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Publication Date: 
January 5, 1952
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0OApproved For. Release 20W7/26: CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029OW-0 SECURITY INFOI ATION ORRRR Di , .5 Jam 1952 (AD/RR information unless otherwise stated) *********#*********k***'******** *****************************: NOTICE OF STAFF MEETING * * A staff meeting to continue the review of ORR * projects will be held at 2:30 p.m., on Monday, 7 January * 1952 in the D/Z Conference Room. Projects of D/A will * * be considered first, and those of D/Z will be taken up * * if time permits. * OADRR:' Messrs. MET WITH the BOARD of NATIONAL ESTIMATES and the IAC representatives TO DISCUSS TEF1. S OF REFERENCE and ALLOCATION of PRODUCTION RESPONSIBILITY FOR SIEb3, "RMBARGO AND BLOCKADE AGAINST COMMUNIST CHINA." (2-1/2 hrs) (4 Jan) CONSULTED CONCERNING the NATIONAL INCOME AND MILITARY EXPENDITURES OF TTIE USSR, US, AND UK FOR the years 1945@51. Estimates for 1949?51 were mRiAbled- and furnished o 5 Ainformal basis. (4 hrs) (4 Jan) INTERROGATED A Soviet D MCTOR with regard to Soviet national income and financial accounts. 23AiV` hre) (4 Jan) 25X1A CONSULTED Messrs. of OCD CONCERNING the possible ADOPTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL REGISTER PRODUCT CODE AS the standard INDUSTRIAL AND COMMODITY CLASSIFIA S4WN FOR ORR. (1 hr) (.4 Jan) ATTENDED MEETING OF the R PROCEDURE SURC01 ITTEE AND PRESENTED ITTTFLLIGENCE CONCERNING alleged SOVIET PEPTETRA- TIOTI OF the VIENNA TECIITTISCIIPPN HOCHSCHULE, for which license export applications are pending; approval was deferred Pend- ing dispatch of a'State cable to,Vienna requesting odnfirma- tion of such allegations, The CIA REPRESENTATIVE ABSTAINED 25X6 FROM taking a POSITIOPT OPT EXPORT QUOTAS for 1952 FOR AUSTRIA ON COPPER REFINERY SHAPES AND SCRAP, AND ARTIFICIAL GRAP 25X6 ELECTRODES. ending since October, 1950, were approved upon presentation of 'evidence that future activities of this firm would be carefully scrutinized by FEDREP and HICOG authorities. (2 hre) (4 Jan) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-R[I Rfi;000400290123-0 /Approved For Release 20Qi 7/26: CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029GW-0 S-E-C?R??E-T +s r oar r w Y A Conti a 1 A ATTENDED the' DEBRIEFING at the State Department (OIR) OF Mr. Edward Wilkinson,; ECONOMIC OFFICFR A;TD ATTACHE AT THE US EMBASSY IN C-,'T: r'IIAGEN. THE DISCUS yION DEALT ':ITH. the FCO?TOMIC SITUATION OF DFr1kRK ITT GENERAL AND WITH the following questions of. special interest to A/E: DET7.11ARK'S continuing NEGOTIATIONS FOR POLISH COAL in the face of Poland's' unrelenting insistence on bartering her coal against Danish deliveries of American-made automobile parts; DA*'ISTI ESORT CONTROLS$ the DANISH ATTITUDE IF COCOM meetings; DANISHHLACK PFX~K'THUSIASM FOR TT DEF?'rlSE EFFORT. (1-1/2 hrs) (4 Jan) ATTENDED the DEBRIEFING at the State Department OF 111r. Edward J. Thrasher, AMERICAN VICE CONSUL IF BEEN, SWITZERLAND. The discussion provided a good picture of a number of economic and political problems of Switzerland but yielded very little new information on the question of export 2cr 1tola. (1-1/2 