium, of $1.30 will be covered by a technical assistance grant for scientific and iziustrial research. This amount ($6699760 for 230 long tons), however, will be financed from other funds and will not decrease the amounts otherwise available to India for economic and technical aid. State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP69-00642R000100190017-5