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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 10, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1960
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PDF icon CIA-RDP68-00069A000100120035-7.pdf102.35 KB
_ Y pA~,pproved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00100120035-7~ , ? THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Z WASHINGTON 25, D. C. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT AIR INFORMATION DIVISION February 1, 1960 I understand that you have Initiated a proposal to convene a meeting of most of the Publi- cation Procurement Officers at some central location, in order that there might be a eaa e. exchange of information between the PPOs and those concerned here with the results of their STATINTL work. Since this Division has virtually the exclusive responsibility for guiding the.AFCIN Publications Procurement Program, and since we would welcome the opportunity to present some of our rather special needs to the PPOs, I am very hopeful that this proposed meeting will be approved. I would also hope that it would meet with your approval for me to represent AFCIN. My attendance at such a meeting has been indorsed by the Librarian of Congress and the Chief of Collections in AFCIN. While there are a number of subjects we would like to explore with the PPOS, there is one particular area that seems to merit special attention. I refer to the possibility of undertaking an intensive effort to obtain from the USSR what we generally refer to as, "reports type literature". During the past year, several members of my staff attended international conferences at which a certain amount of reports type literature was distributed by members of the Soviet delegation. When asked how such material might be acquired on a systematic basis, the Soviet delegates *LOC Release Authorization on File* Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP68-00069AO00100120035-7 Approved For Relea'% ,- 000/08/25 : CIA-R9P68-00069A000~i,QQy20035-7 uniformly expressed surprise that it was not already being received on such a basis and proceeded to suggest that it could undoubtedly be acquired by writing to the appropriate Institutes. While I am sure we all realize it is not as simple as the Soviet delegates would have us believe, it is nevertheless a fact that some of this published material is getting into circulation and this provides some basis for believing that more of the material might be obtained by some intensive negotiation. Due to our constantly changing requirements, we would also naturally welcome the opportunity to discuss in detail our priority needs with the FFOS and it would obviously be a great advantage to be able to speak to most of them at one time. Once again, therefore, may I express the hope that your proposal will be approved. Sioerel y yo George A. Fugh? Jr. Chief Air Informa-'lion ?ivi ion Chairman.. Committee on Foreign Publication Procurement Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP68-00069A000100120035-7