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Publication Date: 
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Approved For !Vase 2000t05/247C1A-RDP67-W59A000400300o02-2 latusla Inf ?mat:ion OR as& 30 october,igAA OAD JR: The AD/RR and MET WITH the Director of TRAINING and the Chief, Intelligence Training Division (0/TR) TO DISCUSS the CURRICULUM FOR the PR0PC6ED REQUIRED BASIC INTELLIGENCE TRAINING COURSE for new professional personnel. (312 hr) (29 'Oct) 25X1 A The AD/RR ET WITH the other TAWS and Messra01111111111111111111111 of FI EE ON the subject of COMUNICATION CHANNELS TO the FIELD. (1 hr) (29 Oct) !YIP MET WITH11111111111111# ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR for ADMINISTRATION, and Mr.: James L. Harrison, STAFF DIRECTOR, SENATE JOINT COMMITTP.F; ON PRINTING, RELATIVE TO NIS PRINTING REQUIREMENTS and GPO and CIA printing plant service on NIS material. (1-1/2 hrs) 21 t) PRESIDED at a meeting of the NIS GOINITTEE. (2 hrs) (28 Oct) .0.1.0a1,01:1#2002,57MiereaMORM: .1EiT WITH at ODMS TO DISCUSS the w)rk of IWO IBOS RELATIONS WITH the STEERING GROUP OF EDAC. (1-1/4 bra) (29 Oct) ATTENDLD the 13th meeting of the TECHNICAL ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE WORKING GROUP of MAC which DISCUSSED the EXPORT CONTROLS OF IRELAND, HONG KONG AND MACAO and formulated invitations for a British and an Italian technical study group on export controls. (2-3/4 bra) aggt) ATTENDED meetings of TITLE II WORKING GROUP OF EDAC which undertook a preliminary selection of those IL/II commodities to be negotiated in COCOM for more stringent export control. (3 hrs 23 Oct) A,1,01F# 24 Oct) (4 hr, 25 Oct) (4 hr, 27 Oct) (2-1/2 hrso 28 Oat) ATTENDED meetings of the JOINT COMITT7: ON EXPORT LIVEW FOR STRATEGIC CO'iMODITI7S (EDAC-ACEP) Which studied the recommerxlatione made by the Title II Working Group of EDAC with respect to reopening negotiations in COCOM on certain IL/II items. (3 hrs? 24 Oct) (4 hrm, 25 Oct) (7 hrs? 27 Oct) (5 hrs, 28 Oct) CYO: 1111.11M together WITH (0AD/raixEM Messrs...1MM ma211111111 (St/C) CONFPRRED WITH Messrs. _ OSI? AND , REGARDING methods for presenting INTELLIGMICE REQUIRMENTS TO BE FILLED THROUGH AIR RECONNAISSANCE,, (1-1/2 hrs) (29 Oct) 0/00:11111111111IL MET WITH AD/NE with REGARD TO several MAP FOLOPRS RNQUESTED -- BY HIM, (1/4 hr) (29 Oct) --Pcpprovett-ForRtstease-2000105/2*:-etA=RDP67.eOe59-AOGO4OG-3#3000-2.2 Approved For Reese 206:1404Z?jcIA-RDP67-9420959A000400300002-2 25X1A DiCG:11111111111 CO ED WITH ACIC personnel REGARDING recent REORGANIZATION OF ACIC CHART RESEARCH UNITS. Apparently a firm decision was made not to move the research units to St. Louis at this time. Of particular interest was the organization of the intelligence library section. EFFORT is BEING CONCENTRATED ON the DEVELOPMENT OF A CARD-FILING SYSTEM NEED TO OVERLAYS FOR BASIC INTELLIGENCE TO BE USED IN CHART COPILATION0 (2 hrs) (29 Oat) 25X1A 25X1A Messrs. (D/GO) and (S/Com) DISCUSSED the PROBLEMS AND SCOPE OF a CURRENT PROJECT WITH CDR. To F. ligemOcongs ONI. (1-1/4 hrs) (292%c& AIM corm= ramMasers* igraREGARDING the MID URBAN-MOSES WORK of the Engineer Intalli- ier Program ON THE USSR. learned that Phase I consists of summaries of 115 primary cities!!!!!!!!!ch have been completed but are not yet published. Tentative ARRANGEMMTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO OBTAIN the 62 SUNRARIES as soon as possible* (3 hrs) (24 Oct) Air (I/CG) CONFERREDtirril TW ltel Chief of SOVMAT STAFF CONCTRNINC METHODS OF PRESENTIM IREMENTS aCPLOITATION OF SOVMAT ACQUISITIONS TO OBTAIN INPUT VALUES. Messrs (St/C) MODPRATED the discussion. -(1 hr) (251eCT (01)111111111 (S/Com) AND 1111111111P W with I, MET wi representatives of another ()fade to discuss a currentrequest and other .problems of mutual interest. (1 hr) (28 Oct) ????11111511110101111111, ......1.M......alateraraorstrerallonsUro.memPOMINIP Balance of ORR - nothing to report Approved For Release 20W04404:11A-RDP67-00059A000400300002-2