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Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0 or ? PROCIB4I-12 23 September 1959 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD COMMITTEE ON PROCUREMENT OP FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS Minutes of the Twelfth Meeting, 23 Sept. 1959 MEMBERS PRESS AEC - Mrs. Doris M. Freer AGRIC - Foster Mohrhardt AIR -Maj. Elias Bacha -Richard W. Bauer Gerald C. Cooney, Alternate JIG - Capt. E o. Gardner, Jr. LC - Lewis C. Coffin NAV! - Lt. Cdt. cd L. Southall, am ? BSA NSF - Frank B. R rs e Paul.S. Feinstein, Alternate OSD Lewis O. Evans, Alternate STATE - Leo M. Goodman USIA CIA Roth N er Chairman 25X1A2a Secretary VISITORS STATE - Charles E. Paine 1. The Chairman welcomed Capt. E. G. Gardner, 'Jr., J-2, and Mr. Gerald O. Cooney alternate Army member, to their first Meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the eleventh meeting were approved. 3. DCID 2/5. The Chairman announced that printed copies of DCID 2/5 were being distributed to PROCIB members, Alternate 25X9A8 State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file 4?11?1110111411mbiliiiiii66611 Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0 - 2 - 4, Discussion of the Rale of PROCIB Luther. ... Situations. The Chairman anneencedreceipt eransmitting a CheckList, Agreed Guidance for Emergency Planning by USD Committees. The referenced USIB document extended the deadline for the submission of Committee reports on emergency planning from I October to 1 December 2959. It also announced the 25X1A9a establishment of an informal steering group, as_, to assist committees in the preparation of their reports.was unable 25X1A9a to attend this meeting of PROM. There was extended discussion of the principles outlined in PROC1B4-15 and Attachment, 8 September 1959, summarized as follows: a. The State Department, Navy, Army and 3-2 members objected to the idea that field personnel of their respective agencies receive directions for procure- ment from the proposed Foreign, Publications Center. The Air Force abstained. b. The role of PROOIB during= emergerunrems questioned, in particular by 3-2 member, who thought that the function of PROCIB should be maintained but not the Committee itself. e. The question of financing the proposed operation was raised. The Chair- '410o6an pointed out that the whole emergency planning program, including the financing _thereof, is being discussed in WIB. d. There was disagreement as to the exact aonditions under which the emergency planning recommendations go into effect. The Chairman pointed out that the USIB Guidance paper referred to above is specific enough on this point to dispel all confusion. The following quotation is pertinent, from the document in question: "1. Committee "should direct their planning primarily towards determin- ing which intelligence activities under their present purview will be essential to the war effort, towards determining how these activities should be continued', and towards making provisions for insuring continued support to the Government under conditions of nuclear attack." Since it was evident from the above discussion that FROCIB members needed further guidance on the subject or emergeweyprAning, the Chairman proposed to call a special meeting of the USIB members of PROMS, to which and 25X1A2a Col. M. J. Raved, Ft. Bolabird will be invited. The meetingcalled at a time acceptable to=4=1. Col. Bagoogthe officer planningASDIC 25X1A2a participation in emergen and the USIB members of PROC1B. Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0 Approved For Release 2V0/08/24 : CIA-RDP68-00069A0001001S0018-0 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L - 3., 5. Report on Various Commendations. It was reported that the various commendations discussed. at the eleventh meeting of PROCIB, have been sent out. These include the general one for seleeted local employees war t to thiliatt 25)oas M6a t Ogram1 and the two specific ones for The Chairman requested and received PROC1B enden#seemnt 25X1A6a of a proposal that the recently reassigned Publications Officer 25X1A9a 25X1A6a be recommended for the Intelligence Medal of Merit, awarded. by the USIB1 has completed 3.4 years of exert/Awry work aind. is 25X1A 25X1A9a eminently qualified for such recognition. 6. New List of Members. The Chairman announced that a new list of PROCIB members and. their alternates, if any, is being prepared. Each person present was requested to ensure that the Secretary of PROCTh has on file a current letter of authorization from their organization, stating the name and, security clearance of the amber and his alternate. 7. Pro sed New p of Evaluations for Publications Procurement. The State weber presented his proposal that uat one hereinafter be done post by post, and not by an area such as Africa or Latin America. In the ensuing discussion, it was pointed. out by the Army member that Army would. prefer preparation of and transmittal of its own evaluations on its own field. personnel engaged in the procurement of foreign publications. It was agreed that future evaluations sent out by the State Department will evaluate only the work of publications officers. Agencies other than the State Department may contribute to the evaluations. Where such evaluations concern the work of military personnel, reference to the State Department communication will be carried in the appropriate military report. A sample draft copy of a proposed instruction to Athens, incorporating views of the Department, CIA and the Army Nap Seri e is attached. (PR0CIB-D-16) 8. Selected USSR Serial Publications Available_ in theleeti-Co ons. The Library".""---s member reported. that making arrangements to borrow those titles on the List not held by the Library of Congress for purposes of microfilniag. The Air Farce member made a strong plea for giving the Library of Congress the originals of titles no longer needed. by USIB agencies. 9. PL lite Program. The Library of Congress member said that hearings were held before the Senate Appropriations Committee, which in turn indicated that action on the PL 480 program will be postponed to January, 1960. The National Science Foundation representative stated. that his agency has had 32,500 pages of Russian translated in, Israel; Mr. Scott Adams is now in Poland working out, the final details of a contract there, hoping for possibly 19,000 pages of translation from the Polish. Mr. Admvs is also planning to discuss a contract with Yugoslavia. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0 Approved For Release VO/08/24 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000100190018-0 Alosmitzr-- .4- M 10. Exchange of Walications? with ? The Secretary called the attention, of PROM top. A7060 ok the Congressi..: Rftord, for 17 August 1959, which contains remarks try Senator Hulbert H. HUmphrey on the itibject "Increasing Our Cultural Relations with Eastern Europe." The exchange of publications with Hungary is one of the subjects covered. 25X1 A9a wmp-mr-F-NAINNVIII Secretary Approved For Release 2000/08/24: CIA-RDP68-00069A000100180018-0