hrs) (4 Jan ATTENDEDa MEETING OF a working group of the OPERATING COMMITTEE WHICH DISCUSSED proposals for (a) RESTATE- MENT OF US EXPORT POLICY TOV-ARD FRIENDLY COUNTRIES, and (b) a REVISION OF THE US SECURITY EXPORT CONTROL LISTS to reflect the- US policy and licensing practices. (3 bra) (4 Jan) Messrs. (MIS) ATTENDED A T,9EETINTG of the Solid Fuels Subgroup of the Working Group ONNIE?566 IT LAS THE CONSENSUS THAT COAL NEED NOT BE INCLUDED ITT THE STUDY. (1 hr) (4 Jan) 2 1ALewis A. Jeff Jr. TARGET RESEARCH, AFOIN, CALLED ON W) IN REGARD TO COPPER S'.IELTERS AND REFINERIES IN WESTERN GFRIANY. (1 hr) (4 Jan) 25X1A (We). VISITED Mr. George Stek, ONI, TO GET DATA 25X1ARUSSIAN MERCHANT SRIPMENTS. - (1..l/2 hrs) (3 Jan) (M/P) DISCUSSED the condition of the SYNTHETIC REFINERIES IN WESTERN. GEP ANY WITIT Mr. John Tannhaueer, Petroleurm Division, MUTUAL SECURITY ADIRINISTRATION. (2 hrs) (4 Jan) (S/TR) ATTENDED a DEBRIEFING OF Major Ross Mitchell 'ho has recently returned from &tour of duty as. AIR ATTACHE IN ANKARA. Valuable INFORPNATION WAS OBTAINED ON BOTH CIVIL AND MILITARY AVIATION' IN TURKEY ARID BULGARIA. (4 hrs) (2 Jan) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290123-0 /Approved For Release 207/26: CIA-RDP67-00059A00040029-0 S-E.C-R.E- T D /S Continued (S/TR) AT the REQUEST of Cmdr. Daniel Harrington , SUPPLIED ONI WITH SOURCES OF INFORMATION ON THE PORT CLEARANCE CAPACITIES OF DAIREN AND VLADIVOSTOK. (1/4 hr) (3 Jan) (S/TR) PROVIDED Mr. Moehler of OPC ITII DATA RE- 2WAING SOVIET FAR FASTER RAILROAD P.'IAP95X1c1/4 Imo) (3 Jan) of ONE OBTAINED FROTA Messrs . (S/TR) INFOR.TATIOITT ON the CAPACITY AND TRAFFIC OF TH , PORTS OF -DAIREN AND PORT ARTHUR and DATA ON TIIC CLEARANCE CAPACITY 25'1JHE RAILROAD FROM DAIREN, (25 min) (3 Jan) (S/TR) SECURED INFOR'.1ATION ON I17DIAN CIVIL AVIATION POLICY AND OPERATIONS FROM Mr. Edward Bolster, Chief, Foreign Air Division, ;Bureau of Air Operations, CIVIL AEROITAIJTICS LARD. Mr. Bolster has just returned from a conference with Indian officials at which a bilateral air transport agreement 1 nforrrdally discussed. (2-1/2 hrs) (3 Jan) (S/TR) MET WITH the Y,ORKING PARTY OF the ETC SUB- COMMITTEE on TRANSPORTATION to continue CONSIDERATION OF (1) COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF MERCHANT SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE CONCERNING THE SOVIET BLOC, and (2) the IMPACT OF SHIPPING CONTROLS ON 1 ESTFRN EUROPE AND TIIE SOVIET BLOC. Considerable 2 ''P/.reas was made. (2-1/4 hrs) 4 T~n) (S/0) CONSULTED WITH OCI, IN REGARD TO CHINESE COMMUNIST ECONOMIC PROGRAMS AID the ROLE OF SOVIET TECHNICIANS AND SINO-SOVIET COMPANIES IN COflMtHTIST CIIINA. (1/4 hr) (3 Jan) 25X1A Dir.Leigh, OPC, CALLED OF Messrs. (S/TF) FOR INFORMATION ON the CURRENCY, EXCHANGE RATES, AND PRICE LEVELS OF SEVERAL COUNTRIES OF THE FAR EAST. (1 hr) (3 Jan) (S/TF) CALLED ON Mr. Siegel, Depart ant of COMJMERCE, TO DETERMINE Ti1E EXTENT OF THEIR UORK T?ITTI COCOM TRADE STATISTICS. Comerce will soon be able to supply all COCOM statistics, which will be in tabular form generally useful to S/TF and D/A. (1 hr) (3 Jan) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report S-E.C-RAE-T Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290123-0