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Approved For Releas~000/09/07 :CIA-RDP67B00558#~000100110017-0 S-E-C-R-E-T RESEARCH AND DEVET,OPMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Describe the project in one sentence using vocabulary which is generally understood or which can be explained to a non-technically trained person engaged in budget and fiscal work, serving on a Congressional committee, or providing representation before such groups. Do not avoid new or uncommon technical terms if they are needed to correctly describe the project. Include classification of this sentence. 25X1A 2. List short titles, code names, or other descriptions such as - 25X1A ~ etc. Include classification of each code name. 3. Use one of the following: Advanced Research--Physical Sciences Advanced Research--Life Sciences Agent Use-Offensive~Defensive Commo Security or Deception Improvement General Commo Analysis~Exploitation of Photography Collection~Analysis COMINT, ELINT, RADINT ~+. Asub-category of space #3. To further categorize the area of research-- use descriptions such as: Audio Surveillance Visual Surveillance Missile Detection Secret Writing Photo Rectification Satellite Systems Miniature Power Source Etc. 5. Use one of the following: (a) Basic Research or (b) Fundamental Research, or Effort directed toward the increase of knowledge in science, the primary aim off' the investigator being a fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under characterized by using "leve.l of effort" as the principal program control. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 :CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110017-0 Approved For Releas?~000/09/07:CIA-RDP67B00558~000100110017-0 (c) Applied Research or (d) Engineering Research, or (e) Advanced Development or (f) Engineering Development or (g) Prototype Design~Assembly, and (h) And (1) Physical sciences or (2) Life sciences. The application of knowledge, material and~or techniques directed toward a solution to an existent or anticipated requirement--usual characteristic is that the design of end items is directed towards hardware for test or experimentation as opposed to service use. Project directed towards the develop- ment, test, or evaluation of items of equipment and~or systems for field use or operational evaluation. 6. Directorate and pffice 7. Directorate, Office, or other activity 8. Office, Division, individual 9? Company, Institute, University, principal consultant, or Project engineers. .10. Rears and dollars x 1000 11. Month and year 12. New, continuation, expanded scope, follow-on, level of effort, etc. 13. Studies, reports, prototype, service models, etc. 1~+. Within Agency or in DOD, NASA, NIH, NSA, AEC, etc. 15. Within Agency or DIA., NSA, AEC, etc. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 :CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110017-0 Approved For Release"'~000/09/07:CIA-RDP67B00558R~00100110017-0 16. State briefly the intelligence requirement against which the work is directed. Be particularly' explicit in relating the project to a specifically assigned mission or function of CIA. Next, describe in scientific and engineering terminology the research being performed. This description should permit professionally qualified scientists or engineers to gain an insight into the starting and end points of investigations under this project and how the work couples into other research being performed in the field. A free use of technical vocabulary is permissible and encouraged. If an unusually high degree of sensitivity or el&ssification is required, this description should be provided on a separate card and reference to this card made on the basic form. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 :CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110017-0 Approved For Releases!"000/09/07:CIA-RDP67B00558~00100110017-0 RESEARCH .AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DESCRTPTION 1. Project: 2. Short Title~Code Name: ( ~ 3. Category for B~F Use: ( 4. Sub-category for B F Use: ( 5. Type of work to be done: 6. Responsible Component: 8. Directing Components~Persons: 7. Reguirement By: 9? Contractor and Principals: 10. Funds: FY ~ 11. Contract Date & Duration 12. Type Contract: ~-3. End Item or Services from this Contract: 14. Supporting or Related Contracts (Agency & other .15. Participation or Coordination; 16. Short description of intelligence reguirement and detailed technical description of project: Approved For Release 2000/09/07 :CIA-RDP67B00558R000100110017-0